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Updated: 08 Nov 2023
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The Depew Independent
August 27, 1920

Another Dry Goods Store For Depew
Monday F. Ammerman, representing the Globe Store, was here and rented the building recently vacated by the Donaldson Brothers from Mrs. Pierson. They will open an up to date dry goods store about the 1st of September.
This firm have stores at Stroud and Bristow and is a substantial addition to the business progress of the town.
This firm are to pay $100.00 per month rent for this building which is 70 x 23, the highest rent paid so far in the town of Depew. We are going some just now. There is not an empty building of any description in the town.
Wilcox Rig Burns
About daylight Thursday morning the rig on the SW ¼ of 34-16-8 burned down. It is thought that the gas blew some pebbles against the casing at the top of the well making a spark that set the gas on fire. The engine and engine house was all that was saved. Late Thursday morning the gas was still burning.
A new rig will be built at once and they will go on down for a deep test.
Doctor Coppedge’s fixtures for his new store building are arriving and being put in place. He will have the finest drug store in the county when he gets through.
F. P. Lawson is having more than his share of trouble just now. His wife is very low and two of his children are also quite sick.
At the Church next Thursday night September 2nd at 8:00 o’clock, Josh Lee, Head of the Department of Public Speaking, University of Oklahoma. Mr. Lee is a brilliant forceful speaker, full of fun and pep. He holds the audience spellbound from start to finish.
The proceeds will go to finish paying off the indebtedness against the church and parsonage. The admission will be 35 and 75 cents, and if anyone, after hearing Mr. Lee, is not satisfied


their money will be refunded upon application for same.
In 1916 Mr. Lee competing with 1400 college orators from every state in the Union won the National Championship by a large margin.
Come And Hear Him
Restaurant Changes Hands
H. J. Cooper sold his restaurant a few days ago to Messrs G. A. Pauley and W. G. Sallis, who immediately took charge.
Mr. Sallis is an experienced cook and they expect to feed the hungry.
Born to Mr. and Mrs. Chas P. Carson, Wednesday August 25th, a 9 pound boy.
Herbert and Mrs. Merryman are entertaining a bran new boy baby who arrived at their home late Saturday evening. The youngster weighed nine pounds at arrival.
The Odd Fellows will move into their new hall some time next week providing the finishing touches can be put on the building as fast as they are at the present time.
Bristow has recently organized a Moose lodge.
Lee Cooper has leased the central Tailor Shop and will be pleased to have his friends call on him when in need of his services.
C. W. Griffith, of Bristow, last week sold his moving picture shows and left town with more than $20,000.00. He went there 20 months ago with less than $500.00. Depew needs a moving picture show and the first fellow to start one will make some east money.
The Barrett cotton gin is nearing completion. The roof was put on this week and by the time cotton begins to roll into town they will be ready for business.
W. F. Parshall and the writer drove down to the new town of Neyaka Sunday. From our inexperienced viewpoint we do not consider the town very promising. The town of Slick is making some town and will some day probably be as large as Shamrock or Depew.

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Updated: 08 Nov 2023
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