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Bristow Record
Bristow, Creek Co. OK
Friday, May, 26, 1911


A Crash of lightning, a blinding fire, during the rain last Friday evening, killed Oren M. Fenton, a wealthy Creek county farmer, and his daughter Velmah Lyda, at their home south of Bristow, both being struck down instantly, and death was without warning. They were out in the storm attempting to save some chickens, that had huddled under an oak tree near the house.

A double funeral occurred Sunday at Oak Lawn Cemetery.

The father and daughter were just completing the work of housing chickens that had gotten caught in the rain. The young lady had her dress front caught up and was taking the little chicks into a dry place. Out of the storm came the crash, and as it reached a few feet from the ground, it seemed to spread. Both were instantly knocked down, and when the other members of the family rushed out, they found life extinct.

Neighbors were hurriedly called, and medical aid summoned, but of no avail. The tree was demolished.

The funeral Sunday was attended by the largest crowd ever assembled in a procession in Bristow. It stretched out for more than a mile, and the two bodies were carried to Oak Lawn, where they were placed in graves side by side. The Modern Woodmen of America conducted the services after their ritual, and Rev. T. J. Davis, of the Baptist church performed the religious ceremony. Eight from Newby and eighteen from Bristow of the lodge were mounted and made a calvary escort for the two remains.

Oren M. Fenton was born December 8, 1867, at Feesburg, Ohio, and was a man of wide experience in business life. He has always been connected with the progressive moves of the county, and was widely and popularity known in nearly every township in the county. His friends in Bristow were greatly shocked at the sudden death, for only an hour or two before, he had a visit with his friends here.

Velmah Lyda was born February 24, 1893, at Arkansas City, Kansas. Eighteen years of age, just in the first of full womanhood, she was a beautiful, charming, attractive young girl, who had hundreds of friends in her own neighborhood and in Bristow. The shock of her death spread out over many homes.

Mr. Fenton was a member of the Modern Woodmen Lodge, having joined less than a month previous to his death. He carried $1000 insurance, which goes to his estate. Mrs. Fenton and the remaining members of the family will reside on the farm Mr. Fenton had recently bought, though their large stock-possessions will be reduce, in order to lessen the burden upon them.

The Record extends sympathy to the family and friends.

[Submitted by G. Argo < argo2@mindspring.com > June 1999]