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Updated: 08 Nov 2023
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The Depew Independent
June 18, 1920

Can Powder Explodes, Three Burned
Wednesday afternoon about 2:30 a can of powder was ignited from a spark from the forge at the blacksmith shop of W. G. DeLaney at the east end of Main street. Mr. DeLaney and J. A. Rufner were both badly burned. "Uncle" Jake Rufner was sitting in the shop at the time. Dan Wedlaw was waiting to have a plow point sharpened and was burned about the arms and legs. A crowd gathered quickly and the fire was extinguished and Doctor Coppedge dressed the burns.
The can of powder had been left in the shop by the men working on the ditch for the water works pipe and had been in the shop for some time.
All the men were severely burned and suffer a great deal, but it is thought that it will not prove fatal to any of them.
W. L. (Laddie) Sexton Announces
In this week’s Independent we have the announcement of Laddie Sexton for the Democratic nomination for Commissioner of this the 3rd district.
Mr. Sexton enters the race at the earnest solicitation of his many friends. He is an old time resident of Oklahoma and has lived in Creek county for the past 8 or 9 years. He has held responsible offices in Lincoln county, his former home, and made good. His friends believe that he would make a real county commissioner. He knows the needs of the county and is "strong" for good roads.
He manages a cotton gin in Depew during cotton season and raises cotton during the summer.
Take Names Off Injunction
C. L. East went down to Sapulpa Monday and went into Court and had his name and the name of his son-in-law, T. T. Workman, withdrawn from the injunction filed against the Barrett cotton gin.
Work on the gin is progressing nicely. We understand that the matter of the injunction will come up in Court about the 10th of July.






"Private Cellars"
by Joe Kader
The United States has voted that our country should go dry,
And we should not have intoxicating "booze".
Now the people haven’t got a thing to open up their eye,
When they wake up in the morning from their "snooze".

But of course there are some people who have cellars all their own,
Which they cherish now, more than they did before,
And they keep the cellar key, in a place they call "their own",
For they’ll never let you open up their door.

Now you know just as well as I, the secret they’ve in store,
So I needn’t tell you all about their game;
For their cellars are just full of good old private stock galore,
That good old bonded stock, with "brands" of fame.

To these people who have cellars full of good old-fashioned wine,
I will give some good advice that always paid;
Do not brag about it, cause you’ll tell the wrong old guy some time,
And the only thing you’ll have will be a raid.
Singing Lessons Free
Commencing Monday June 21st "Daddy" Smith will give 12 lessons on vocal music at the church, starting at 2:00 p.m. On June 30th he will hold a pie supper at which time those taking advantage of the lessons will bring pies to be sold to the highest bidder to recompence him for his labors. Everybody is cordially invited to come and participate.
Children’s Day at Bigpond
Last Sunday was a gala day at the Bigpond School house. A fine program was rendered and some of the best singing that the writer has had the pleasure of hearing for some time was presented. At noon a big feed was spread under the shade of the trees.
The success of the excellent program was due to a great extent to the efforts of L. J. Florence and his family, as well as the families of O. R. Johnson, J. R. Williams, Dixon Rush, et al.


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Updated: 08 Nov 2023
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