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Updated: 08 Nov 2023
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The Depew Independent
June 11, 1920

L. E. Thompson Asks For Republican Nomination for Sheriff
L. E. Thompson was in town Tuesday and left his announcement as a Republican candidate for nomination for Sheriff with the Independent. Mr. Thompson is a farmer living in Killeyville Township. He was a deputy under former Sheriff John S. Woofter for two years. This is the first time he has been a candidate for an office and declares that he knew nothing of the preferential primary held at Bristow on the 6th of May or he would have been there contending for the nomination. He is in the race at the earnest solicition of many of his friends. He realizes that the women voters have a voice in the nomination and election of officers and is desirous that they look up his past record before casting their votes in the primary.
He says he has no fight to make with the choice of the preferential primary and is going to conduct a clean campaign endeavoring to win the nomination and election.
D. B. Livingston, better known as "Doc", was in town yesterday. He was the choice of the Republican preferential convention held at Bristow last month for the office of Sheriff. He says that everything looks fine, politically speaking and that he is already getting used to being called "Sheriff".
Barrett’s Gin Materializing
A large force of men are at work putting in the foundations and leveling off the grounds for the Barrett Gin. Lots of the material is on the ground and the work will be pushed to completion.
The Meteor In Depew
The meteor was thought by a good many Depew folks and others living near town that it had fallen within a few miles, or less, of Depew.
According to the late reports it fell near Okmulgee.






It was a sight not soon to be forgotten. The heavens were lighted up as if all the electric lights of the world had been centered over this particular place. The light lasted for only a few seconds. Some thinking it an explosion and others that it was lightning.
Shamrock folks are hauling burmuda grass from the streets in Depew. We are glad to see this. Depew is growing so fast that the grass will soon get trampled into the ground here and it will help to make the pasturage good at Shamrock.
Joe Donaldson tells us that he has cotton with squares on it. Joe is one of our best farmers and always raises good crops.
Rig On Ground For Well In 31-16-8
The rig was hauled out to the Wilcox location, one mile north of town the first of the week.
The lumber piled on the ground is plainly visible to folks standing on Main street. We expect to be able to stand on the street here some day soon and see oil spouting forth from the hole they are going to sink there.
Injunction To Stop Building Cotton Gin
The following appeared in Thursday’s Sapulpa American.

L. O. Shannon, C. L. East and T. T. Workman, all of Depew, filed a petition in District Court this morning asking that Seth Barrett be restrained from perating a cotton gin on the main street of that town.
Up to time of going to press the work has not been interferred with and a big gang of men are at work. The esteemed American says: operating a cotton gin on Main street. Fact of the matter the nearest point of the cotton gin foundation to main street is about 240 feet. It is probable that the matter will be threshed out in the Court within the next two weeks. Depew needs the cotton gin and Mr. Barrett has the backing of 95 per cent of orur citizens in his undertaking.
(Continued on page 2.)




The Depew Independent
June 11, 1920
(Continued from page 1)
Depew Going Dry
Depew and vicinity are getting on the map proper of late. The officers from Bristow, Sapulpa and Drumright captured a still out west of town two weeks ago. Saturday they arrested John Parker charging him with operating a still. Later they captured a worm and other paraphenilia. R. M. Taylor was arrested charged with having liquor in his possession. Jeff Phillips was also arrested charged with transporting. Jack Craig was arrested on complaint of having sold some of the juice that produces the great joy.
Monday John Parker pleaded guilty and was fined $100.00 and 60 days in jail. Taylor’s case was set for the November term of the District Court and he was admitted to bail. Jeff Phillips was given a $50.00 fine and 60 days in jail. Jack Craig was fined $50.00 and 30 days in jail.
We understand that there are several more surprises in store and there will be more arrests to follow. Some of the officers that are supposed to help see that the laws are not violated are even charged with aiding and abetting in its violation. Should this be proven proper punishment commensurate with the crime should be metered out to them.
Parshall Going To The Alley
The John White building which was purchased last fall by the P. & H. Hardware store is going to get into the city class. A foundation has been put in back to the alley. The ceiling will be taken out of the original building, and raised a couple of feet and a new roof put on. When completed the P. & H. Hardware will have a building 130 feet deep.
Mr. Parshall is figuring on taking out the old front and putting in a brand new one.
The little colony out at the Red Bank oil well are anxious that the Depew folks should fix the road to town so that they could trade with us. It has been suggested that we go out next Wednesday and smooth out the rough places and make the road passable.




The Independent received a nice long letter from Chas. Speed, the gentleman with whom Frank Barrett is staying in Montana and he tells us that Frank killed a great black bear and is having its hide tanned and that he will use it for a rug in his front room when he returns to Depew.
The Frisco railroad has set some cars off the siding to house some of their help. Mr. Hollerman, who was occupying the place purchased by C. N. Lee will move into one of the cars.
The Prairie test in 13-15-7 are drilling again. They lost two strings of tools and a joint of casing in the hole and have been fishing for the past two weeks. They are down about 3200 feet.
All the carpenters in Depew are working overtime and there are several out of town carpenters at work here. Everybody says that Depew is the livest place along the line.
The roof is on the new bank building and the floor is in. The finishing touches will soon be put on and we will soon have two places to borrow money instead of one-ought to be able to increase our capital in that way.
The farmers have sure been a busy bunch this week fighting the crab grass. The long continued wet weather give the grass a good start, but the past ten days has seen lots of it put out of the way.
The folks at Prairie View will celebrate Children’s Day Sunday June 13 with an all day program. A big dinner will be served at noon on the ground.
J. H. Wynn is moving into his new home and Herb Merryman is moving into the place made vacant by Wynn.
Master Paul Harrington is still limping around on a couple of crutches the result of breaking a bone in his leg. He and some more boys were sliding down a straw stack when the accident happened.


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Updated: 08 Nov 2023
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