Mrs. Anna Phillips, In Memorium...
The Leedey Times, Leedey, Oklahoma,
Thursday, November 30, 1922, Front Page, Column 3
Mrs. Anna Phillips, daughter of W. N. Green and Mrs. Sallie Green, was born in Mississipi January the 17, 1872. She moved to Texas when about 7 years of age, at the age of 16, she was married to Jessie Payton Phillips, to this union was born 13 children, 6 boys and 7 girls, who are all living.
She came to Oklahoma in 1889, where she resided until her death. Mrs. Phillips professed religion at the age of 14, and joined the Baptist Church, and has since lived a christian life, as well as a kind, loving, and true mother, until death which came to her last Sunday at the Clinton Hospital. This dear mother leaves many friends and relatives to mourn her death.
Funeral services were conducted at the home Tuesday afternoon by the Pator, Rev. E. B. Davis, interment at Shirley Cemetery. Card of Thanks...We take this method of extending our heartfelt thanks to those who so kindly assisted us in our recent trial, the death and burial of our beloved wife and mother. J. P. Phillips and family