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Updated: 08 Nov 2023
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The Depew Independent
August 13, 1920

Good Oil Well in 34-16-8
Saturday afternoon a strong flow of oil and gas was encountered in the Wilcox well in 34-16-8 two miles and a half east and one-half mile north of Depew, at a depth of 2160 feet.
Some think that it is the Wilcox sand while others say it is the Wheeler, and there is some talk that the casing had parted at or near the 1400 foot sand and the oil and gas was coming from this depth.
The tools fell into the hole Saturday and it begun to flow, going over the top of the derrick several times. The tools have been fished out of the hole and the casing is being set preparatory to drilling on down.
The well is about a quarter of mile nearer Depew than Bristow and we are already claiming it.
The Prairie well south of town is getting a stronger flow of gas every day. The gas has been sold to the Oklahoma Natural and the connections were made the first of the week. The prairie People are using part of the gas in some of their wells south of town.
Depew is getting on the map as an oil town. It sure looks good to see the truck loads of casing, rigs and tanks going through our streets.
Moved This Week
Donaldson Brothers have been moving into their new location this week. This is one of the finest corners in town and they are getting fixed up in fine shape for the fall business. They are filling in their stock until they now have one of the largest in town.
Dr. Coppedge has been having a tile floor put in his new building this week. It is the finest floor in town and has been the cause of much favorable comment.
Buys Out Garage
William J. Bougher, of Walters, Oklahoma, was here today and closed a deal with Hicks & Bland whereby he became the owner of the Ford



Service Station and the two lots just east of the Post Office.
He will put up a fine garage building on the two lots in a short time.
September 17th Club Day At Fair
Among the features for the day is a girls button hole contest.
The American National Bank of Bristow will give a solid gold thimble to the girl who makes the bet buttonhole.
1. Any club girl in Creek county may enter the contest.
2. The buttonhole must be made in the presence of the other contestant.
3. Thread, needle, and material uniform in every way will be furnished the contestants.
Don’t Light a Cigarette in a Gasoline Plant
This might be good advice to some folks, but to Lee Cooper it might sound like a joke. Lee has been, he isn’t now-working in a place where gasoline is the sole product. He acquired a habit of smoking cigarettes some years ago, like a lot of us. He forgot the other day and started to light one of the critters and-blehue, he goes around painted up like a clown. He says himself that he got off lucky and we think so too. He is not seriously burned but says that he will know better next time.
Dr. Lively, of Cardin, Okla., has moved his family here and will live among us. He is occupying the Dr. Coppedge residence north of the Depew National Bank.
The West Brothers show was here Wednesday night and showed to about 600 people. The "Texas Ranger" acted by five people was fairly well rendered. While the show was clean, it was not up to the expectations of the crowd that gave up so many simoleons to see it.
R. "Red" L. Staples came in from the harvest fields a few days ago. He says that he now owns a roll of bills so large that a hound couldn’t jump over them, but he states further that they are bills he owes-not greenbacks.

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Updated: 08 Nov 2023
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