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Updated: 08 Nov 2023
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The Depew Independent
September 17, 1920

Another Stone Building Going Up
The Quandels and W. W. McFarland are getting out stone for a building 100x25, on the lot between the blacksmith shop and the Quandel Garage.
When the building is completed these gentlemen will open a moving picture show.
That is something that Depew needs and that it will be a success from the start is a foregone conclusion.
Building Notes
L. C. Waltman has purchased three lots just south of the Albert Quandel place and will build a residence thereon.
James Carson purchased three lots on Malley Avenue just south of the school block and will build a residence house on them.
The Arrowood residence is nearing completion.
Schiller and Grantham are putting the roof on a nice new residence just south of the church.
H. R. Corey’s Residence is nearing completion.
W. F. Malley is building a two room residence on west Main Street.
The Frisco Lunch Room is building quite an extensive addition to their rail road eating house necessitated by the increased business.
Jess McFarland has bought four lots in the First Addition and is moving a house down from Shamrock. He will move into it when completed.
Mrs. Harris has added a couple of porches to her residence in the southwest part of town. She tells us she is prepared to let a couple of rooms.
Cotton Coming to Town
Wednesday there were several loads of cotton on our streets. Ten or fifteen loads were brought to town and sold.
The gins are taking care of all the cotton that comes to town and we are going to have the best cotton market in the country this year.

Three big loads of cotton came down from Bristow yesterday Morning and was purchased by some of our enterprising buyers.
The Paluski Oil Company well in 3-14-8, on the Caesar Bear farm is flowing 65 to 70 barrels from Peru sand, according to Thursday’s Tulsa World.
We are well acquainted with a fellow that wants to "guess" $1,000.00 that Harding will be elected President. Ask the Independent man if you are interested.
The returns from the election in Maine are very gratifying to the Republicans. The women voting in Maine for the first time, seem to be all republicans. The vote was the largest by several thousand that has ever been cast in the state and the republicans received more than 2 votes to 1 for the democrats. Maine is the "barometer" state and as Maine goes, so goes the rest of the U. S.
Our Township Fair
Monday and Tuesday were "fair" days in Depew.
The first day was rather slow, but the next day made up for it.
The display of farm products and live stock and fancy work was about on an equal with the average for the past six years. The corn display was exceptionally fine.
Farmers Ray Utter, Lee Ragon and L. J. Florence assisted materially in making the fair a success. They were on duty from the time it opened until the stuff was packed in the truck to be taken to the county fair at Sapulpa.
Mrs. Pierson had charge of the art display in front of the L. E. Bowman store.
We would like to give a list of the winners of the premiums, but on account of the rush of business were unable to secure them. We do know that our better half won the sack of flower given by the Bennett Grocery for the best three loaves of bread, but then we expected that.
The county Free Fair opened at Sapulpa Wednesday morning. This is the sixth annual fair for Creek county. Interest in the fair this year is fine and we are expecting a very successful county fair.

(Continued on page 2)


The Depew Independent
September 17, 1920
(Continued from Page 1)

Oil Notes
The drill has started in the rig in 10-15-8. This rig has been up for some time. This location is about a mile south of the Wilcox well in 34-16-8.
The Wilcox test in 31-16-8 is down about 1,000 feet and they are getting ready to set the 8 inch casing so we understand.
Tulsa Daily World
On the Kelly farm in southeast corner of the west half of the southeast of 35-16-8, the Wilcox Oil & Gas, are nearing the pay at 2,325 feet. This also should be brought in this week.
Perhaps the most important well in the midcontinent field now drilling, is the Wilcox Oil and Gas company’s Amos farm No. 1 in 34-16-8. A pocket of gas encountered about two weeks ago caused the rig to burn down, and drilling has been suspended on this interesting test for this reason. Oil and gas were both encountered at 1,550 feet, which was passed up for the deeper pay, while drilling at 2,160 feet, the tools were dropped, and the well immediately began flowing, one afternoon it made seven flows of oil, with some water. It was immediately decided that the oil was seeping down from the 1,550 foot sand, outside the casing, and coming up through the hole, as there was some water in the hole. This, however,






was proven yesterday, to be incorrect when Wilcox himself, in company with four officials, made a personal inspection of the well. The oil comes from the bottom of the hole, the shell probably being broken, which tops the pay sand when the tools fell.
The well is now in good shape, and the 8-inch pipe is being set, and everything is being put in shape for the completion of this very important test. The sand is probably a very new one and no one has been able as yet to properly classify it.
To the west, the Wilcox company is drilling at 1,000 feet on the Lydia I. Harchoche allotment in the northeast corner of the west half of the southwest of 31-16-8.
And The Cat Came Back
Saturday evening John H. White and wife drove in from California. John sold out here last fall and went to California where he and his good wife run a hotel until recently when he sold out and came back across the country. They saw lots of the country on their way out there and back and the vacation seems to have been very beneficial to both of them.
John and Mrs. White were two of the earliest settlers in Depew and were in various kinds of mercantile business and always made money.
The Independent trusts that they will decide there is no place like Depew, and become citizens of our town.

continued on page 3


The Depew Independent
September 17, 1920

Another Stone Building Going Up
The Quandels and W. W. McFarland are getting out stone for a building 100x25, on the lot between the blacksmith shop and the Quandel Garage.
When the building is completed these gentlemen will open a moving picture show.
That is something that Depew needs and that it will be a success from the start is a foregone conclusion.
Building Notes
L. C. Waltman has purchased three lots just south of the Albert Quandel place and will build a residence thereon.
James Carson purchased three lots on Malley Avenue just south of the school block and will build a residence house on them.
The Arrowood residence is nearing completion.
Schiller and Grantham are putting the roof on a nice new residence just south of the church.
H. R. Corey’s Residence is nearing completion.
W. F. Malley is building a two room residence on west Main Street.
The Frisco Lunch Room is building quite an extensive addition to their rail road eating house necessitated by the increased business.
Jess McFarland has bought four lots in the First Addition and is moving a house down from Shamrock. He will move into it when completed.
Mrs. Harris has added a couple of porches to her residence in the southwest part of town. She tells us she is prepared to let a couple of rooms.
Cotton Coming to Town
Wednesday there were several loads of cotton on our streets. Ten or fifteen loads were brought to town and sold.
The gins are taking care of all the cotton that comes to town and we are going to have the best cotton market in the country this year.


Three big loads of cotton came down from Bristow yesterday Morning and was purchased by some of our enterprising buyers.
The Paluski Oil Company well in 3-14-8, on the Caesar Bear farm is flowing 65 to 70 barrels from Peru sand, according to Thursday’s Tulsa World.
We are well acquainted with a fellow that wants to "guess" $1,000.00 that Harding will be elected President. Ask the Independent man if you are interested.
The returns from the election in Maine are very gratifying to the Republicans. The women voting in Maine for the first time, seem to be all republicans. The vote was the largest by several thousand that has ever been cast in the state and the republicans received more than 2 votes to 1 for the democrats. Maine is the "barometer" state and as Maine goes, so goes the rest of the U. S.
Our Township Fair
Monday and Tuesday were "fair" days in Depew.
The first day was rather slow, but the next day made up for it.
The display of farm products and live stock and fancy work was about on an equal with the average for the past six years. The corn display was exceptionally fine.
Farmers Ray Utter, Lee Ragon and L. J. Florence assisted materially in making the fair a success. They were on duty from the time it opened until the stuff was packed in the truck to be taken to the county fair at Sapulpa.
Mrs. Pierson had charge of the art display in front of the L. E. Bowman store.
We would like to give a list of the winners of the premiums, but on account of the rush of business were unable to secure them. We do know that our better half won the sack of flower given by the Bennett Grocery for the best three loaves of bread, but then we expected that.
The county Free Fair opened at Sapulpa Wednesday morning. This is the sixth annual fair for Creek county. Interest in the fair this year is fine and we are expecting a very successful county fair.


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Updated: 08 Nov 2023
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