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The Depew Independent
June 25, 1920

Mrs. G. W. Arrowood Passes Away
Millie Arrowood wife of George W. Arrowood was born May 29th, 1841 in Ray County Missouri. Died June 22nd, 1920 at the age of 71 years, 1 month and 3 days.
There were 7 children born to this union-3 girls and 4 boys. All are living except one daughter and one son. The daughter dying in infancy and the son growing to manhood and passing away at the age of 20 years.
Millie Arrowood at the age of 17 years joined the Primitive Baptist Church and lived in her faith until the end.
All five of the children were at her bedside when she passed away. For some time it was known that she could not live but a few days. She leaves a husband and son, Webb Arrowood, living in Depew.
John Arrowood living at Milfay. Dell Arrowood at Chelsa, and Mrs. Carrie Cundiff, of Perkins and Mrs. Minnie Bessie, of Avant, Okla. Mrs. J. H. Grantham a grand-daughter also living there.
Rev. C. P. Broome conducted the funeral services. Interment was in the Stroud Cemetery Wednesday at 4:00 p.m.
The Independent extends sympathy to the bereaved father and children.
Married at the home of the bride’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Sanders, Thursday at 7:00 a.m. Mr. Claude Henderson, of Beggs, Oklahoma, and Mrs. Rubye Hitchcock. Rev. C. P. Broome, officiating.
Mr. Henderson was formerly in business in Depew and is now employed at Beggs. He made many friends during his residence of three years. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Sanders and for the past two years has been at the head of the school in Bigpond district. She is one of our most popular young ladies and has a host of friends.
The Independent joins their many friends in wishing them the best there is.






They left on the morning train for Colorado where they will spend their honeymoon. They will reside in Beggs.
Claude Henderson was here Sunday from Beggs, Oklahoma, where he has a good position with a Hardware Company. Judging from his actions, we are inclined to believe that he finds something besides the scenery down this way, that is attractive and we would not be surprised that he comes down some time and takes away one of Depew’s fairest flowers.
Shaffer Sells Out
A deal was made Monday whereby Grover Shaffer sold his one-half interest in his lot, building and barber shop, to Artie Holderby, who now has charge of his part of the business.
Mr. Shaffer has not fully decided just what or where he will go into business.
The plastering is nearly completed in Depew National Bank and it will soon be ready for occupancy.
Pie Supper
There will be a pie supper at the church Friday night July 2nd to raise funds to pay "Daddy" Smith for singing lessons now in progress at the church.
Bring your pies and plenty of money.
Even Newspapers Make Mistakes
We were in error last week in stating that the powder which blew up the blacksmith shop belonged to the people putting in the waterworks. The powder had been donated to the town by the Ford Hardware Company in fixing the street and Street Commissioner Robert Pilkinton discovered that it was not of sufficient strength in blasting out the stone and had given it to Mr. DeLaney, saying that he would rather buy the dynamite himself than to use the powder.
At the annual meeting in Atoka Wednesday of the Kinch Oil & Gas Co. Joseph Kinch was reelected as their president.
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The Depew Independent
June 25, 1920
(Continued from page 1)

J. A. Rufner Dies from Burns
After suffering from Wednesday June 16th with burns resulting from the explosion, J. A. Rufner passed away Monday June 21st at 5:50 a.m.
J. A. Rufner was born in Dekalb County, Indiana February 1st, 1857. He was married to Miss Henrietta Spicer, Colchester, Ill., in 1889-having been married twice before this last union. To the first two unions were born two daughters-Mrs. T. M. Haines, of Harlotown, Mont., and Mrs. H. G. Crawford, of Dewey, Okla.
To this last union six children were born, one daughter dying in infancy, and a son, Ralph, dying in 1911. Ordell A. now living at Ranger, Texas. Mrs. Katherine Donaldson, Margret and J. A., living in Depew. Besides leaving a wife and six children he is survived by four brothers and a sister, Geo. Rufner, Aberdeen, Wash., John Rufner, Mont Pleasant, Mich., Frank Rufner, South Bend, Ind., Sam Rufner, Ft. Wayne, Ind., and Mrs. Nancy Wheeler, Manchester, Mich.
He came to Beggs, Okla., in 1903, leaving there for Depew in 1908, where he engaged in the hardware business for several years with R. P. Barker. Theirs was the first hardware store in Depew. For the past few years on account of his being in feeble health he has not engaged in any regular business.
Funeral services were conducted by Rev. C. P. Broome and burial was in Bristow cemetery Tuesday 22nd.
The Independent extends sympathies to the bereaved family.
Card of Thanks
We wish to express our heartfelt thanks for the many kind acts of friends during the illness and burial of our husband and father.
Mrs. J. A. Rufner
and Children.
Wilber Harrington went to Miami Monday, where is in interested in the outcome of a lawsuit.




Buys Auto Hearse
While W. F. Parshall was in St. Louis this week he purchased a fine Buick Auto Hearse which he will use in connection with their undertaking business here and at Shamrock.
Born to Mr. and Mrs. Walter Williams Thursday morning June 24th, a baby girl.
Ordell Rufner came in from Ranger, Texas, Wednesday evening.
L. W. Burton was down from Shamrock Saturday. He is going to put on a strenuous campaign for the Democratic nomination for County Commissioner and will set a pace that will make the balance of the candidates bustle. He has already acquired a handshake that will be hard for a voter to get away from. Louie has lots of friends in Depew who are glad to see him in the race.
John H. Fox is at Claremore in a hospital. His many friends are hoping that he will soon recover and be among us again.
Church Notes
Sunday school 10 o’clock, Preaching 11. Young Peoples Union 7 p.m. Preaching 8 p.m.
We are glad to say that there were 128 attended Sunday School last Sunday. We expect 200 next Sunday. Will you be one of that number? One thing we were glad to see, that was, several whole families present. We are still in need of help to teach.
The public is cordially invited to attend all services.
C. N. Lee is having the residence he recently purchased from Bryden’s raised, the porches taken away and will have one of the finest homes in town when he gets it completed.
Dr. Cargill, of Shamrock was here the latter part of the week assisting Doctor Coppedge.
Prof. E. P. Baldwin and Prof. Ray Powers, of Shamrock, were plesant callers at the Independent Monday.


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