Classroom at Vici school about 1930
Photo of Vici class, provided by John Hewes, identifies his father Bert Hewes, about 1930.
The name Elizabeth Woods written on the back of photo but unidentified.

Vici High School, Class of 1935
From "37 Years On The Block," by Boyd Stoddard, a basketball coach in the Leedey, Vici and Seiling communities.

1958 Senior High Boys Basketball Team. Front row left to right: Bud Boyd, Joe Maddock, Roy Winters, Rex Forrest, Gordon Moore and Clyde Gregory. Back row left to right: Johnnie Windolph, Marvin Ladd, Darrel Duer, Terry Turner, Jim Logston, Gary Fenton, Max Forrest and Coach Boyd Stoddard.
This team won 33 games and lost only two. They won: County Invitational Tournament, 270 Conference and District Tournament. They were runner ups in the Southwestern State Invitational Tournament.

1958 Senior High School Girls Basketball team. Left to right: Edythe Randall, Mary Castor, Kathy Fenton, Guylia Randolph, Karen Terrel, Ann Arthaud, Bonnie Randolph, Deloros Johnson, Donna Coulson, Joyce Hunter, Margaret Holeman, Bonneta Remmele and Karen Welden. Coach Boyd Stoddard in back.