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Updated: 08 Nov 2023
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The Depew Independent
May 21, 1920

Senator Gore in Town
Last Saturday afternoon Depew was visited by the Blind Senator from Oklahoma. He received a warm welcome from his many Socialist friends residing in Depew. He left here for Drumright where he was scheduled to make an address, telling the "deer peepul" why he should be sent back to the United States Senate. He talked to a large crowd at Bristow in the forenoon.
Boxing Match Saturday Night
The boxing match that was advertised for last Saturday night was postponed until Saturday night May 22nd. A Stroud negro has been matched for ten rounds with Depew’s Sam Williams. This will be worth the price of admission. A couple of young fellows from Tulsa and Sapulpa will also go ten rounds, besides the main event of 15 rounds. Joe Kader, the promoter should be greeted Saturday night with a "full house."
Attempted To Rob Bank
An unsuccessful attempt was made Wednesday night to enter the vault of the First State Bank. Entrance was gained through an east window. George Stark was on duty, the regular man being away, when he noticed a certain flopping around in the bank. He went to the telephone and called James West and ask him if he left a window up. Mr. West came down and it was discovered that a man or men had been chistling away at the east side of the vault, but had not gotten very far towards the valuables that might have been in the vault.
When Mr. Stark first noticed or suspicioned that someone was in the building he went to the Ford Service Station to call Mr. West and it happened that the Marshal of Shamrock was at the garage so they both went to the bank, but the bird had flown.
The trial of Orley Hayhurst, Ula Griggs and Lydia Cronin is on at Sapulpa today.
The Rural Telephone Company with their line running south from Depew, have completed same and are now in communication with the outside world.






It Makes the Rough Places Smooth
W. W. McFarland has recently installed a Walter Lee Trip Hammer and the way that kritter takes the rough places out of a plow share is not slow. It is quite an improvement to his already well equipped shop. He has one of the finest equipped blacksmith shops in this part of the state.
There is an old saying that "necessity is the mother of invention" but in the case of this trip hammer we are inclined to believe that laziness entered into the deal. With a few more inventions like this one it would not be necessary for the "smithy" to sweat so much.
The Talk of Today
By Joe Kader
Since everybody started wearing overalls of blue,
It made us all feel funny to think it could be true;
But since the cost of clothing is away up in the air,
The people all have organized for overalls to wear.

I saw a fellow yesterday while walking up the street,
He wore a pair of overalls, with ruffles at the feet;
He wore a norfork jumper and it buckled at the front,
The comedy was there, and I will say it was a stunt.

Now if a fellow wants to be in style with all the rest,
To try to put the cost of clothing to a lower test,
He must not dress so funny so he’d look like Noah’s ark
’cause the only chance he’d have outside, would be out in the dark.

You’ll never see the senate wear the overalls they say,
Because they have no time to throw their working clothes away.
I s’pose that they would also like to cut the cost too,
So we’ll just wait some more, and see what they expect to do.

So folks just stay together you just wear the overalls,
Until the day will come around when all the high cost falls;
Keep up your good old back-bone, keep the profiteers away,
And remember that old adage, -every dog will have its day.’
(Continued on page 2)


The Depew Independent
May 21, 1920
(Continued from page 1)

To Drill Mile North of Depew
A location was made the first of the week at the north east corner of the southwest quarter of the southwest quarter of Section 31, Township 16 North, Range 8 east.
This is just one mile north of Depew and when the drill gets down far enough the "pay grease" will be found.
H.F. Wilcox owns the lease and is to have the drilling done.
Mormons Wanted to Hold Meeting Here
A couple of fellows landed in town Thursday evening and tried to secure a place to hold a meeting. They were unsuccessful in that, but left some of their literature scattered about town explaining their religious views. We did not learn the object of the meeting the proposed holding but it is surmised they were looking for "jiners".
Came Near Proving Fatal
Last Tuesday a couple of young sons of L. J. Florence were playing near the house in some quick sand. The bank caved off covering one of them completely up. The other boy raised an alarm and he was rescued after some effort. For a couple of hours he was unconscious, but at this writing is getting along nicely.
L. J. Florence was in Sapulpa Tuesday and again yesterday. While he and Frank Hamon were driving down to Sapulpa yesterday they overtook a couple of fellows walking who asked them for a ride. He became suspicious of them and after questioning them to some extent made up his mind that they had stolen the car they had abandoned near Kellyville, so he just drove around to the courthouse in Sapulpa and unloaded them at the jail. Later they made a confession of their guilt.
Miss Gertrude Cole left Sunday evening for her home at Beggs. She made many warm friends while teaching in our school.


Mrs. Wyatt left for Stroud Saturday after school closed to join her husband. They will both be connected with our schools next year. Mr. Wyatt will spend his vacation working in a bank at Luther, Okla. They will move to Depew early in the fall.
A New Barber in Town
Mason & Shaffer have taken in a new partner. The young man arrived at the home of Frank and Mrs. Mason early yesterday morning. Of course Frank will finally recover and come back to earth, but at present he is sure stepping high.
Born to Mr. and Mrs. Ed Graves Wednesday May 19th, a girl.
George Crosswhite has purchased the Model Cafe of Elick Atteberry and will continue the business. Some time ago he purchased the lot and building. The Model Cafe has built up a nice business and we predict that Mr. Crosswhite will continue to keep up the fine standard of service set by Mr. Atteberry. Elick has accepted a pumping job with the Oklahoma Natural people.
Tom Gilreath had a little experience with a bunch of coons the other day. He captured an old one and six little ones. The young ones raised no serious objections to being caught but the old mamma coon stood him a fight and judging by the looks of his hands he won second money.
Rev. C.P. Broome and wife and G. R. McFarland left Tuesday for Haskell, Oklahoma, to attend Quarterly Conference of the M. E. Church South.
Joe Barker was operated on some time ago and is not getting along as well as his many friends would wish. He is at home in Muskogee.
Mr. and Mrs. Kinch are attending the Shrine at Weatherford, Okla., this week.
Miss Newton left for her home at Sapulpa when school closed Friday.
Miss Peebles left Sunday for her home in Petersburg, Virginia.


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Updated: 08 Nov 2023
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