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Updated: 08 Nov 2023
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The Depew Independent
July 30, 1920

Going After Oil
Drilling started Tuesday in the Wilcox test in 31-16-8, one mile north of town. We expect to look over across the creek some day and see this rig painted black from the big pool of oil that lies underneath this derrick. Wait and see if we are not right.
Asks Damages From Town
Wm. G. DeLaney, the east end blacksmith who was badly burned by a powder explosion some time ago, was before the Town Board of Trustees last night and submitted an oral proposition to them to accept $1500.00 and his doctor bill in full settlement. The Board have taken the matter under advisement.
Some Tough Luck
The young tornado we had here last April blew the front out of the building owned by Jay Donaldson. After weeks and weeks of waiting the plate glass for the front arrived Tuesday. The insurance company sent three men out from Oklahoma City to make the replacement. When they went down to take it out of the box car, it had tumbled over a good size box and broke every plate. Plate glass is hard to get hold of and it may be several days yet before glass can be found to fit the front.
Will Have Some Store Room
The P & H Hardware have extended the building they bought some time ago of John White to the alley and are now putting the building they rent from Mr. Lutz back to the alley. This will give them 50 by 140 feet floor space besides they are to build some decks over part of the floor space. When they get through they will have considerably the largest store in town.
One of the largest funeral processions that ever passed through the streets of Depew was that that gathered Sunday to pay their last respects to John Craig, a colored man. He must be a truly good man when hundreds are mindful of his taking away.



A box supper was held at the Bigpond school house Wednesday night to raise funds for the far eastern suffers. Some $53.00 was realized.
Why Oil Men Left Heaven
Judge Ruppenthal tells this story to show the power of the "oil fever." Some oil men who died went to heaven, when St. Peter was off his guard, two of them escaped out of the gate. Inquiry followed. It evolved a rumor had come that oil had been struck in Hades, and the two men had started down to sign up leases.
The folks that scattered the chat on the Trail through here folded their tents Wednesday night and left. One fellow is holding the sack for a board bill and their are several checks that the owners are forced to keep as a memory. One of the hands took a liking to an $18.00 silk shirt belonging to Artie Holderby and it was necessary to get the Marshall to have him remember that the shirt didn’t belong to him.
George Anderson and family came in Sunday from Seattle, Washington. They drove through. George says he is glad to get away from a place where it rains nine months out of every twelve. They spent four days in Yellowstone Park on their road home. They are going to stay here this time.
Edgar Trewhitt was down from Sapulpa yesterday. He is in the grocery business down there and says he is doing fine. He is as fat as a pig and shows that he is getting plenty to eat.
Ivan Ford, his wife and baby and Cecil Ford are back from a nice trip to the western coast. Ivan has gained about 15 pounds of flesh while away. They crossed the desert in a car and Ivan and Cecil were blistered from the hot winds.
Herbert Merryman is enjoying a visit from his father who resides in Kentuckey. An uncle and his wife are also here from the same place visiting with him.
The Bible tells us of Lot’s wife turning to salt. We still have modern miracles. We saw a young lady dressed in the latest style go down the street a few days ago and a man turned to rubber.

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Updated: 08 Nov 2023
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