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Updated: 08 Nov 2023
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The Depew Independent
October 22, 1920

Have Showing of Oil in Wilcox Well
in Section 31-16-8
The well just north of Depew got a good showing of oil yesterday at 1850 feet. It is thought that they found the Layton sand. The Drillers were not anticipating getting oil at this depth, but expect to get a good well when they get down deep enough.
Sprung a Boomerang
The Tulsa World of Monday had an article telling of the capturing of a big still on a farm owned by a brother of Sheriff Abner Bruce. Those who read the article probably took it for granted that it was founded on facts. Read Abner Bruce’s letter elsewhere is this issue. We believe in being fair even in politics, and believe that the men who have known Mr. Bruce for the past twenty-five years will not doubt his word. We don’t believe in that kind of politics and think that instead of hurting Sheriff Bruce’s race for re-election that it will help him. He expresses our views of the matter if it was gotten out for political effect.
Box Supper a Success
The box supper held at the Odd Fellows hall last Thursday night was a howling success. Over $140.00 was made which has been applied on the church debt. Just a few more days and the Church will be out of debt at these licks.
Sheriff Abner Bruce Explains
in Plain Language
Mounds, Okla.
Oct. 18th, 1920
Mr. Abner Bruce
Sapulpa, Okla.
Dear Sir:
We have the news down here, from J. L. Ward that John Willard stated that he had captured a still contents of fifty gallons of whiskey on the Bruce Brothers farm and we are anxious to know if this is political scheme or facts.
Yours very truly,
R. D. Lawrence,
T. J. Brown, Sr.


R. D. Lawrence and
T. J. Brown,
Mounds, Oklahoma
I have your letter of the 18th inst. concerning the purported capture of a "Still" and fifty gallons of whiskey on my brother’s farm. Answering your inquiry as to whether this is a fact or political scheme, I am proud to be able to advise you that it is a political scheme and the most damnable one that was ever hatched in the corrupted brain of a rotten, debased, irresponsible and designing politician.
I have an aged father and mother, four brothers and a sister, who, with their families, reside in the neighborhood of the Pinehill School House some ten miles Northeast of Bristow. They have lived in that neighborhood for a period of 25 years, since April 1895.
At no time before this instance has the character of any of my people, by implication or otherwise, been brought in question. Several times since Statehood, 1907, the good people of Creek County have expressed their confidence in me and I have at all times tried to prove myself worthy of that trust.
My brother, whose good name is attacked in this instance, is and has been for a number of years a prosperous farmer. He owns and controls several hundred acres of land in Creek County and has sons and daughters born and reared in the community where he now lives, and the man or men, curs that they are, who would besmirch his good name to satisfy their evil designing minds, well the English language to satisfy the expression of my feelings toward them is not permissible in this letter.
They found two kegs of "Choc" and one half (1/2) pint of whiskey in the tent of a cotton picker on a farm leased by my brother and subrented to another tenant and I have the negro in jail who sold that cotton picker that half pint of whiskey and I will pay $100.00 per half pint for all other whiskey of the 50 gallons found on that or any other tract of land owned or controlled by that brother or any other brother of mine by the damnable cur or curs who are responsible for that LIE.
Respectfully yours,
Abner Bruce, Sheriff


The Depew Independent
October 22, 1920
(Continued fromp page 1)

Oil Notes from Tulsa World
The Red Bank Oil company is pulling the big pipe preparatory to drilling in its No. 4 Hayler in the southwest of 9-16-8. The test is considered very important, as the two wells in section 16, owned by the Texolean people, have made good and are on velvet. They are both in the 3,500 foot sand.
The Skelly Oil company is reported to have 800 feet of oil in the hold from the Peru sand topped at 2,365 feet, in the test in the northwest corner of the northeast of the northwest of 22-14-8.

The Cosden Oil & Gas company has a rig up for a test in the southeast corner of the northeast of the northeast of 10-14-8.
The Wilcox Oil & Gas Co. test on the Kelly farm west of Bristow, in 35-16-8, is drilling at around 3000 feet and expects to get the Wilcox sand at 3,490 to 3,400 feet.
Marion Sisler was here from Tulsa last Friday visiting old time friends.
P. H. Gordon and wife, and Miss Finkelstein were here from Tulsa Sunday, visiting with Dave Finkelstein and Joe Kader.

The Independent received a letter from R. G. Rowland, of Boggy Depot, Atoka County, yesterday. He formerly lived here and he has a fine farm down in Atoka county that he wants to sell or trade for Depew property, or a small farm in Creek county. He says there is no place like Depew, and Creek County.


D. S. Vandersall is in town today. He has been visiting down in Arkansas where the apples grow as big as Oklahoma turnips. He will probably stay until after the election.
One piece of plate glass in the Carson building has cracked, probably under the pressure of the weight above.
Miss Maude Horn, a cousin of Mrs. C. P. Broome, is here from Brantly, Alabama, visiting.
The big drop in cotton is a haard blow to the farmers. Cotton is now selling for 6 cents in the seed, which under ordinary circumstances is a big price, but when it is considered what it cost the frmers to produce it, it is less than the cost of production. The first cotton brought to town sold for about double the present price, and had the market remained at that figure our folks would have been living in clover, but as it is they are going to have a hard time to make both ends meet. Something is always happening to take the joy out of life.

W. M. Stringer and wife, of St. Louis, Mo., were here the first of the week visiting with Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Sanders. They are distantly related to the Sanders. Last Sunday they drove up thru Drumright and over to Oilton and had their first opportunity to give an oil field the "once over."
Jim Greene and wife of Beggs, and Ray Greene and wife of Okmulgee, were here Saturday evening visiting with Pa and Ma Greene. The boys are both making good, working for oil companies.


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