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Rolla Herald
Rolla, Missouri
Thursday Aug 24, 1922

Guy Henry Cox, Rolla, MO, b 1881 d 1922

Dr. G. H. Cox Killed in Auto Accident
Funeral at Rolla Today

Friends in Rolla were advised Sunday morning that Dr. G. H. Cox had met his death in an automobile accident between Bristow and Sapulpa, Oklahoma Saturday night. Dr. Cox was driving from Bristow to Sapulpa and in meeting another automobile, and being blinded by strong headlights, he misjudged his course and his machine went over a steep embankment. He was picked up by another machine and taken to a hospital at Bristow, but he never regained consciousness, and died early Sunday morning, August 20, 1922. 

His home was in Oklahoma City, OK. The remains of the deceased were brought to Rolla, arriving here Wednesday morning and were taken to the Episcopal Church, where they rested in state. 

Dr. Guy Henry Cox was born at Lehigh, Ohio May 4, 1881, making him in his forty second year at the time of his death. When but a boy he went with his parents to Iowa where he was reared. He attended Northwestern University near Chicago, from which he graduated. He later took post graduate work at Wisconsin University and received his Doctors degree from that college. He also received the degree of Engineer of Mines from the Missouri School of Mines. For about twelve years he was Professor of Geology and Mineralogy at the School of Mines until about two years ago he resigned to accept the position as Oil Geologist for the Jersey Oil Co. of Oklahoma. He has been engaged in doing this work in Arkansas, Oklahoma and Texas. 

On December 27, of 1909 he was united in marriage with Miss Kittie May Gates of Clear Lake, Iowa. To this union two children, Kenneth and Catherine were born, both of whom with their mother survive. He is also survived by his mother who lives in Seattle, Washington and a brother and two sisters. Besides his immediate family, one sister, Mrs. Edith Jones of Ohio was present at the funeral. 

Dr. Cox was a fine man, fine personality and splendid attainments. He made friends where ever he went. He held membership in Rolla Lodge A.F. and A.M., Rolla Chapter of Royal Arch Masons, Rolla Commandery, Knights Templar, and of Abou Ben Adhem Temple of Mystic Shrine at Springfield, MO. Funeral Services will be held this (Thursday) morning at 10:30 o'clock, from the Episcopal Church, Rev. R Nelson Tragitt the Recotr, officiating. 

The pall bearers will be made up of his associates among the faculty of the School of Mines. The floral offerings were very beautiful, testimonial of the esteem to which he was held. Following the services at the church Rolla Lodge of Masons will take charge of the remains and he will be buried according to the ancient rites and ceremonies of the Masonic Order.

SOURCE: Cox Index [Dec 2001]