The Oklahoman
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
Jun 16, 1934
Rites for Rush Will Be Conducted at Oilton.
Funeral services for A. L. Rush. 44 years old, Phillips
Petroleum Co. employee, killed Thursday in auto- truck
collision, will be conducted at 0ilton at 2:30 pm, Saturday. The
Capitol Hill funeral home will be in charge.
Condition of Mrs. Bertha Rush. 33 years old, his wife, and Norma
Lee Rush, his 6-year-old daughter, injured in the accident, was
reported improved Friday night by Samaritan hospital attendants.
Both regained consciousness for The first time Friday.
The accident occurred when Rush's car collided with a milk truck
driven by F. A. Barnard. 44 years old, Mustang. at Southwest
Fifty-sixth street and Pennsylvania avenue.
Complied and transcribed by Zoey Fryhover, 2009.