The Depew Independent
December 3, 1920
(Continued from page 1)
The Most Interesting Question
Perhaps the most interesting question now that oil has been discovered
just north of Depew, which bears out the theory that Has been
advocated in this column for the last four years, namely, that
the trend would take a southeast direction from Cushing and would
follow the general direction of Deep Fork, southeast to Okmulgee
and beyond. It is whether or not there will be other pools discovered
along the banks of the Deep Forks, further west than Depew and
township 15-8.
The chances are that inasmuch as the Wilcox sand has no connection
with the Bartlesville, the gamble is just as good as any that
oil will be found along the creeks in 15-7 and 15-6, with here
and there oil is in well defined structure, such as the structure
which is producing so much oil southwest of Beggs in 11-14-11.
This sort of structure can be seen with the naked eye and if,
by any chance any oil man should notice that on the north bank
of either of the Deep Forks there is inclination of the surface
toward the north, it is well worth investigating.
Sometime the geologist will come to the front and explain how
it is that the oil follows the creeks in Creek county, but up
to now, the best explanation is one offered by a geologist who
says that, "By drilling along the creeks, you get the drainage."
It has become so noticeable that the creeks have a lot to do with
it, that it seems about time some of the geologist connected with
the geological survey in Washington, who have it figured out that
oil will be exhausted in nine years and three months, would make
an investigation and offer some sort of a plausable explanation.
--Sunday Tulsa World
Sued For Damages
Frank Staples, the young man who lost his right arm a short time
ago at the Barrett gin, through his attorney, Streeter Speakman,
brought suit against Mr. Barrett for $30,250.00. Notice of the
suit was served on him Tuesday evening.
G. C. Gilliam bought a couple of lots in the First Addition and
will build a residence thereon at once.
W. L. (Laddie) Sexton has been quite sick, but at this writing
is much better and he expects to be out in a few days.
P. H. Gordon, one of the owners of the Peoples’ Exchange, is here
from Tulsa this week, assisting in their store. He tells us that
Dave Finklestein has gone to St. Louis to purchase more goods
for their Depew store.
R. G. Rowland and son are here from Atoka county, Oklahoma this
week. They are old time residents of Creek county and will probably
locate near here.
Resolution of Respect
We, the Committee on resolutions submit the following report with
the kindliest feelings of respect:
Resolved, that wherein the Omnipotent God in his all wise providence
has seen fit to call home one of earth’s fairest flowers in the
form of Carmen Jean Burton, five year old baby of one of our Brother
Odd Fellows, I. L. Burton and his good wife, that we extend to
them our heart felt sympathy and respect in this time of their
bereavement and disappointment, as becometh Christian gentlemen
and brother Odd Fellows, therefore if there be anything that we
can do either as a Lodge or individuality that will be of help
or benefit to them in this sad hour, that we do it gladly. And
that we look back two thousand years, to the time when Christ
was hanging on the cross and the woman looked up and said, is
it noting to you, all you who pass by behold, there is no sorrow
like unto my sorrow. That we be not as the maddening crowd who
passed by that day, unmindful of all the sorrow of the world.
But that we, with the true Odd Fellow spirit, turn with a will
and count it a privilege to be of help to someone.