
Francis Marion Tuck |

Son of S. O. and Edna Tuck |

Son of F. and D. Barnes |

Riseley sons 1906 |

Marvin Lee Kanouse |

Jay Kanouse |

William Kanouse |

Frank Scott Donley |

William Harrison Donley |

Wayne 1896-1910 |

Wayne Blair |

Frankie Scott Donley |

Cud Hale |

Etty B. Hale |

Marindia A. Meek |

Robert L. Lewis |

Stapley Brooker |

Stapley Brooker |

Amandy Brooker |

Sarah Davis |

William Frederick Davis |

Wm. Jasper Fields |

Cleo Gentry |

Floyd Jones |

Hettie Jane Riegel |

Sophia Thompson |

Frank Scott Donley |

Martha J. Donley |

Ida Mae Rayburn Donley |

Letha Winifred Donley |

Mildred Fern Donley |

son of H. Parks |

Camargo Camp 11630 |