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Log Cabin Democrat
Thurs., 04 Mar 1937
Conway, Faulkner County, Arkansas


Mrs. Lula Harris Holmes, aged 47, wife of Joe R. Holmes, died at 3:34 
o'clock Wednesday afternoon at the family home, 231 North 17th Street, 
Muskogee, Okla., according to word received here. The funeral was scheduled 
to be held at 3:30 o'clock this afternoon by Dr. L. S. Barton, pastor of the 
St. Paul's Methodist Church at Muskogee. Burial will be held Friday morning 
at Durant, Okla., former home of the family of the deceased. 

Mrs. J. R. Holmes, mother, and Mrs. Ray Reid, sister of Mr. Holmes, left 
here yesterday afternoon when informed of her critical condition and reached 
Muskogee one hour after death occurred. 

Mrs. Holmes with her husband had frequently visited Conway and had 
numerous friends here. 

Mrs. Holmes was a native of Missouri and had resided in Oklahoma since 
early childhood. She received her education at Southeastern Teachers 
College, Durant, and the University of Oklahoma. She was a member of the 
public school faculty at Ada, Okla., at the time of her marriage to Mr. 
Holmes in 1917, shortly before he left for military service in France. After 
his return to the United States, they resided in Sapulpa, Okmulgee, and 
Muskogee. He is superintendent of Muskogee city schools and a member of the 
Oklahoma board of education. 

Surviving relatives other than Mr. Holmes are three children, Betty 
Katherine, Joe, Jr., and Harris Holmes. Mrs. Holmes was the last surviving 
member of a large family.

[Also see Holmes, Joseph]