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Updated: 08 Nov 2023
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The Depew Independent
July 9, 1920

Depew Gets Big Gas Well
Sunday night the drill broke through the crust between 32 and 33 hundred feet in the Prairie test in Section 13, Township 15, Range 7 East. This well is more than five miles from any other well where gas or oil has been found and opens up new territory.
The tester was put on the well Tuesday and registered twelve and a half million feet.
The town has been entertaining oil men from everywhere since the strike and the predictions are that Depew is to be the next oil town. Already property is changing hands here at a lively rate and several new businesses have been started on the way.
When the sand was found the drilling stopped and the well has drilled itself in. The gas pressure is getting stronger all the time and there is no telling how much gas there will be should they drill it in.
As the new gas well is on the graded road two miles south of town and if Bristow or Stroud or any other town takes a fool notion that they want to appropriate it they will have to drag it through the main streets of Depew to get away with it and we are going to remonstrate and probably be some hard feelings before we would permit it to leave, they had better keep their hands off.
Boys Rob House
Friday night Night Watch Fortner captured three young men, who had early in the evening robbed the house of George Carter, a farmer living between Depew and Bristow.
The boys had some of the clothes on when found asleep near the Star gin on a sand pile. One of them was about 19 years old and the other two about 14 years of age. They had stolen a vest containing some Liberty Bonds, which they had thrown away, not knowing that within the pockets were these valuables.
They were taken to Bristow where they were lodged in jail.
Miss Ola Elifritz will be at the Ford Hardware Store Wednesday at 2:30 to give a



demonstration on the conservation of gas. Users of gas are invited to be present.
Bristow Celebrated The 5th
Most of Depew attended the big celebration at Bristow Monday. There was an immense crowd there and the entertainment furnished was all right and everybody seemed to have had a jolly good time.
Don’t forget the Box and Pie Supper and entertainment at the Church Thursday evening July 15th, to be given to raise funds to pay off the indebtedness against the church property. Come and bring somebody with you-don’t forget your pocketbook.
Lee Weed is the proud father of a 11 pound boy who has recently arrived at his house to make his future home.
The Pie supper given for the benefit of "Daddy" Smith for the two weeks singing lessons was fairly well attended and some $25.00 was realized from the supper.
Will McFarland was here Sunday from Bartlesville, Okla.
Doctor Lively was here from Cardin, Okla., looking for a location. He may decide to move here.
Last Sunday A. B. Sanders took pity on the Editor and asked us (which means our wife) to take a drive with he and his wife. We took in the sights at Shamrock and Drumright before returning.
O. D. Lutz and wife drove down to Wellston Saturday and visited with their daughter and son-in-law, Mrs. and Doctor Murry.
C. B. Fortner and H. Jupin will assist in the singing school next week. Come out and enjoy some fine singing.
H. H. Snyder and family visited with his brother, Willard Snyder, over Sunday.



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Updated: 08 Nov 2023
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