Creek County Oklahoma Genealogy ~ OKGenWeb
Updated: 08 Jan 2025
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[Note: No mention of the year Miss Maggie was born.]

March 5, 1920 - None

March 12, 1920

Mrs. Peaters, wife of the gentleman that bought the Middleton farm, died at her home the first of the week of apoplexy. She was buried at the cemetery in Bristow. She had not lived here but a short time but was highly respected and loved by her new neighbors. She leaves a husband and several children to mourn her death.
Wilbert Harrington drove to Stillwater Tuesday to attend the funeral of Captain Bob Lowrey. Captain Lowrey was an ‘89er in Oklahoma and a prominent lawyer and citizen. During the Spanish-American war he commanded the company of which Mr. Harrington was a member. He was a man of strong convictions and had many warm friends throughout Oklahoma who will regret to hear of his death. Mr. Kinch accompanied Mr. Harrington and visited his son Charles while at Stillwater

Mr. and Mrs. H.G. Sampson were at Sand Springs Tuesday attending the funeral of Mrs. Johnson, a sister of Mrs. Sampson. She had died of the flu.

March 19, 1920 None

March 26, 1920 None

April 2, 1920 None

April 9, 1920 None

April 16, 1920

Born to Mr. and Mrs. Warren Goodwin Thursday April 15th, a 12 pound girl. Warren is stepping as high as a two year old.

Born to Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Workman Thursday morning April 15th, a baby girl. Mother and baby doing nicely.

April 23, 1920

Former Depew School Principal
Hurt in Storm
Mrs. Claude Faultner, nee Julia Ramsey, her husband and child were all badly hurt in the Saturday night storm. She and her husband live 10 miles southeast of Bristow, where she is teaching school. The storm destroyed their house and according to the Sapulpa papers, she is hurt worst of all. A brother of her husband was also hurt badly. Mrs. Faultner was rushed to a Tulsa hospital and at last reports was still unconscious.
Mrs. Faultner was for two years Principal of our schools and was very popular among the pupils and patrons. She is a half sister of Frank Bollinger, of Milfay. He passed through here Monday going back to be with her. He had driven down Sunday after the storm.
The many Depew friends hope that she recovers from her injuries.

April 30, 1920

Thursday evening about 7 o’clock. Mr. John Barber and Miss Maggie Mercer were married at the M. E. Parsonage, by the Pastor. All join in wishing them a long, happy and prosperous life.
C. P. BROOME, Pastor

Levi Mercer Dies Suddenly
Levi Mercer, an old time resident of near Depew died at his home north of town Saturday. He had suffered a paraletic stroke last fall and had never entirely recovered from it. He leaves a wife and several children and two brothers, Ben and John Mercer.


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Updated: 08 Jan 2025
Marti Graham, County Coordinator & Webmaster

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