Minnie Bell Link |
Orlow Link |
Cristena Harrison |
Rollie Harrison |
Aline Barney |
Dale M. Osborne |
Susie Osborne |
Sarah and John Huffman |
Mary and William Smith |
W. A. and Jessica Smith |
William Smith |
Smith |
Liddie Smith |
Clarice Irene Bryan |
Bessie and Hampton Bryan |
Essie and Fred Smith |
Audrey Smith |
Robert Powers |
Chester Powers |
Homer D. Rice |
unknown |
Leo Grider |
John William Stricklan |
Jessie Pettis |
Margaret Robinson |
Robinson |
Henry Robinson |
unknown 1898 |
Almeda Tunin |
Thomas Tunin |
Martha Almeda Luton |
Lura Luton |
John Luton |
Claude Luton |
Arthur Lynes |
Julious and Lydia Chandler |
Tina Ashcraft |
Ida Mae and Homer
Ashcraft |
Charles E. Smith |
Charles E. Smith |
Sarah Luton |
Leland Ashcraft |
Norton |
Nevella Hindman Clark Cummins |
Lee V. Schomp |
Jacob Schomp |
George D. Tunin |
Tunin Children |
Charley Tunin |
Coles Barney |
Jennie Tunin |
Mary Almeda Tunin |
James Ray |
Fannie E. Ray |
Susan and VanDoran Anson |
G. W. Laird |
Alfred Robinson |
John and Dora Schomp |
E. A. Martin |
James W. Boyd |
James W. Boyd |
Oley and William Hightower |
Birdie and Elmer Anson |
Neva and John Anson |
Joe Dean Anson |
Edwin Ashcraft |
Thomas Kittrell Pearson |
Joshua Molnar |
Glen Widney |
Glen Widney |
Bermie Stewart Jr |
Agnes Link |
Link |
Jacob D. Link |
Hiram George
Jerold George |
daughter of Mr & Mrs. Jacob LInk |
Orvil Francis Link |
Lottie Harrison |
Inez May Barney |
Avis Barney |
Enola Garner Barney |
Alice Barney |