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Updated: 08 Nov 2023
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The Depew Independent
December 31, 1920

Two Thieves Caught in the Act
Friday night, or rather about 2:00 o’clock Saturday morning, night watch Bob Pilkington discovered a couple of fellows in the P & H Hardware store. He stepped across the street to the Wilkey Cafe where he secured the assistance of George McFarland and Charlie Kinch. Arming George with a gat he directed him to get to the back door and leaving Charlie in front of the store with two good hands as a tackler he divided his time between the two young fellows until one of the robbers started to leave the backway when George showed him the business end of the gun and demanded that he "stick ’em up." The robber complied with the request and George turned him over to Bob when they stepped over to Mr. Parshall’s residence, just a few steps away. The other fellow started out the window at the rear where they had gained entrance and George caught him on the first bounce. The two were taken back in the store and later over to the restaurant where they turned over two good coats, five or six watches, a revolver and a few other articles. They had laid out three of the best guns on the counter and were getting ready to make a haul when discovered.
They are both young fellows about 20 years of age and gave their names as Scotty McClure and Jimmy Lawson. At Sapulpa they were recognized as seasoned criminals having served time for former robberies.
It was a lucky catch and they will probably not be back in Depew for some time to come.
At their preliminary in Sapulpa Monday they both plead not guilty. Their trial will come up in a short time when they will probably get five or six years to study over their mistake.
We see in the Sapulpa papers where the wife of Roy T. Wildman, former County Attorney, had died, leaving four small children. The many friends of Mr. Wildman sympathize with him in his great loss. Mrs. Wildman was a cousin of Clint Jones, formerly of Depew.
Miss Ruth Vines is spending the holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Vines. She is



teaching school at Red Fork under Prof. E. H. Lenox.
Wilbert Harrington and family spent Christmas with Mr. Harrington’s mother at Perkins.
Barney Hale Dead
Barney Hale, son of F. A. Hale and brother of C. F. Hale died at the home of his brother, C. F. Hale Thursday morning at 4:00 o’clock and was buried in Stroud cemetery Thursday afternoon.
Barney had been a suffer of tubeculosis for the past ten or twelve years but always remained cheerful and hopeful. The writer can remember back twenty years ago when he was a wrestler of some note and one of the best men physically in this part of the country.
He had lived near Depew for the past twenty years and had many friends who will be pained to hear of his death.
The Depew Township Board will hold their annual meeting at the regular meeting place Friday December 31st and wind up the year’s business. A new Board of Republicans will take over the Township offices on January 3rd. The new Board consists of Frank Bollinger, Clerk; W. H. Wilson, Treasurer; John Fox, Trustee; W. R. Martin, Justice of Peace; George Stark, Constable.
W. F. Parshall and Bob Pilkington, night watch, were in Sapulpa Monday attending the preliminary of the two young men that had broken into the P & H Hardware Store Christmas eve.
Harrington-Pettegrew Company have a new Ford delivery car and are making the oil fields south of town delivering supplies.
W. P. Loyd, the contractor and carpenter at Milfay, was a pleasant caller at the Independent office Thursday. He has done more to "make" Milfay than any other one man. A large number of houses have gone up by his hands since he came there a little over a year ago.
Catherine Crosswhite is the proud owner of a fine new player piano, a present from her parents.
Mrs. M. A. Hays is having a small building put up back of her restaurant.

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Updated: 08 Nov 2023
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