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Updated: 08 Nov 2023
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The Depew Independent
May 28, 1920

Hayhurst Gets Ten Years In Penitentiary
In the trial of Orley Hayhurst in the District court at Sapulpa Saturday the jury fixed the penalty at ten years. The jury was out but a few minutes when this decision was announced.
The case of Ula Griggs and Lydia Cronin was continued until the next term of the District Court.
One of the defendant’s main witnesses was arrested shortly after the trial charged with perjury in connection with the case.
Below we reprint a couple of articles from Sapulpa American of Monday and Tuesday.

Orcutt, witness for the defense in the case of the state against Orley B. Hayhurst, tried for robbing the bank of Milfay and sentenced to ten years in the state penitentiary Saturday in district court, was arrested this morning, charged with perjury, in connection with testimony given in the trial of Hayhurst. Orcutt, in testifying for Hayhurst, stated that they were in Beggs and Kellyville on the day of the robbery, but this testimony was impeached by the foreman of the lease on which Orcutt worked near Depew.

Earl Orcutt, who was arrested charged with perjury as a result of testimony given in the O. B. Hayhurst trial recently in district court was arraigned yesterday afternoon before Justice Piltz and was placed under $2,500 bond for his appearance at his preliminary hearing. The preliminary is being held this evening.
Miss DeWayne Brown leaves Sunday to attend the University at Norman, this summer.
Miss Evelyn Carson left Wednesday morning for Edmond, where she will attend Normal for the next ten weeks.
Charlie Kinch came in Wednesday from attending the A. & M. College at Stillwater. Miss Harrington will come home Sunday.
Marion Pate has just completed a large sleeping porch for J. M. Bryden.




Safe At Depot "Blowed"
Saturday night the large safe at the Frisco depot was blown by yeggs. About $93.20 were taken from the safe. Another safe in the same room was left undisturbed. No clue has been found although detectives have been working on the case for several days.
The safe door was blown into atoms and from an economical standpoint it looked to the Independent like the fellows had wasted a lot of good nitro-glycerine in the job, as half the amount would have blown the door off.
Dean Fisher At Home
Dean Fisher came in Friday last from Arlington, Texas, where he has been taking advantage of the Government’s free vocational training. He is learning the shoemakers trade and speaks in the highest terms of his treatment and the opportunities afforded the boys down there. He is going back after spending a few days more visiting his parents and his many friends here.
Boxing Match a Frost
A small crowd took in the boxing match Saturday night. The main event was not put on as the smallness of the crowd would not justify. The 8 round bout between Sam Williams and Luther Whittaker of Stroud was a very tame affair. No harm done to either participant as one seemed scared and the other afraid, and they acted just like a couple of colored fellows that had made different arrangements before gloves were put on. Williams fell down several times and tried to be counted out before the third round was over.
The two featherweight boys from Tulsa and Sapulpa gave the best exhibition of the manly art and it was really creditable.
Notice to Our Advertisers
Next week, June 4th we publish the assessment for Depew town, Township and Lakeside Township. A copy of the paper will go out into the homes of each of these taxpayers. Don’t crowd or shove, but you better speak early for space.
Ben Mercer was in town Saturday the first time for a couple of weeks. He informs the Independent that he and his family have been having a round with the smallpox and his countenance shows it.
(Continued on page 2)


The Depew Independent
May 28, 1920
(Continued from page 1.)

Prosperity Notes
J. H. Wynn has purchased four residence lots just south of the Pickering Lumber Co.’s yard and will build a residence thereon.
The foundation is being put in and rock has been hauled and placed on the ground for the Carson-Lutz-McCoy-Ford-Knapp building. The plate glass for the front has arrived and the building will be pushed to completion.
The brick work is completed on the Coppedge building and the roof is being put on. The Doctor has one of the finest buildings in town.
The Depew National Bank Building has the joists in for the ceiling and the brick work is about completed. This is a fine building and adds greatly to the appearance of Main Street.
The Carson-Lutz building is nearing completion. The cement floor has all been layed, the roof is on and when the doors and windows are placed will be ready for occupancy. The front part of the building will be used for an automobile accessory and service station. The rear part will be occupied by the Boydston Bros. as a garage repair shop.
The waterworks mains are being layed on Malley avenue this week. About one mile of pipe has been layed.
Change of Time Effective
Sunday May 23, 1920
Going East
Train No. 404 2:25 a.m.
-- -- 8 10:29 a.m.
-- -- 10 4:02 p.m.
-- -- 162 8:15 p.m.
Going West
-- -- 403 4:05 a.m.
-- -- 111 9:40 a.m.
-- -- 7 5:15 p.m.

Train No. nine does not stop between Sapulpa and Oklahoma City.
John Fitzgerald,





By Joe Krader
When you think the sun will shine,
And the weather will be fine,
Then it rains.
When you think it’s going to pour,
And it’s sure to make you "sore",
It will change.

Oklahoma’s weather’s fine,
When the sun begins to shine,
This is true.
But when clouds form in the sky,
Oklahoma’s no more dry,
Rain is due.

You can never tell you see,
What the weather is to be
In this state.
That’s the reason why I say,
If you want a brighter day,
You must wait.

Always wear a cherry smile.
That’s the only thing worth while,
In your life.
Don’t tell troubles every day.
Just keep smiling on your way,
Care or strife.
Rev. C.P. Broome and wife are in Oklahoma City this week taking in the Sunday meetings and visiting with his and her relatives.
Miss Mildred Sanders left yesterday for Tahlequah, Oklahoma, where she will attend Normal this summer.
Miss Mattie Barker, of Oklahoma City, is visiting friends.
Mrs. Ralph Carson and baby are here visiting relatives and friends.
D. B. Garriott, of Stroud, Mrs. Carrie Ratliff, of Princeton, Ky., and Mrs. John J. Davis, of Sapulpa, were guests of Jay and Max Donaldson and their families last week.


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Updated: 08 Nov 2023
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