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Updated: 08 Nov 2023
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The Depew Independent
December 17, 1920

First State Bank, Shamrock, Robbed
Sometime after 12:00 Saturday night the vault of the First State Bank at Shamrock was entered and several thousand dollars in cash, Liberty Bonds and War Savings Stamps were taken.
The discovery that the bank had been robbed was not made until Sunday afternoon when Cashier Homer Key went down to do some work.
We understand that a set of safety deposit boxes were taken away. Later the boxes and the valuable papers minus cash and bonds was found.
The Independent man sold a couple of lots in the First Addition to Jack Kelly this week. He will build a residence thereon in a short time.
Oil Notes
The Wilcox test in 31-19-8 is down about 3230 feet, we understand. They have been having some trouble with salt water breaking in above where they are drilling. The well will soon be down to the pay-maybe.
Mr. Winfrey, the gentlemen who recently purchased the L. E. Brown place, has moved down from Bristow and is now occupying his property.
The O.K. hotel has been rented to Mr. Kelly, of the firm of LeMaster & Kelly.
The Church is planning a Christmas tree for the little tots.
Several of our stores have nice Christmas displays, among them the Donaldson Brothers, Harrington-Pettegrew Co., and both the Hardware Stores.
There are about 14 or 15 rigs up between here and Bristow and it begins to look like an oil field.
The Boydson Brothers are putting down a deep well in the First Addition for the water works.
Wartzenberger, a former Sapulpa City Auditor and once candidate for County Clerk, was found


guilty of theft of several thousand dollars worth of Liberty bonds from a bank at Keystone, Okla., some time ago, and was sentenced at Stillwater to a term in the state penitentary.
We have another poem from the typewriter of M. W. Plettner this week. Also article on "Crime." We are pleased to hand our readers some of Mr. Plettners articles as they are well worth your time reading. He always says something worth while.
Today I sauntered down the street
I didn’t know where else to go
And every guy I chanced to meet
Was peddling bitterness and woe.
I think I traveled full a mile
And never run across a smile.
I wondered why old Jim was sore,
And what was troubling uncle Jake,
What agony or sorrow tore
Their tender hearts with stomach ache.
I asked them to confess to me
The cause of their misery.
I found that all their grief was due
To fancied terrors just ahead
And learned that they were feeling blue
Because "prosperity" was dead.
Cheer up, said I, don’t be so glum
For, Boys the worst is yet to come.
Said I the skys are never clear
As long as clouds go drifting by
You can’t see plainly while a tear
Remains to blur your sunny eye.
Smile for the day-break’s red is nigh
And glory tints the future's sky.
T.H.E. Prodigal
The People’s Exchange are having a big sale at their store. A piano voting contest is on and the Odd Fellows are trying to win the piano for their hall. The members of the order can help win it by casting their votes now.
Born to Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Shawver Sunday, December 12th, a baby girl. Mother and baby are getting along fine and in time we think Frank will recover, but at present he is stepping mighty high.
Mrs. Aden Utter visited relatives in Jones City last week.

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Updated: 08 Nov 2023
Marti Graham, County Coordinator & Webmaster

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