Updated: 06 Sep 2009

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[NOTE: article has no date and no newspaper name]

Probably Sapulpa Herald Newspaper
Sapulpa, Creek County Oklahoma

Article found on pg. 12 
of Creek County Burials, Sapulpa Cemetery [1907] to Jul 1917
DAR Nancy Green Chapter, Sapulpa, OK

Crushed to Death by Frisco Train

The body of a white man thought to be S. C. Woods, of Kiefer, was found this morning on the Frisco trestle about half a mile south of the depot. The body was found about six o’clock this morning by James DUNBAR who lives near the scene of the tragedy. He immediately reported his find to the police and a wagon was sent out to bring the body in.

The body was found on the trestle in a badly mutilated condition and removed to Buffington’s Undertaking parlors where it is being held for identification. Four cents, a knife with his picture and the initial S. C. Woods on the back and a pawn ticket made out to W. R. Woods were found on the body. He was a medium sized man about thirty years old and had a black mustache.

It is thought that he was riding on fast freight train 35, engine 660 in charge of conductor Norira and Engineer Chas. McCall which left here at 4:30 this morning. The authorities believe that he was riding the rods, and as the train started to cross the trestle he lost his hold and fell.

In looking through a directory of Kiefer, it was noticed the name C. S. Woods appeared and the authorities at that place have been notified to look him up in order to establish the identify of the dead man.

Later ­ The body of the man who was found on the Frisco tracks this morning was identified this afternoon by his mother, Mrs. Mary J. Pennington, of this city who lives at 830 South Water Street. The man who has been identified as S. C. Woods has a wife in Kiefer and other relatives in Oklahoma City. His wife has been notified of his death and will arrive in the city this evening when arrangements for burial will be made.