First ALLOTTEES of Taloga, D County, Oklahoma Territory
Published in TALOGA ACCIDENT Dec 23, 1892 ( Vol. 1 #31) , page 4.
Geo. N. Hutton
Geo H. Sexton
C. A. DeWater
J. E. Holcomb
Geo. N. Hutto
Mrs. A. M. McGoggin
Geo. N. Sexton
L. C. Brennan
Al Shively
J. R. Thomas
Mrs. A. M. McGoggin
Wm. A. Wheat
J. B. Murphy
R. M. Davis
W. R. Allen
W. R. Allen
Wm. Lewis
Henry Nichols
Thomas F. Ruble
A. D. Hunt
W. R. Mealon
Thomas O'Toole
C. L. Hood
Thomas O'Toole
A. C. Grimes
Wm. Kiger
W. R. Merion
H. F. Overstreet
J. W. Burton
H. E. Noble
John Sparks
Wm. Lewis
Geo. H. Sexton
Sam Mosshart
J. E. S. Bell
W. P. Ward
J. R. Thomas
Lulu Holcomb
Sam Mosshart
M. L. Cook
Bert Sexton
Miller Roberts
J. N. Norner
S. B. Griffin
J. A. Wheat
J. M. Luckens
H. F. Parris
C. G. Davis
Julius E. Thompson
J. D. Leak
T. P. Ruble
J. T. Shiner
O. L. McClung
C. A. Martin
C. H. Nichols
A. Hughes
O. L. McClung
M. B. Elliott
M. B. Elliott
J. S. Litton
J. S. Litton
W. N. Shumate
Geo. H. Sexton
Fred Hofmann
Wm. Hofmann
O. C. Boyd
Thomas P. Ruble
Henry Nichols
Thomas O'Toole
W. A. Espy
E. J. Childers
Thomas O' Toole
B. N. Turk
R. M. Davis
J. F. Hughes
A. Beckwith
C. G. Davis
Thomas Reynolds
N. B. Litton
John Williams
John U. Haddon
A. E. Parlee
B. N. Turk
D. B. Anderson
Jas. Elliott
Horace Pardee
Johnathan McGrath
A. Humbler
A. D. Hunt
John T. Williams
John Norman
John Norman
J. J. Monahan
J. T. Wiliams
John B. Shumate
Sam Pegrum
Thomas P. Ruble
Minza Christopher
L. Southworth
Minza Christopher
The newspaper legal notice first published November 25, 1892 said that the allottees should appear at probate judge office for the deeds and pay all charges thereon, lots, blocks and squares. The remainder December 26, 1892 were offered for sale at public venue and sold to the highest bidder.
TALOGA ACCIDENT, February 24, 1893, page one reported the following businesses established: One grocery, dry goods and hardware store, one drug store, one gent's furnishings and dry goods store, hotel, blacksmith shop, brick yard, restaurant, saloon, barber shop, post-office, printing office and one church organization.
THE HICKS HOTEL, Feed Stable in Connection. Feed always on hand. Fresh Beef kept for sale.
THE PALACE BAR, Saloon and Restaurant, Meals served At All Hours.
S. P. Brooks, Proprietor.
GROCERY, Groceries, Cured Meats and Flour. Fine line of cookies and buns, H. J. Taggart.
TALOGA STORE. Hardware and Tinware. M. Abernathy & Co., Fred Hofmann, Mngr.
CEDAR FRONT, Dry Goods & Gent's Furnishings. T. P. Ruble
BLACKSMITH, Blacksmithing, Horse-shoeing, Plow, Wagon & Tool Making, Chas. E. Dietze & Co.