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The Daily Oklahoman
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
March 6, 1910
page 1

Aged Man Killed By Automobile

Sapulpa Chauffeur Arrested
Feeling High When Victim Dies

Sapulpa, Okla. March 6 (Special)

While an elderly man named Thomas Cardwell was walking down the street today he was run over and his skull fractured by the big six-cylinder touring car of B. B. Burnett, banker and capitalist, of this city. Cardwell did not recover consciousness and died four hours later.

W. A. Tucker, chauffeur, in charge of the car when the accident occurred, who was taking a joy ride in his employer's machine, has been arrested and will be held for trial to answer a charge of manslaughter.

Considerable feeling was aroused by the accident, as it was alleged the machine was running at a dangerous rate of speed.