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Updated: 08 Jan 2025
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In 1895 he was married to Mrs. Mary Dickey. To this union one child was born, Mrs. Blanche Reynolds, who, with the widow, two stepsons, Wallace and Ralph, 3 brothers and four sisters, twenty-four grandchildren and seven great-grandchildren, are left to mourn his loss.
He was a member of the Christian church. His funeral was preached by Rev. J. W. Garner and his mortal remains were laid to rest in the Perkins cemetery.

We see by Tulsa’s Sunday World that Mr. Walater Warner and Miss Minnie Wilcoxson were married. Both are well known young folks residing out north of town.

December 3, 1920

Mrs. E. W. Sims Dead
C. N. Lee received a letter from Mrs. Sims’ banker at Madison, Nebraska, a few days ago stating she had been dead for some time. She was well known to a great many of people, having lived at Bristow for nearly twenty years.
Mrs. Joseph Kinch received word this week that her daughter, Mrs. Monte Abbett, had a fine baby girl. They live at Burkburnett, Texas.

December 10, 1920 None


December 17, 1920

Born to Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Shawver Sunday, December 12th, a baby girl. Mother and

baby are getting along fine and in time we think Frank will recover, but at present he is stepping mighty high.

December 24, 1920
Born to Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Cooper Thursday December 16th a boy baby.
Born to Mr. and Mrs. C. V. Cleveland Saturday December 18 a girl baby.

December 31, 1920

We see in the Sapulpa papers where the wife of Roy T. Wildman, former County Attorney, had died, leaving four small children. The many friends of Mr. Wildman sympathize with him in his great loss. Mrs. Wildman was a cousin of Clint Jones, formerly of Depew.
Barney Hale Dead
Barney Hale, son of F. A. Hale and brother of C. F. Hale died at the home of his brother, C. F. Hale Thursday morning at 4:00 o’clock and was buried in Stroud cemetery Thursday afternoon.
Barney had been a suffer of tubeculosis for the past ten or twelve years but always remained cheerful and hopeful. The writer can remember back twenty years ago when he was a wrestler of some note and one of the best men physically in this part of the country.
He had lived near Depew for the past twenty years and had many friends who will be pained to hear of his death.


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Updated: 08 Jan 2025
Marti Graham, County Coordinator & Webmaster

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