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Updated: 08 Nov 2023
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The Depew Independent
July 16, 1920

What Depew Needs
A big first-class hotel.
An ice plant.
An electric light plant.
A moving picture show.
More good stores.
More good residences.
Depew with her four cotton gins will be able to take care of the big cotton crop that the farmers are raising this year. With two banks the farmers will be able to get all the financial accommodation they will need. Outside of the fact that we are to be the next oil town, Depew is due for a big steady growth. Keep your eyes on us, and see us grow.
Ray Greene Married
We saw in the Tulsa World a few days ago where Ray Greene had been granted a license to marry Miss Clara Crow, of Okmulgee. We have never had the pleasure of meeting the young lady, but can say that she used good judgement in picking Ray. He is the youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Greene and has grown from a barefoot boy to manhood in Depew. He is industrious and a fine young fellow. He has a good position with an oil company at Okmulgee and is doing fine.
They are expected to visit in Depew in a few days with Ray’s parents.
Building changes Hands
The building occupied by the Ford Service Station changed hands this week. Some time ago O. D. Lutz sold the building to W. D. Sparks for $2500.00. Mr. Maddox, of Stroud this week paid $3300.00 for it.
Born to Mr. and Mrs. James Carson Wednesday July 14th, a girl baby. All are doing fine.
Putting on Style
The First State Bank have had their interior repainted and everything is in spic span shape. Like all other businesses in Depew they are anticipating a big business this fall and winter.

Depew Nation Bank Opened Yesterday
Yesterday morning the Depew National Bank, "The New Bank", opened for business. They have a fine place fixed up in their new brick building and business started off with a rush. When the bank closed yesterday evening a little better than $40,000.00 had been deposited. From our viewpoint we consider this a good first day’s business.
Mr. C. N. Lee, formerly Assistant Cashier of the Bristow National Bank, is President. Joseph Kinch, Vice president, and H. C. Corey, Cashier.
The Independent extends a hearty welcome to the new institution and wishes it the success it is sure to have.
Register Now
The registration books will be open from July 14th until July 23rd at 6:00. If you have changed your place of voting or your politics you MUST register. The following are the Registrars for Depew Township: Precinct Number 1, Frank W. Mason; Number 2, R. L. Pilkinton; Number 3, J. M. Murphy.
George Lawrence Cooper, the 11 months old baby boy of Mr. and Mrs. Will Cooper, died Wednesday evening at 8:00 o’clock of whooping cough and cholera infantum. Burial was in Bristow Cemetery.
Street commissioner Bob Pilkinton has a big bunch of men at work on the Trail at the northwest corner of town getting the road ready for the chat gang. In a very short time we will have the Main street chatted from one end to the other.
At the Annual School meeting Tuesday a nine months term of school and a 10 mill extra levy was voted. J. L. West was elected Director.
A. F. McCans, of Chandler, is the new agent at the depot. He has been first trick operator at Chandler for some time past.
Payne will be elected County Treasurer of Creek county next November. It is a peculiar situation. Both republican and democratic candidates are named Payne.

(Continued on page 2.)


The Depew Independent
July 16, 1920

Negro Robs White Girl
Monday forenoon while walking from Bristow to her home south of the poor farm, Miss Susie McGuire was held up and robbed of $4.00 by a young negro. The negro told her that he had robbed some other people recently and gave the names of the parties and that he was going to rob some more folks in that part of the country. The blood hounds from Sapulpa were sent out but failed to pick up the trail. So far the offender has not been apprehended.
G.W.F. Sawner, one of the exceptionally bright men of his race, was here from Chandler Friday night lecturing to the colored Masonic Membership.
Negro Robs White Girl
Monday forenoon while walking from Bristow to her home south of the poor farm, Miss Susie McGuire was held up and robbed of $4.00 by a young negro. The negro told her that he had robbed some other people recently and gave the names of the parties and that he was going to rob some more folks in that part of the country. The blood hounds from Sapulpa were sent out but failed to pick up the trail. So far the offender has not been apprehended.
G.W.F. Sawner, one of the exceptionally bright men of his race, was here from Chandler Friday night lecturing to the colored Masonic Membership.
Miss Mary Wilkey came in from Randlett, Okla., yesterday for a short stay in Depew.
J. F. Kaser has a bran new Ford, with a self-starter n’everthing.
W. L. Sexton and wife and daughter, Miss Vernall, left the first of the week for an extended visit with relatives in Missouri and Arkansas.
Presiding Elder Aston was here from Tulsa Sunday morning and preached an interesting sermon at the church.
Mr. and Mrs. Hinds, of Caney, Kansas, were here Saturday visiting with Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Dowell. Mr. Hinds is Mrs. Dowell'’ father and used to live near Sac & Fox Agency some twenty years ago.


John Parshall, brother of W. F. Parshall, was here from Skiatook Sunday, with his family.
Last Saturday I layed my 17-jewel Elgin gold hunting case watch down for a few minutes and it was picked up and carried off. The party was seen making way with it and unless it is immediately returned they will be prosecuted.

"Don’t Forget"
by Joe Kader
The Depew Independent, July 16, 1920

Don’t forget that life is short,
So try to do your best.
We must not leave a thing undone,
Until we go to rest.

The world is large and open,
There’re chances everywhere;
So if you don’t succeed at first,
Just try again; don’t care.

You can’t climb up the ladder,
Unless you watch your step;
You must have nerve and patience,
And have a good, clean "rep".

It isn’t merely money,
That wins a man success;
It’s he who follows the righteous path,
That God will always bless.

There is no man that’s perfect,
We all have faults, we know;
But we should learn the right way,
Before we start to go.

Always aid your fellowman,
Whenever he does wrong;
Don’t laugh at him, and turn away,
But help him go along.

For someday you may lose your grip,
Regardless how strong the hold;
And you may want a little help,
When you are getting old.


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Updated: 08 Nov 2023
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