The Depew Independent
July 2, 1920
" The New Bank"
Will open for Business Thursday July 15th 1920
We want YOUR Business
Lose Our Frisco Agent
John Fitzgerald, who has been our efficient and accommodating
agent for the past two years, has accepted a "higher calling"
and has taken the position of agent at Bristow. Mr. Rikard, formerly
cashier at the depot here, takes his place temporarily.
Mr. Fitzgerald leaves Depew with good feelings of everyone who
has had business of any kind with him. He is a pleasant and different
from most agents is always in a good humor and has never maintained
any office hours, being ready at all times to please the folks
having dealings with the Frisco railroad. The Independent can
commend he and his wife to the good folks of Bristow.
Lots of Visitors in Depew
Monday afternoon a freight engine and tender left the track about
two miles east of Depew the trains due in here at 4:06 and 8:15
respectively were held here until about 11:00 that night. The
restaurants did a land office business, and a good many folks
got a look at Depew that had never seen her before.
Gas And Some Oil In Lumm Well
A small amount of gas and some showing of oil was found in the
well in Section 8, Township 14, Range 8 on the Doctor Lumm farm,
seven miles south of town.
The Prairie people are going to put this well down to a depth
of 4,000 feet unless oil or gas is found in paying quantities
before that depth is reached.
It is rumored that Depew is to have another drug store and another
doctor. We are to have another store and maybe two dry goods and
grocery stores.
W. B. Bennett leased 520 acres of land the other day for enough
to start a new bank. This land lies close to where there was a
dry hole drilled a few years ago too.
A lamp exploded in the home of W. S. Sampson Sunday evening, burning
the hands of Mr. and Mrs. Sampson and burning a young child badly.
Through a mistake last week Mrs. DeLaney gave her husband a dose
of carbolic acid. The Doctor was summoned immediately and no serious
results followed, although he has a real sore mouth. He is getting
along nicely, and it is hoped he will soon be out again.
Mrs. Fred C. Knapp and little daughter, Patrica, visited at Bristow
Tuesday and Wednesday with Mrs. E. R. Brown and Mrs. G. W. Oliver.
Depew will be the best town in this part of the country this fall.
With four good cotton gins we will be able to take care of 10,000
bales of cotton or more, and competition will be good. We expect
to get some of the cotton this year that has been going to other
nearby towns in the past few years.
Care Of Thanks
We wish to express our heartfelt thanks to our neighbors and friends
of Depew for their kindness, help and sympathy during our sad
bereavement in the sickness and death of our wife and mother.
We wish to thank Bro. Broome for his kind and consoling words.
G. W. Arrowood Del Arrowood
Minnie Besse Web Arrowood
Carrie Cundiff John Arrowood
Every day there are three or four men in Depew hunting oil leases.
Another indication that we are to be an oil town.
One of the trucks used by the C. E. Frye Construction Co. in distributing
the chat on the Trail caught fire yesterday morning and burned
all the wood part up before it could be extinguished.
The fixtures for the Depew National Bank arrived today and are
being put into place. The bank will open for business Thursday
July 15th.