Oaklawn Cemetery Ledger
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This material is donated by people who want to communicate with and help others. Every effort is made to give credit and protect all copyrights. Presentation here does not extend any permissions to the public. This material can not be included in any compilation, publication, collection, or other reproduction for profit without permission.

1903 - 1966
'A' Surnames


Name - Age - Sex - Nationality - Cause of Death - Lot - Block - Grave - Name of Purchaser - Purchase Price (sometimes location of lot) - Date Deed Issued (sometimes cost of space) - Where Died - Attending Physician (later Funeral Home) - Date of Death - Permit No. - Date of Internment -  Body Moved - By Whom Moved (later grave digging fee) - Where Moved to (later grave digging fee)

Abel, Carna M., 11 days, F, White, Blue Baby, 2, 71, 1656, Carna M. Abel, Pd 4.00, owe 14.00, blank, blank, July 10, 1937, 1105, July 10, 1937, blank, Free, 25251

Abernathy, Fannie, 40, F, W, Cancer of breast, torn, torn, torn(1526?), Fannie Abernathy, owned, blank, Okla City, C.F. Coonrod, May 18, 1934, 39862, May 18, 1934, blank, 4.50, 55???

Abernathy, Frances B., 73, F, W, Cancer of Stomach, 1, 11, blank, Abernathy, blank, blank, Wynnewood, M.E. Robberson, April 24, 1925, blank,  April 24, 1935, blank, blank, blank

Abernathy, Geo W., 65, M, White, Uremia, 2, 109, 1831, Geo W. Abernathy, owned, blank, Wynnewood, WW Fun'l Home, April 10, 1941, 14, April 10, 1941, blank, 4.50, 25251

Abernathy, Geo Welborn, 1, M, White Cholera Infantum, E1, 108, 39, blank, blank, blank, June 11, 1904, 39, June 12, 1904, blank, blank, blank

Abernathy, J.P., 86, M, White, Nitro inefficacy, 1, 111, 1674, J.P. Abernathy, owned, blank, Wynnewood, blank, Nov 28, 1937, 65, Nov 28, 1937, blank, 4.50, blank

Abernathy, Morris S., 66, M, W, Cerebral Sclerosis, torn, 20, 1777, M.S. Abernathy, owned, blank, Elmore, Year y & Vaughn, Feb 27, 1940, blank, Feb 27, 1940, blank, 4.50, 25252

Abernathy, Wm Marvin, 43, blank, blank, Intestinal cancer, blank, blank, 722, blank, blank, blank, Okla City Hospital, A.L. Blesh Okla City, May 29, 1919, 98, May 31, 1919, blank, blank, blank

Able, Barbar, 3m, F, W, Neptusia Infection, 1, 150, 1536, Barbar Able, Potterfield, blank, Wynnewood, C.F. Coonrod, Aug 28, 1934, 987, Aug 28, 1934, blank, Potterfield, 25251

Able, Mrs. Ruth, 20, F, W, Perputal Sysis, 1, 46, 1591, Mrs. Ruth Abel, owned, blank, Okla City, blank, Feb 6, 1936, 44724, Feb 6, 1936, blank, Free, 55250

Adams, Infant J.W., 4d, M, blank, eastling? at birth, 1, 70, 381, J.W. Adams, 10.00, Dec 5, 1910, Brady, John Darst, Dec 2, 1910, 381, Dec 3, 1910, 2.50,2.50

Adams, J.L., 58, blank, blank, Cancer, blank, 78, 654, blank, blank, blank, Wynnewood, H.P. Wilson, Feb 4, 1918, 654, Feb 6, 1918, blank, gf 4.50, 4.50

Akin, Nancy, 72y 3m 28d, blank, blank, Organic, 2, 21, 836, T.W. Aikin, blank, 1923, Ward 1 WW, blank, Feb 15, 1923, 345, Feb 16, 1923, blank, 2-21, blank

Akin, Thomas W. 76, M, W, Heart Failure, 2, 21, 1310, blank, blank, blank, Wynnewood, C.F. Coonrod, April 17, 1927, 608, April 18, 1927, blank, 4.50, 25251

Albert, E.E., 78, blank, blank, blank, 1, 2A, 1201, Mrs. E.E. Albert, 1/4 18.00, blank, blank, blank, Feb 8, 1959, blank, Feb 8, 1959, blank, blank, 25.00

Albright, Maggie, 56, blank, blank, blank, 1, 18A, 1157, J.B. Albright, 18.00, 1/4, blank, blank, March 21, 1958, blank, March 21, 1958, blank, blank, 15.00

Alexander, Bessie, blank, blank, blank, blank, 1, 52A, 1331, Mrs. Geo Alexander, 1/4, 18.00, blank, blank, Nov 9, 1961, blank, Nov 9, 1961, blank, blank, 25.00,

Alexander, Geo Christopher, 78, M, W, blank, 1, 52A, 1042, Mrs. Geo C. Alexander, 1/4 18.00, 1953, blank, blank, April 22, 1955, 16, April 22, 1955, blank, blank, 12.50

Alexander, Henry, 92, M, blank, Senility, 2, 47, 1646, Henry Alexander, owned, blank, Wynnewood, blank, May 9, 1937, 1101, May 9, 1937, blank, 4.50, blank

Allen, Argentine, 1y 10m, M, Typhoid fever, Hemorrage mouth, 2, 76, 367, blank, blank, blank, W.W., E.E. Norvell, Aug 1, 1910, 367, Aug 1, 1910, blank, 3.50, 3.50

Allen, Bessie, 25, F, blank, surgical operation, 6, 67, 357, V.H. Allen, blank, blank, blank, H.P. Wilson, May 26, 1910, 357, May 27, 1910, blank, 4.50, 4.50

Allen, Child of E.B., blank, blank, blank, Dysentery, 2, 133, 155, blank, blank, blank, June 17, 1906, 155, June 18, 1906, blank, blank, blank

Allen, Ella, 37, F, blank, blank, 6, 67, 277, blank, ??W., blank, Sept 8, 1908, 276, Sept 9, 1908, blank, blank, 4.50

Allen, Harvey Walter, 62, M, W, Cersbans(?) Lar?, 1, 170, 1035, Mrs. M.T. Allem, 18.00, blank, blank, blank, Aug 18, 1952, 18, Aug 18, 1952, blank, blank, 12.50

Allen, Nancy C., 85, F, W, blank, 1, 170, 1307, Mrs. M.T. Allen, 1/4 lot, 18.00, OC, blank, Jan 9, 1961, blank, Jan 9, 1961, blank, blank, 20.00

Allen, Omer A., 70, M, W, Apoplexy from, 122, and 123, 2012, Saddur(?), blank, blank, Tulsa(?), Fun Home, April 14, 1945, 22(?), April 14, 1945, blank, 7.50, 4951

Allen, Seth, 62, M, W, Coronary Occlusion, blank, 122, 1883, Seth Allen, owned, blank, Tulsa, Tulsa Fun'l Home, July 23, 1942, 853, July 23, 1942, blank, 5.50, 72

Allen, V.H., 72, M., blank, Blood Poison, 1, 149, 451, blank, blank, blank, Wynnewood, W.E. Settle, Oct 2, 1912, 452, Oct 2, 1912, blank, 4.50, 4.50, by Parthenson?

Allin, M.T., 74, M, W, Coronory Throm, 1, 170, 1977, M.T. Allin, 18.00, Sept 22, 1944, blank, C.F. Coonrod, Sept 22, 1944, 37, Sept 22, 1944, blank, 7.50, 25251

Almond, Clifford Earl, 7m 2d, blank, blank, Influenza, 2, 146, 765, pd 10.00 by Oscar Smith, blank, blank, 3 1/2 S 1 E of Wynnewood, E.E. Norvell, Nov 23, 1920, 204, Nov 20, 1920, blank, blank, blank

Alred(Alved?), Rosie, 58, F, blank, Surgical oper for abdominal tumor, 1, 121, 419, Grave space, $5.00, blank, WW, H.P. Wilson, Sept 7, 1911, 419, Sept 8, 1911, blank, 4.50, 4.50

Ammons, Clarence Riley, 39, M, W, Coronary Occlusion, 2, 53, 1920, Clarence Riley, owned, blank, Wichita Kan, Coonrod Funeral Home, Oct 11, 1943, 1447, Oct 13, 1943, blank, 5.50, 87E

Ammons, George R., 58, M, White, Peritonitis-Rupture Pepticula, 2, 53, 1753, George R. Ammons, owned, blank, Okla City, C.F. Coonrod, Oct 12, 1939, 55313, Oct 12, 1939, blank, Free, 55250

Amos, ????nnie, 40, blank, blank, W, blank, blank, blank, blank(torn), torn, torn, blank, Baker FH, blank, blank, blank, b lank, blank, blank

Anderson, Celia Lizzie, 79, F, W, blank, 1, 73A, 1434, Lennis Clemet, one grave sp, blank, Dunn FH, Sulphur, Feb 2, 1964, blank, Feb 2, 1964, blank, blank, 25.00

Anderson, Child of S.W., blank, blank, blank, Fever, blank, 4, 106, blank, blank, blank, July 27, 1905, 106, July 28, 1905, blank, blank, blank

Anderson, Janie Bernetta, blank, blank, W, blank, 1, 35A, 1011, SM LE Vally(?), 18.00, April 29, 1954, blank, blank, April 29, 1954, 13, April 29, 1954, blank, blank, torn

Anderson, Oran Hubert, 4m, M, blank, perished away-weak condition (neighbor), 1, 152, 529, blank, blank, blank, near Wynnewood, none, Sept 19, 1914, 529, Sept 20, 1914, blank, free, blank

Anderson, Thurman M., 63, M, W, Coronary Occlusion, 2, 37A, 1107, Mrs. Alma Payne(?) Anderson, 18.00, Oct 8, 1961, OK City, blank, Oct 14, 1951, 377, Oct 14, 1951, blank, blank, 12.00

Andrews, Mrs. Ora, 60, F, W, Dropsey, 1, 54, 1301, blank, blank, blank, East Wynnewood, C.F. Coonrod, Feb 7, 1927, 600, Feb 8, 1927, blank, 4.50, 25251

Andrews, Sam T., 68, M, blank, blank, 2, 158, 1088, Sam Andrews, 1/4 18.00, 1942, blank, blank, Nov 6, 1956, blank, Nov 6, 1956, blank, blank, 15.00

Aox(Aoy?), Child J.C., 5 m, M, blank, Infam bowels, 1, 74, 260, blank, Country, blank, May 18, 1908, 260, May 19, 1908, blank, blank, 2.50

Arnold, L.B., 62, M, blank, Pneumonia, 2, 90, 1680, L.B. Arnold, owned, blank, Wynnewood, blank, Dec 25, 1937, 1128, Dec 25, 1937, blank, 4.50, blank

Arnold, Mrs. Mary, 32, F, blank, Typhoid, 4, 90, 332, L.B. Arnold, 10.50, Jan 1910, Laundry man, Dr. W.E. Settle, Dec 29, 1909, 332, Dec 30, 1909, blank, 4.50 pd, 4.50

Asherst, Miss Jannene, blank, blank, blank, Car Acc., 1, 51A, 1346, Mrs. Earl Asherst, 1/4 18.00, blank, blank, blank, April 1962, blank, April 1962, blank, blank, 25.00

Ashley, Emma Vera, 30y 7d, blank, blank, Endocarditis, torn, torn, 774, pd 20.00 for lot but no ??? reported to clk informant M.P. Ashley, blank, blank, 2 mi W 2/4 S Wynnewood, Jno B. Calloway Pauls V, Jan 7, 1921, 221, Jan 8, 1921, blank, blank, blank

Ashley, Essie Cathran, 84, F, W, blank, torn, torn, torn, blank, blank, blank, blank, blank, July 15, 1955, 29, July 15, 1955, blank, blank, 12.50

Ashley, Infant, blank, M, W, Stillborn, blank, blank, 1369, Infant Ashley, blank, blank, Wynnewood, C.F. Coonrod, Dec 12, 1930, 873, Dec 12, 1930, blank, blank, 25251

Ashley, Macie L., 83, blank, blank, blank, 2, 10A, 1116, T.K. Ashley, blank, April 1, 1957, blank, blank, April 1, 1957, blank, April 1, 1957, blank, blank, 15.00

Ashley, Malcom Palmer, 82, F, W, Carcinome of Bestes(?), 2, 104, 1033, M.P. Ashley, blank, blank, WW, BFH, Aug 12, 1952, 16, Aug 12, 1952, blank, blank, 12.50

Ashley, T.K., 56, M, W, Coronary heart disease, 2, 104, 1791, T.K. Ashley, owned, blank, Wynnewood, C.F. Coonrod, June 2, 1940, 25, June 21, 1940, blank, Free, blank

Atchley(?), Margret, blank, F, W, blank, 9, 15034, Mrs. Margret Atchley(?), blank, blank, blank, blank, Jan 23, 1966, blank, Jan 23, 1966, blank, blank, 30.00

Atchley, ???(torn), blank, F, W, torn, torn, torn, 1293, torn, torn, torn, East of Wynnewood, ????Atchley-Father, Jan 1, 1927, blank, Jan 1, 1927, blank, 566, 25251

Atchley, Frankie L., 6, F, W, Rheumatic Fever, 1, 6, 1792, Frankie L. Atchley, owned, blank, Wynnewood, C.F. Coonrod, July 2, 1940, 27, July 2, 1940, blank, Free, 25251

Atchley, Infant of J.B., blank, F, White, Born dead, 1, 151, 19, blank, blank, blank, Dec 25, 1903, 19, Dec 25, 1903, blank, blank, blank

Atchly, James Benjamie, 76, M, W, blank, blank, 9(?), 1016, Mrs. Margaritt Atchly, 12.00, May 29, 1949, blank, blank, blank, blank, blank, blank, blank, blank

Atwood, Martha, 0(?), F, W, Stillborn, 2, 41, 1970, Atwood, 27.00, Aug 1, 1944, blank, C.F. Coonrod, Aug 1, 1944, 30, Aug 1, 1944, blank, free, 25251

Atwood, Mary Ruth, 6 days, F, W, Malnutrition, 3, 41, 1776, Mary Ruth Atwood, owned, blank, Davis, Hutchins, Feb 26, 1940, 5, Feb 6, 1940, blank, Free, 50251

Atwood, Sally Cregana(Aregana?), 79, W, W, Bronk Phneum, 2, 173, 4001, George, 6.00, Jan 27, 1949, blank, J.W. Baker, Jan 27, 1949, 4, Jan 27, 1949, blank, 7.50, blank

Austin, Byrd, 60, M, W, Lukemia, 2, 26A, 1084, Byrd Austin, 18.00 April 15, 1951, O.C., C.F. Coonrod, April 13, 1951, 935, April 13, 1951, blank, blank, 10.00

Austin, Jay, 63, M, W, Cancer, 2, 160, 1937, Mrs. J.H. Austin, 18.00, pd Feb 20, 1944, Oklahoma City, Wynnewood Fun Home, Feb 17, 1944, 67489, Feb 20, 1944, Feb 17, 1944, 5.50, 55250

Austin, Jeff D., 79, M, White, Chronic Endocartis, 2, 105, 1718, Jeff D. Austin, owned, blank, Wynnewood, C.F. Coonrod, Dec 17, 1938, 41, Dec 17, 1938, blank, 4.50, 25251

Austin, Sallie, 73, F, W, Endo Cartodis(?), 2, 105, 1466, Sallie Austin, blank, blank, Wynnewood, C.F. Coonrod, July 22, 1932, 901, July 22, 1932, blank, blank, 25251

Autry, Benj McCollough, 55y 6m 8d, blank, blank, Enlarged heart-rupture, blank, blank, 601, blank, blank, blank, WW, W.E. Settle, Dec 16, 1918, 55, Dec 19, 1918, blank, blank, blank

Autry, Mrs., blank, F, blank, blank, 1, 36, 196, blank, blank, blank, March 18, 1907, 196, March 19, 1907, blank, blank, blank

Ayers, Mrs. Dolly, 29y 3m 11d, blank, blank, Influenza-Pneumonia, blank, blank, 702, blank, blank, blank, blank, G.W. Roberts, Dec 29, 1918

Oaklawn Cemetery Ledger

This material is donated by people who want to communicate with and help others. Every effort is made to give credit and protect all copyrights. Presentation here does not extend any permissions to the public. This material can not be included in any compilation, publication, collection, or other reproduction for profit without permission.

1903 - 1966
'B' Surnames


Name - Age - Sex - Nationality - Cause of Death - Lot - Block - Grave - Name of Purchaser - Purchase Price (sometimes location of lot) - Date Deed Issued (sometimes cost of space) - Where Died - Attending Physician (later Funeral Home) - Date of Death - Permit No. - Date of Internment -  Body Moved - By Whom Moved (later grave digging fee) - Where Moved to (later grave digging fee)

Bachmann, Bessie, 35, blank, blank, Tuberculosis of bowels, 1, 90, 537, blank, blank, blank, Wynnewood, E.E. Norvell, Dec 15, 1914, 537, Dec 15, 1914, blank, Sexton daughter, blank

Bachmann, Margaret Catherine, 1y 1m, F, blank, Tuberculosis, 1, 90, 517, blank, blank, blank, WW, W.E. Settle May 27, 1914, 517, May 28, 1914, blank, blank, blank

Badgatt, Infant son W.B., 7m, M, blank, Cholear Infantum, 1, 90, 418, Higgins, blank, blank, WW, R.L. Baker, Aug 18, 1911, 418, Aug 19, 1911, blank, 2.50, 2.50

Badgett, Mollie, 35, F, blank, LaGrippe, 2, 90, 470, blank, blank, blank, Carr Flat, John Darst, March 9, 1913, 471, March 10, 1913, blank, 4.50, 4.50

Badgewell, Alice, 68, F, W, Cebro Hemorage, 1, 92, 1476, Alice Badgewell, blank, blank, Wynnewood, C.F. Coonrod, Jan 21, 1933, 921, Jan 21, 1933, blank, Free grave, torn

Bagby, Cicero, blank, M, White, Injury from fall, W1, 109, 12, blank, blank, blank, Oct 18, 1903, 12, Oct 19, 1903, blank, blank, blank

Bagwell, Alford S., 69, M, W, blank, 1, 93, 1432, J.C. Bagwell, blank, blank, blank, blank, Jan 29, 1964, blank, Jan 29, 1964, blank, blank, 25.00

Bagwell, Fred, 3-8, M, White, Indigestion, 1, 93, 33, Red Bagwell, blank, blank, May 9, 1904, 33, May 10, 1904, blank, blank, blank

Bailey, Francis Newell, 82, M, W, Carcinomia, 2, 34, 1013, F.N. Bailey, blank, May 9, 1949, blank, blank, May 9, 1949, 21, May 9, 1949, blank, 7.50, blank

Bailey, Juanita, 15, F, blank, Diphtheria, 2, 34, 499, Frank N. Bailey, 7.50, March 1, 1915, Wynnewood, H.P. Wilson, Nov 5, 1913, 499, ov 5, 1913, blank, public, neighbors

Bailey, Mrs., blank, F, W, blank, 2, 34, 1443, Frank Bailey, blank, blank, blank, blank, May 1964, blank, May 1964, blank, blank, 25.00

Baily, J.W., 49, M, W, Acute Nephretis, blank, blank, 1372, J.W. Baily, blank, blank, Wynnewood, C.F. Coonrod, Jan 10, 1931, 878, Jan 10, 1931, blank, blank, 25251

Baily, Maud, blank, F, W, Premature birth, 2, 24, 1357, Maud(?) Baily, blank, blank, Pauls Valley, Stufflebean & Meyers, Sept 8, 1930, 81, Sept 8, 1930, blank, blank, 25251

Baker, Child R.L. (Lillian Baker), 11m, F, blank, Bronchial Pneumonia, 3, 100, 337, blank, blank, blank, blank, Dr. W.E. Settle, Jan 31, 1910, 337, Feb 1, 1910, blank, 2 Dr 2.50, blank

Baker, Dr. R.L., 64, M, W, High Blood Pressure & brain t???, 3, 100, 1450, Dr. R.L. Baker, blank, blank, Wynnewood, C.L. Coonrod, Nov 27, 1932, 911, Nov 27, 1932, blank, Free Grave, 25251

Baker, Fred B., 40, M, White, Pneumonia, 3, 100, 1614, Fred B. Baker, owned, blank, Wynnewood, C.F. Coonrod, Sept 10, 1936, 1068, Sept 10, 1936, blank, 4.50, 25251

Baker, Freddie, 40, F, W, Cancer, torn, 100, 1552, Freddie Baker, owned, blank, Wnnewood, C.F. Coonrod, Feb 28, 1935, 1000, Feb 29, 1935, blank, 4.50, 2525?

Baker, Infant of R.L., blank, blank, blank, Pneumonia, 1, 100, 136, blank, blank, blank, Jan 22, 1906, 136, Jan 23, 1906, blank, blank, blank

Baker, Jimmy, 17, M, W, blank, 1, 66, 1226, C.F. Coonrod, 36.00, April 19, 1944, blank, blank, Aug 1959, blank, Aug 1959, blank, blank, 25.00

Baker, Martha C., 69, F, W, Ocilusha, 3, 100, 1804, Martha C. Baker, owned, blank, Wynnewood, WW Fun'l Home, Oct 5, 1940, 43, Oct 5, 1940, blank, 4.50, 25251

Baker, Paul E., 73, blank, blank, blank, 3, 100, 1123, Dr. R.L. Baker, blank, July 11, 1957, blank, blank, July 11, 1957, blank, July 11, 1957, blank, blank, 5.00

Baker, Ralph Edward, 34, M, W, Pendeny(?), 2, 167, 2023, Elizabeth Mary Baker, 36.00, blank, St. Louis Mo, C.F. Coonrod, July 10, 1945, blank, July 10, 1945, blank, 10.00, blank

Baker, Thomas, 52, M, White, Pneumonia, 2, 31, 21, blank, blank, blank, Jan 6, 1904, 21, Jan 6, 1904, blank, blank, blank

Baker, Vera (Mrs. Lee Baker), 19y 8m 19d, blank, blank, Died suddenly-unknown, 2, 100, 815, Dr. R.L. Baker, blank, blank, Ward 4 WW, Dr. R.L. Baker, Aug 12, 1922, blank, Aug 13, 1922, 9/22 owes for gf 4.50, blank, ????

Baker, Willis T., 56, M, W, Saragelati??, 3, 100, 1069, Dr. R.L. Baker, blank, blank, blank, blank, Nov 18, 1950, 46, Nov 18, 1950, blank, blank, blank

Bales, Minnie D., 90, blank, blank, Obstruction of arm???, blank, 53, 1059, Mrs. Minnie Bales, blank, Aug 21, 1950, Wynnewood, WFH, Aug 21, 1950, 30, torn, blank, blank, 7.50

Bales, Oliver Pern M., 78 M, blank, Internal Obstruction, 1, 53, 1729, Oliver Pern M. Bales, Pd, blank, blank, Okla City, blank, Feb 22, 1939, 53500, Feb 22, 1939, blank, Free, blank

Bales, Pearl, blank, F, W, blank, 1, 73, 1027, Van Bales, blank, blank, blank, blank, 1954, blank, 1954, blank, blank, 15.00

Ballard, Sarah Rena, 30y 10m, blank, blank, Influenza & Pneum, blank, 50, 681, blank, blank, blank, WW, E.E. Norvell, Oct 31, 1918, blank, Oct 31, 1918, blank, blank, blank

Banister, Catherine, 31, W(?), W, Unknown, 1, 167, 1980, R.L. Banister, 18.00, Oct 12, 1944, ??lentro Calf, C.F. Coonord, Oct 12, 1944, blank, Oct 12, 1944, Oct 12, 1944, 7.50, blank

Banister, Connie D., 4 days, Boy, W, Kstreeston of Borell(?), 1, 52, 2009, J.L. Banister, blank, blank, WW, blank, March 4, 1945, 10, March 4, 1945, blank, free, 25251

Banister, John Luther, 73, M, W, Aplexey, 1, 167, 2090, R.L. Banister, 12.00, Oct 20, 1944, blank, blank, Aug 16, 1947, 24, Aug 16, 1947, blank, 7.50, blank

Banister, Luther C., 56, blank, blank, blank, 1, 15A, 1202, Mrs. L.C. Banister, 1/4 18.00, blank, blank, blank, Feb 23, 1959, blank, Feb 23, 1959, blank, blank, 25.00

Bannister, Lois Mae, 7, F, White, Encephilitys, 2, 52, 1839, Lois Mae Bannister, owned, blank, Wynnewood, WW Fun'l Home, June 25, 1941, 23, June 25, 1941, blank, Free, 25251

Barbee, Josephine, 74, F, W, 2nd degree burn, 2, 65(?), 1408, Josephine Barbee, blank, blank, Shawnee, Mrs. H.L. Wright, Dec 28, 1931, 660, Dec 28, 1931, blank, Free grave, 63250

Barbee, W.B., 28, M, blank, Pneumonia, 2, 66, 242, blank, blank, blank, Dec 14, 1907, 242, Dec 15, 1907, blank, 4.50, blank

Barber, Child of Chas, blank, blank, blank,buried previous to 1903, 2, 79, 563 1/2, Chas Barber space, 5.00, Oct 2, 1915, blank, buried previous to 1903 - Chas Baber of Dillen(Diller?Dilles?) Neb sent 5.00 to pay for grave space 10/2/1915

Barber, Mrs. Mary C., 48, blank, blank, Cardiac dropsey, blank, 84, 626 , Suttes(Settle?), blank, blank, Wynnewood, W.E. Settle MD, June 18, 1917, 626, June 19, 1917, blank, 4.50, W.E. Settle

Barefoot, Annie, 37y 1m 5d, F, blank, Appendicitis, blank, 124, 98, blank, blank, blank, May 19, 1905, 98, May 20, 1905, blank, blank, blank

Barefoot, R.T., 14, M, White, Typhoid, 1, 124, 59, G.W. Barefoot, blank, blank, Sept 18, 1904, 59, Sept 18, 1904, blank, blank, blank

Barett, A .J., 89, blank, blank, blank, blank, 91, 1112, A.J. Barett, blank, April 2, 1957, blank, blank, April 2, 1957, blank, April 2, 1957, blank, blank, 20.00

Barett, Barbara Allen, 83, F, W, blank, torn, torn, torn, torn J. Barett, blank, blank, blank, blank, July 21, 1955, 32, July 21, 1955, blank, blank, 15.00

Barett, Kittie(Hittie?), 70, W, F, Myscardial Di???, 2, 42A, 2073, blank, 35.00, Feb 1, 1947, Wynnewood, FH, Feb 1, 1947, 34, Feb 1, 1947, blank, 10.00, blank

Barker, Infant Dau Henry, 6d, F, blank, Inanition?, blank, 10, 452, Theo Husted, blank, blank, Wynnewood, Geo W. Roberts, Oct 3, 1912, 453, Oct 4, 1912, blank, 2.50, 2.50

Barnes, Baby, 0, blank, blank, ?ed preuterion(?), 2, 159, 1054, M.C. Wedin, 18.00, May 13, 1950, WW, WFH, May 13, 1950, 20, May 13, 1950, blank, blank, 3.50

Barnett(Barrett?), Lucy, 58, blank, blank, Reported tuberculosis, 2, 84, 480, blank, blank, blank, near Wynnewood, contribution by E.E. Norvell, May 15, 1913, 480, May 15, 1913, blank, 4.50, blank

Barnett, Infant Richard, 3 hrs, blank, blank, Blue Baby, 2, 84, 558, blank, blank, blank, near Wynnewood, A.J. Hoover, July 6, 1915, 558, July 7, 1915, blank, blank, blank

Barnett, J.L., blank, M, W, blank, 2, 3A, 15048, Mr. Mrs. J.L. Barnett, 1/2 lot, 35.00, blank, blank, April 14, 1966, blank, April 14, 1966, blank, blank, blank

Barnett, N.T., 56, M, blank, blank,2, 84, 192, blank, blank, blank, Feb 28, 1907, 192, March 1, 1907, blank, blank, blank

Barnhill, 48, F, W, Chronis nephetis, 2, 24, 1478, Ruby Barnhill, blank, blank, Okla City, Hahn, April 16, 1933 36958, April 16, 1933, blank, 4.50, torn

Barns, Bertie, 60, F, W, Carcinoma colon, 2, 138, 1070, Huff Scroggins, blank, blank, blank, blank, Nov 24, 1950, 47, Nov 24, 1950, blank, blank, 7.50

Barrett, Haskell, 19y 5m 4d, blank, blank, Meningitis LaG, 1, 97, 306, west part of lot 1 Ber 91, 15.00, April 1909, Wynnewood, Dr. G.W. Roberts, April 24, 1909, 306, April 25, 1909, blank, blank, 3.50

Barrett, James W., 80, M, W, blank, 2, 42A, 1060, J.W. barrett, 1/2 lot 35.00, blank, blank, Baker FH, Aug 3, 1953, 36, Aug 3, 1953, blank, blank, 15.00

Barrett, John Martin, blank, M, W, Apolexy, 2, 91, 1359, John Martin Barrett, blank, blank, Dallas, Lamar & Smith, Sept 22, 1930, 2892, Sept 22, 1930, blank, 4.50, 25251

Barrett, Queene Lee, 12, F, blank, LaGrippe, 4, 91, 467, A.J.B., blank, blank, Wynnewood, Geo W. Roberts, Feb 2, 1913, 468, Feb 3, 1913, blank, blank, blank

Barringer, Perry Lee, 17, M, W, T.B. of bone, torn, 90, 1278, C.F. Coonron, blank, blank, O'Leuy(O'Leay?) Texas, Mrs. Barringer-Mother, Aug 18, 1926, blank, Aug 21, 1926, blank, 551, 25251

Barton, Leonard O., blank, blank, blank, blank, 1, 10A, 1324, Mr. Mrs. F.E. Baxter, 1/4, 18.00, blank, blank, 1961, blank, 1961, blank, blank, 20.00

Barton, No name, 82, F, W, blank, 2, 104A, 15021, Robert Barton, blank, blank, PV Okla, blank, Oct 10, 1965, blank, Oct 10, 1965, blank, blank, 25.00

Barton, Robert K., 75, M, White, Rheumatic Fever, 2, 104, 1828, Robert K. Barton, owned, blank, Paoli Okla, Stufflebean Fun'l Home, Marhc 15, 1941, 242, March 15, 1941, blank, 4.50, 25250

Barton, Ruby, 3, F, blank, Congestion, 2, 104(?), 61, Robt Barton, blank, blank, Sept 28, 1904, 61, Sept 29, 1904, blank, blank, blank

Barton, William, 57, M, W, Hemopligen(?), Potterfield, blank, 1889, William Barton, owned, blank, Wynnewood, C.F. Coonrod, Sept 27, 1942, 32, Sept 29, 1942, blank, Free, blank

Baugh, Dellia, 83, F, W, marked through, 2, 62, 15086, Baugh, J.E., E 1/2 lot 2, 12 1/2 x 32, WW, blank, blank, blank, Oct 3, 1966, blank, blank, Pd 25.00

Baugh, John E., 73, M, W, Heart Diseas, 2, 63A, 1068, J.E. Baugh, 35.00, Jan 7, 1950, blank, blank, Nov 13, 1950, 44, Nov 13, 1950, blank, blank, 7

Baugh, John H., 32, M, W, Gun Shot, 2, 63A, 1042, J.E. Baugh, 38.00, Jan 7, 1950, Wynnewood, Baker FH, Jan 7, 1950, 54, Jan 7, 1950, blank, blank, 7.50

Baugh, Larry Neal, 26, blank, blank, blank, 2, 12, 1168, Lester Baugh, blank, blank, ?ore??, blank, April 30, 1958, blank, April 30, 1958, blank, blank, blank

Baxter, Geo U., 63, M, W, T.B., 1, 68, 1323, Geo U. Baxter, blank, blank, Wynnewood, C.F. Coonrod, March 24, 1930, 836, March 25, 1930, blank, Free Grave, 25251

Baxter, Gregory, 2m, blank, blank, blank, blank, 68, 1106, Baxter lot, blank, blank, blank, blank, Feb 11, 1957, blank, Feb 11, 1957, blank, blank, 10.00

Baxter, Lizzie B., 83, F, W, blank, 1, 18A, 1396, Lizzie B. Baxter, 80.00, blank, Healton OK, blank, Sept 7, 1963, blank, Sept 7, 1963, blank, blank, 25.00

Baxter, Mancy J., 92, F, W, blank, blank, 22A, 1182, A.P. Baxter, 18.00, blank, Norman OK, blank, Aug 7, 1958, bl ank, Aug 7, 1958, blank, blank, 20.00

Baxter, Monroe, 86, M, W, blank, blank, 68, 15020, Baxter, blank, blank, blank, blank, Oct 9, 1965, blank, Oct 9, 1965, blank, blank, 25.00

Baxter, Robert Austin, 57, M, W, blank, 1, 66A, 1332, Mrs. Ethel Jenn Baxter, 18.00, Dec 11, 1961, WW, blank, Dec 11, 1961, blank, Dec 11, 1961, blank, blank, 25.00

Baxter, Thomas J., 81, blank, blank, blank, 1, 18A(?), 1152, Mrs. Lizzie Baxter, 18.00, 1/4, blank, blank, Feb 18, 1958, blank, Feb 18, 1958, blank, blank, 15.00

Baxter, Tinnie Ray, 4 days, blank, blank, blank, blank, 68, 1344, Baxter, blank, blank, blank, blank, March 21, 1962, blank, March 21, 1962, blank, blank, 10.00

Baxter, Virginia, 56, F, W, Applexy, A, 68A, 1299, blank, blank, blank, S.E. Wynnewood, C.F. Coonrod, Aug 25, 1929, 815, Aug 26, 1929, blank, Free, 25251

Bayee(?), Stephen Lynn, 6, F, blank, blank, 24, 34A, 1133, Mrs. Alma Bayee, 70.00, all 2, July 21, 1952, Huston Tex, Dun FH, Oct 8, 1957, blank, Oct 8, 1957, blank, blank, 15.00

Beale, Rose B., 86, F, W, blank, 1, 79A, 15024, Frank B. Burns, one grave sp, 6x12 1/2, blank, blank, Nov 2, 1965, blank, Nov 2, 1965, blank, blank, blank

Bearden, Charles M., 46, M, W, blank, 1, 66A, 1349, Mrs. Irene Bearden, 1/4 18.00, May 31, 1962, blank, blank, May 30, 1962, blank, May 30, 1962, blank, blank, 25.00

Bearden, Thomas H., 77, F, W, blank, 2, 52A, 1067, Lail-Gather 1/2, 35.00, Dec 31, 1956, blank, blank, Dec 31, 1956, blank, Dec 31, 1956, blank, blank, 12.50

Beauchamp, Gladys Carol(?), 62, F, W, Coronary Oclysion, 2, torn, 1044, J.D. Beauchamp, 1/4 18.00, blank, blank, blank, April 27, 1955, 18, April 27, 1955, blank, blank, 12.50

Beauchamp, John D., 75, M, W, Myocardial, 2, 60A, 1064, Beauchamp, 35.00, Oct 14, 1953, blank, blank, Oct 14, 1953, 44, Oct 14, 1953, blank, blank, 12.50

Beavers, Gorden Lyle, 45, M, W, Carte dilate Heart, 2, 90, 2066, Pearl Frost, blank, Oct 6, 1946, Ok City, C.F. Coonrod, Oct 6, 1946, 75410, Oct 6, 1946, blank, 7.50, blank

Beavers, Maggie, 31, F, W, T.B., blank, 90, 1589, Maggie Beavers, owned, blank, Madill, C.F. Coonrod, Jan 29, 1936, 60, Jan 30, 1936, blank, Free grave, blank

Beginning here 'name of purchaser' has been changed to 'deceased'

Bell, Bill, 34, M, W, Intestional obstruction, 2, 160, 1906, Bill Bell, 20.00, pd, Oklahoma City, C.F. Coonrod, April 23, 1943, 64887, April 25, 1943, blank, Free, 64887

Bell, Binnie T., 35, M, W, Coronery Occlu, 1, 173, 2075, Mrs. Emma L. Bell, 36.00, Feb 15, 1947, Wynnewood, WFH, Feb 15, 1947, 1, Feb 15, 1947, blank, free, blank

Bell, Child of B.F., 1y 6m, M, blank, Memb Croup, 1, 31(161)(53), 288, Jim Bells lot, blank, blank, Garvin Co., A.J. Hoover, Dec 10, 1908, 288, Dec 12, 1908, blank, blank, 2.50

Bell, Child of J.M., 2m 12d, F, blank, Pneumonia, 1, 37, 291, blank, blank, blank, Murray Co., Dr. Sims, Jan 28, 1909, 291, Jan 29, 1909, blank, blank, 2.50

Bell, Child of Jas, blank, M, 10 days, Congestive bowls, 1, 37, 285, Jim Bells lot, blank, blank, Murray Co, Sims, Nov 25, 1908, 285, Nov 26, 1908, blank, blank, 2.50

Bell, Ellis R.L., blank, M, W., T.B., 1, 144(143?), 1592, Ellis R.L. Bell, owned, blank, Silver City N. Mex, blank, Feb 18, 1936, 126, Feb 18, 1936, blank, 5.00, blank

Bell, Geo W., 77, M, W, blank, 2, 129, 1580, Geo W. Bell, owned, blank, Wynnewood, C.F. Coonrod, Oct 3, 1935, 1024, Oct 4, 1935, blank, Free grave, 25251

Bell, Infant B.F., blank, F, blank, Stillborn, 1, 37, 269, blank, ???, blank, Aug 4, 1908, 269, Aug 5, 1908, blank, blank, 2.50

Bell, Infant of J.C., blank, blank, blank, Stillborn, 1, 37, 87, blank, blank, blank, March 8, 1905, 97, March 8, 1905, blank, blank, blank

Bell, Marry Ann, 10, F, W, Measles, 2, 90, 1514, Marry Ann Bell, owned, blank, Wynnewood, C.F. Coonrod, Feb 20, 1934, 913, Feb 20, 1934, blank, 3.50, 25251

Bell, Mary L., 80, F, White, Cardiac dialatation, 2, 129, 1744, Mary L. Bell, owned, blank, Wynnewood, C.F. Coonrod, Aug 9, 1939, 20, Aug 10, 1939, blank, Free, 25251

Belry(Delroy?), W.O., blank, M, W, blank, 21, 26A, 1447, H.E. Campbell, 1/4, blank, blank, blank, June 1964, blank, June 1964, blank, blank, 25.00

Belvin, John R., 65y 5m 4d, blank, blank, Heart trouble, 1, 22, 1257, C.F. Coonrod, 15.00, blank, 2 mi N Wynnewood, Geo Belvin-Bro, March 18, 1926, blank, March 19, 1926, blank, 535, 25251

Bennett, G.W., 80, M, W Cancer of throat, 1, 165, 2017, G.W. Bennett, 18.00, blank, WW Okla, C.F. Coonrod, June 4, 1945, 17, June 4, 1945, blank, 7.50, 25251

Benson, Oscar Gaines, 50, M, W, Heart Attack, 1, 28A, 106, Mrs. O.G. Benson, 18.00, March 11, 1954, blank, blank, March 11, 1954, 7, March 11, 1954, blank, blank, torn

Berger, A.W.P., 63, M, W, Apolexy, 1, 104, 1350, A.W.P. Berger, blank, blank, Wynnewood, C.F. Coonrod, Aug 16, 1930, 853, Aug 16, 1930, blank, 4.50, 25251

Berger, Jane, 4m 4d, blank, blank, Acute Indigestion, blank, blank, 754, blank, blank, blank, Dallas Texas, H. Leslie Moore MD Dallas Texas, July 25, 1920, 174, July 20, 1920, blank, blank, blank

Berger, Mary Joanna, 11m, blank, blank, Intestinal obstruction auto infection, blank, 104A, 577, A.W.P. Berger, 25.00, April 1916, Wynnewood, G.W. Roberts, March 13, 1916, 577, March 14, 1916, 2.50, blank, blank

Best, Sally Wade, 80, F, White, Myocarditis, 1, 90, 1737, Sally Wade Best, owned, blank, Tulsa, blank, May 6, 1939, blank, May 6, 1939, blank, 4.50, 4925

Bethany, Etta, 29, F, W, Pulmonary Tuberculosis, 2, 49, 1376, Etta Bethany, blank, blank, Okla City, Watts & McAtie, Jan 19, 1931, 31279, Jan 20, 1931, blank, blank, 55250

Bethany, Jack, blank, blank, blank, blank, blank, 49, 1187, Bethany, blank, blank, Tuconey(?) Okla, blank, Nov 12, 1958, blank, Nov 12, 1958, blank, blank, 25.00

Bethney, William Janes, 89, blank, W, Congestion heat ???, 2, 49, 1046, W.J. Bethney, blank, March 1, 1950, Shawnee Okla, J.S. Looper(?) FH, March 1, 1950, 14, March 1, 1950, blank, blank, 7.50

Bethune, Harve, 51, M, blank, Brain hemerrage, torn, torn, torn(1611?), Harve Bethune, owned, blank, Wynnewood, blank, Aug 21, 1936, 1064, Aug 21, 1936, blank, 4.50, 25251

Bever, Ward M., 59, M, W, blank, blank, 90, 1068, Purl Frost, blank, blank, blank, blank, Feb 13, 1956, blank, Feb 13, 1956, blank, blank, 12.50

Bevers, Alton F., 19, M, W, Car Wreck, 1, 164, 1881, Alton F. Bevers, owned, blank, Wynnewood, C.F. Coonrod, June 16, 1942, 25, June 16, 1942, blank, Free, 25251

Bevers, Claude W., 17, M, White Auto accident, 1, 164, 1833, Claude W. Bevers, owned, blank, Wynnewood, WW Fun'l Home, April 20, 1941, 15, April 20, 1941, blank, Free, 25250

Bevers, Lavenia, 70, F, W, Hypostitac Pneumonia, 1, 163, 1796, Lavenia Bevers, owned, blank, Wynnewood, Wynnewood Funeral Home, Aug 5, 1940, 31, Aug 5, 1940, blank, Free, 25251

Bevers, William J., 83, M, W, Coronary Occlu, 1, 163, 2076, William J. Bevers, 12.00, Feb 10, 1947, ???? OK, Baller(Baker?) FH, Feb 10, 1947, 66, Feb 10, 1947, blank, 7.50, blank

Bibyeu(Bilyeu?), Bab, 0, girl, W, Premature, Potterfield, blank, 2028, blank, blank, blank, WW, blank, Sept 29, 1945, 28, Sept 29, 1945, blank, Free, blank

Bills, Drucilla, 72, F, W, Heart Disease, 1, 141, 1807, Drucilla Bills, owned, blank, Wynnewood, WW Fun'l Home, Oct 22, 1940, 47, Oct 22, 1940, blank, 4.50, 25251

Bills, L.R., 70, M, W, Cerebral hemmorhage, ?, 141, 1365, L.R. Bills, blank, blank, Norman, T.N. Jackson, Oct 27, 1930, 3090, Oct 28, 1930, blank, Free Grave, 14250

Bird, Cara E., 53, W, W, Auto accident, 1, 40A, 1026, J.W. Bird 1/4 lot, 18.00, Aug 2, 1949, OC, Stufflebean FH PV Hunter FH OC, Aug 2, 1949, 1820, Aug 2, 1949, blank, blank, 10.00

Bird, Edward J., 67, M, W, blank, 2, 60A, 1404, Beach and Capp, blank, blank, blank, blank, Sept 1, 1963, blank, Sept 1, 1963, blank, blank, 25.00

Bird, Mrs. Edna, 26, F, White, Heart, 3, 106, 48, blank, Daugherty, I.T., blank, July 20, 1904, 48, July 21, 1904, blank, blank, blank

Bird, Wm John, 8m, M, blank, blank, torn, blank, 1448, William John Bird, blank, blank, Okla City, Leo Menton 612 St, Nov 20, 1932, 35855, Nov 20, 1932, blank, blank, 55250

Bishop, Dora Lauin, 54, F, W, blank, 1, 68A, 1274, C.V. Bishop, March 16, 1960, 70.00, WW, Stuff, May 14, 1960, blank, May 14, 1960, blank, blank, 25.00

Bittle, Bill, 53, M, W, Heart Attac, 2, 57A, 108, Mrs. Bill Bittle, 18.00, March 25, 1954, blank, blank, March 25, 1954, blank, March 25, 1954, blank, blank, torn

Bizzell, Frankie, 8m, blank, blank, Inanition, blank, 45, 669, J.E. Bizzell, 10.00, July 1918, ? mi west of Wynnewood, W.E. blank, July 27, 1918, 669, July 28, 1918, blank, 2.50, 10.00

Black, Chas, 1mo, M, blank, Pneumonia, 6, 67, 70, blank, Wynnewood, blank, Nov 20, 1904, 70, Nov 21, 1904, blank, blank, blank

Black, Sylvia Cocke, 38y 5d, blank, blank, Auto intoxication-(found dead in bed-crossed out), torn, 68, 782, Geo W. Black, blank, blank, Pauls Valley (7 west WW marked through), Tackett & Randle (M.E. Robberson marked through), May 4, 1921 (April 15, 1921 marked through), PV Certif (236 marked through), May 6, 1921 (April 15, 1921 marked through), blank, blank, blank

Blackshear, Infant of P.C., ?, blank, blank, Jaundice, 2, 33, 146, blank, blank, blank, April 12, 1906, 146, April 3, 1906, blank, blank, blank

Blackwood, James Crawford, 7y 3m 4d, blank, blank, Run over by turck, 1, 104, 850, J.G. Blackwood, blank, blank, Ward 2 WW, blank, June 27, 1923, 201, June 28, 1923, blank, blank, gf not pd

Blackwood, Jas G., 59y 11m 28d, blank, blank, Gastric Cancer, 2, 194A, 834, J.G. Blackwood, blank, blank, Ward 3 WW, blank, Feb 10, 1923, 342, Feb 11, 1923, blank, 2-104A, blank

Blade, Jas W., 3, M, blank, blank, 1, 152, 505, blank, blank, blank, Wynnewood, None, blank, 505, Feb 21, 1914, blank, blank, blank, poor



Blank, blank, blank, blank, blank, blank, blank, blank, 1036

Blank, Stillborn girl (no last name), blank, blank, blank, Never breathed, 2, 151, 851, blank, blank, blank, Ward 3 WW, blank, June 30, 1923, 202, June 30, 1923, blank, blank, no gf

Blankenship, Artie 5m 6d, F, blank, Intena? Colitis, 1, 154, 314, blank, blank, blank, W, Dr. G.W. Roberts, June 28, 1909, 314, June 29, 1909, blank, 2.50p, 2.50

Bleu, Lillie Melinda, 84, F, W, Chornic Nephrits, 2, 76, 204, J.E. Southerland, blank, blank, blank, blank, Feb 8, 1954, 6, Feb 8, 1954, blank, blank, 15.00

Blevins, Child of, 11y 11m, blank, blank, blank, 1, 121, 200, blank, blank, blank, March 28, 1907, 200, March 28, 1907, blank, blank, blank

Blevins, Child of, 3y 3m, blank, blank, blank, x, 121, 198, blank, blank, blank, March 21, 1907, 198, March 22, 1907, blank, blank, blank

Blevins, Emmet, 2 mos(?), M, W, Pneumonia, 1, 156A, 2046, Rafe(?) Frank Blevins, blank, Jan 13, 1946, Pauls Valley, Stufflebean FH, Jan 13, 1946, 73251, Jan 13, 1946, blank, 3.50, blank

Blevins, Lahoma L., 1y 11m, F, Indian, Dysentery, blank 120, 482, W.H. Stewart, 10.00, June 1913, NE of WW E of PV, J.R. Calloway (PV), June 12, 1913, 482, June 12, 1913, blank, 2.50, 2.50

Blundell, Daniel Jr., 3m 17d, blank, blank, Iliocolitis, blank, blank, 664, blank, blank, blank, 5 1/2 NE Wynnewood, blank, June 26, 1918, 665, June 26, 1918, blank, 12.50 2.50, 10.00

Blyth, Tom, 65, blank, blank, blank, blank, blank, 1110, Hoover lot, blank, May 2, 1957, blank, blank, May 2, 1957, blank, May 2, 1957, blank, blank, 20.00

Blythe, Thelma Rose, 5, F, W, Electrocuted, 2, 135, 1285, blank, blank, blank, Wynnewood, C.F. Coonrod, June 7, 1929, 797, June 8, 1929, blank, 3.50, 25251

Bohannon, Infant girl of Earl, blank, blank, blank, Stillborn, 1, 153, 801, not paid, blank, blank, Ward 1 WW, M.E. Robberson, April 3, 1922, 286, April 4, 1922, blank, blank, blank

Bolander, Dovie Once(?), 66, W, W, Intestenal Absra?, 1, 48A, 1035, Bolander & Richardson, 35.00, Nov 25, 1949, blank, blank, Nov 25, 1949, 44, Nov 25, 1949, blank, blank, 10.00

Bolander, Willis M., 82, M, W, blank, 1, 48, 1391, W.M. Bolander, blank, blank, blank, blank, July 13, 1963, blank, July 13, 1963, blank, blank, 25.00

Bolding, Infant girl R.P., blank, blank, blank, Stillborn, torn, blank, 779, blank, blank, blank, 2 mi S WW, R.L. Baker, April 1, 1921, 231, April 1, 1921, blank, blank, blank

Bonderant, J.R., 84, blank, blank, Nephretis, blank, 115, 611, free, blank, blank, near Wynne, John Darst, Feb 2, 1917, 611, Feb 3, 1917,blank, free, blank

Bonn, Child of Albert, blank, blank, blank, blank, blank, 30, 177, blank, blank, blank, Dec 14(?), 1906, 177, Dec 30, 1906, blank, blank, blank

Boozer, John F., 58, M, W, Dropsey, 2, 41, 1402, John H. Boozer, blank, blank, Wynnewood, C.F. Coonrod, Oct 11, 1931, 865, Oct 11, 1931, blank, blank, 25251

Borders, Sidney, 6m, M, W, Chot(Chat?) Infation(?), 1, 53, 1416, Sidney Borders, blank, blank, Wynnewood, C.F. Coonrod, March 16, 1932, 882, March 16, 1932, blank, Free grave, 25251

Bosewell, Mrs. W.C., blank, F, W, blank, 1, 16A, 15012, 1/2 lot, 18.00, blank, blank, July 18, 1965, blank, July 18, 1965, blank, blank, 25.00

Boswell, Cal, 87, M, blank, Myocarditis, 2, 54, 1640, Cal Boswell, owned, blank, Norman, blank, March 10, 1937, 5938, March 10, 1937, blank, Free, blank

Boswell, Hector, 80, M, W, blank, 1, 6A, 1308, Mrs. Hector Boswell, 1/4 lot, 18.00, blank, blank, Jan 9, 1961, blank, Jan 9, 1961, blank, blank, 25.00

Boswell, John Everett, 69, M, Mail, Coronary Occlu, 1, 69, 2074, J.W. Cobb, blank, Feb 9, 1947, Ada Okla, Criswell FH, Feb 9, 1947, 690, Feb 9, 1947, blank, 7.50, blank

Boswell, Martha, 55, F, blank, Apoplexia, 2, 54, 315, blank, blank, blank, Farmers wife, Dr. M.E. Miller(Ost), July 12, 1909, 315, July 13, 1909, blank, 4.50 pd, 4.50

Boswell, Paul Quitman, 5m 12d, blank, blank, Inanition of bowels, blank, 43, 668, blank, blank, blank, near Brady, M.E. Robberson, July 7, 1918, 668, July 8, 1918, blank, 2.50, blank

Boswell, Wheeler L., 96(?), blank, blank, blank, 1, 16, 1167, W.C. Boswell, blank, blank, blank, blank, May 20, 1958, blank, May 20, 1958, blank, blank, 20.00

Bowling, L.J., 14, M, W, Kicked by horse, 2, 68, 1436, L.J. Bowling, blank, blank, Wynnewood, C.F. Coonrod, Aug 14, 1932, 904, Aug 14, 1932, blank, Free grave, 25251

Boyce, Owen, 32, M, blank, torn, torn, torn, torn(1612?), Owen Boyce, owned, blank, Wynnewood, blank, Aug 29, 1936, 1065, Aug 29, 1936, blank, Free, 25251

Boyd, Ben H., 81, M, W, blank, blank, 20, 1056, Ben Boyd, blank, blank, blank, blank, Aug 31, 1955, blank, Aug 31, 1955, blank, blank, 12.50

Boyd, Child W.T., 11m, M, blank, Pneumo & Inflam bowels, 2, 70, 352, blank, blank, blank, Farmer, John Darst, April 11, 1910, 352, April 12, 1910, blank, No fee, blank

Boyd, Connie Lucille, 2(?), F, W, Train Oclu, 1, 27A, 1016, J.V. Boyd, 18.00, Nov 24, 1951, blank, blank, Nov 24, 1951, 49, Nov 24, 1951, blank, blank, 6.00

Boyd, Edith, 5m, F, blank, Inanition, 4, 115, 532, blank, blank, blank, near Wynnewood, W.E. Settle, Oct 5, 1914, 532, Oct 6, 1914, blank, blank, blank

Boyd, Infant of C.A., blank, blank, blank, shipped by Ry(?), blank, blank, 783 1/2, C.A. Boyd, blank, Dec 9, 1922, no, no record, May 1921, blank, blank, blank, blank, blank

Boyd, James V., Jr., 25, M, W, Train Oclu, 1, 27A, 1014, J.V. Boyd, 18.00, Nov 24, 1951, blank, blank, Nov 24, 1951, 50, Nov 20, 1951, blank, blank, 12.00

Boyd, Lucille Irene, 22, F, W, Train Oclu, 1, 27A, 1015, J.V. Boyd, 18.00, Nov 24, 1951, blank, blank, Nov 24, 1951, 51, Nov 24, 1951, blank, blank, 12.00

Boyd, Sam, 64, M, blank, Bronchitis, 1, 70, 333, blank, blank, blank, Farmer, Dr. H.P. Wilson, Jan 2, 1910, 333, Jan 3, 1910, blank, No fee N, blank

Boyd, Tommy, 7y 6m, M, blank, Congestive LaGrippe, 2, 70, 338, blank, blank, blank, Fours(farmer?), Dr. H.S. Wilson, Feb 8, 1910, 338, Feb 9, 1910, blank, No fee N, blank

Boykin, Dan W., 77, M, W, blank, 2, 71, 1043, D.W. Boykin, blank, Feb 8, 1950, Sulphur Okla, Damer(?) FH, Feb 8, 1950, blank, Feb 8, 1950, blank, blank, 7.50

Boykin, Mrs. D.W., 47, F, blank, Paralysis, 1, 71, 459, D.W. Boykin, 10.00, Nov 29, 1912, near Wynnewood, John Darst, Nov 28, 1912, 460, Nov 29, 1912, blank, public, blank

Boykin, Oren (Baby), 12 hrs, F, Whitem, Stillborn, 2, 70, 70, 1716, Oren Boykin (Baby), owned, blank, Wynnewood, C.F. Coonrod, Dec 13, 1938, blank, Dec 13, 1938, blank, Free, blank

Bradfield, Geo Lewis, 68, M, White, Labor Pneumonia, 1, 113, 1827, George L. Bradfield, owned, blank, Wynnewood, WW Fun'l Home, March 1, 1941, 235, March 1, 1941, blank, 5.50, 25250

Bradfield, Sallie Elizabeth, 79, F, W, Cerebral He, 2, 101, 1036, Sallie Bradfield, blank, 1955, blank, blank, March 1, 1955, 10, March 1, 1955, blank, blank, 15.00

Bradfield, Wm W., 19, M, W, Electrical burn, 1, 113, 1260, blank, blank, blank, Corpus Christi Texas, C.F. Coonrod, Oct 11, 1928, 674, Oct 13, 1928, blank, 4.50, 25251

Brady (marked through with Roady penciled in), N.A., 38y 7m, M, blank, Typhoid, blank, 5, 328, blank, blank, blank, Brady, Dr. M.E. Robertson (Brady), Nov 6, 1909, 328, Nov 7, 1909, blank, 4.50 pd, 4.50

Brady, Barbro, 4m, F, W, Pneumonia, torn, 103, 1559, Barbro Brady, Pd, blank, Sulphur, C.F. Coonrod, May 6, 1935, 1010, May 6, 1935, blank, Free grave, 25251

Brady, Miss Eva, 20, F, blank, blank, 1, 19, 161, blank, blank, blank, Aug 31, 1906, 161, Aug 31, 1906, blank, blank, blank

Branham(?), ????? Stella, blank, F, W, Cerebal Conl, 1, 134, 1108, Robert Branham(?), blank, Oct 14, 1951, Smith Kern??, blank, Oct 14, 1951, 377, Oct 14, 1951, blank, blank, 12.00

Branham, R.T., 33, M, W, Gun shot wounds, 1, 134, 1456, R.T. Branham, blank, blank, Okla City, C.G. Coonrod, March 30, 1933, 36859, March 30, 1933, blank, 4.50, 55250

Brantley, Luther C., 20(2?), M, blank, Pneumonia, 1, 37, 349, blank, blank, blank, Farmer, J.C. Luster (Davis), March 27, 1910, 349, March 28, 1910, 4.50, 4.50

Brantly, Ticey Lee, 10m, M, blank, Tonsilitis, 1, 37, 401, blank, blank, blank, south of Wynnewood, J.C. Luster, March 12, 1911, 401, March 13, 1911, blank, 2.50, 2.50

Bray, Infant son Alva, blank, blank, blank, Premature birth, 1, 43, 584, NS? Cor 16x16 pd 2.50, blank, blank, Pauls Valley, L.L. Johnson MD, April 23, 1916, 584, April 1916, 2.50, WW, R.L. Baker, May 20, 1916, 585, May 27, 1916, blank, free, blank

Bray, J.L., 7 days, M, White, Premature, 1, 105, 1615, J.L. Bray, not Pd, grave space, Wynnewood, C.F. Coonrod, Sept 26, 1936, 1070, Sept 26, 1936, blank, Free, 25251

Brentley, Child of W.M., 8m, blank, blank, Flux, 1, 37, 151, blank, blank, blank, blank, 151, blank, blank, blank, blank

Breuister, Beeler, 74, M, White, Influenza anemi?, 2, 24, 1756, Beeler Breuister, owned, blank, Asher, A.G. Dunn, Nov 16, 1939, blank, Nov 16, 1939, blank, Free, blank

Brewer, Baby (Bob), 30 minutes, F, W, Premature, 1, 85, 1253, blank, blank, blank, Wynnewood, C.F. Coonrod, July 17, 1928, 664, July 18, 1928, blank, 2.50, 25251

Brewer, Chester A., 70, M, W, Cerebral Th, 2, 50A, 1061, Mrs. C.A. Brewer, 18.00, Aug 3, 1953, blank, blank, Aug 5, 1953, 37, Aug 5, 1953, blank, blank, 15.00

Brewer, Child of Geo, blank, M, blank, Don’t know, 1, 85, 234, blank, blank, blank, Sept 27, 1907, 234, Sept 28, 1907, blank, 7.50, blank

Brewer, Child of W.O., 3y, F, blank, Don't know, 2, 69, 212, blank, blank, blank, May 24, 1907, 212, May 25, 1907, blank, blank, blank

Brewer, Jan Austin, 3 days, F, W, Premature, 2, ??, 2089, J.F. Perry, blank, Aug 12, 1947, blank, blank, Aug 12, 1947, 23, Aug 12, 1947, blank, 3.50, blank

Brewer, John David, 44, M, W, blank, 1, 139, 109, J.D. Brewer, blank, blank, blank, blank, April 8, 1954, 11, April 8, 1954, blank, blank, torn

Brewer, Mrs. Everett, 41, F, W, Lock bowels, 1, 49, 1294, blank, blank, blank, Wynnewood, Mr. Dann(?), Aug 4, 1929, 810, Aug 5, 1929, blank, Free, 25251

Brewer, Printiet M. (Infant), blank, M, W, Injured at birth, 2, 78, 1382, Printiet M. Brewer, blank, blank, Wynnewood, C.F. Coonrod, April 7, 1931, 885, April 7, 1931, blank, blank, 25251

Brewer, Shorty, blank, M, W, blank, 2, 78, 15011, N.A. Dobbins, blank, blank, blank, blank, June 12, 1965, blank, June 12, 1965, blank, blank, 25.00

Brewer, W.O., 64, M, W, Carcinoma of pancreas, 2, 82, 1856, W.O. Brewer, owned, blank, Wynnewood, C.F. Coonrod, Nov 15, 1941, 46, June 15, 1941, blank, 5.50, 25251

Brewster, Emily J., blank, F, W, Cardiac Failure, 1, 54, 1890, Emily J. Brewster, owned, blank, Sulphur, Dunn, Oct 3, 1942, blank, Oct 3, 1942, blank, 5.50, 5025

Briggs, Walter F., 32, blank, blank, Electric shock, blank, 125, 590, M.E. Secrest, blank, blank, Dallas Texas, shipped by Ed. C. Smith Bro. Undertaking Co. (W.O. Dwyer), shipped Aug 1, 1916, 590, no date, 4.50, 4.50, blank

Brigs, Nora, 71, F, W, Cancer brest, 1, 89, 3003, Sam Secrest, blank, blank, OC, blank, May 8, 1948, 80404, May 8, 1948, blank, 7.50, blank

Brim, Roy, 12, M, blank, sarcoma, 2, 43, 320, blank, blank, blank, blank, Dr. H.P. Wilson, Aug 22, 1909, 320, Aug 22, 1909, blank, 4.50pd, 4.50

Brinkley, Terrell Reagon, 27, M, W, Cancer of Prostatt, 2, 166, 2038, Mr. Turrell Brinkley, 18.00, Dec 20, 1945, Lindsay Okla, L.B. Brown FH, Dec 17, 1945, 31, Dec 17, 1945, blank, 7.50, blank

Brooks, Infant, 2y, blank, blank, Whooping cough, 1, 86, 123, blank, blank, blank, Sept 30, 1905, 123, Sept 30, 1905, blank, blank, blank

Brooks, S.E., 54, M, White, Cancer stomach, 1, 86, 52, blank, Country, blank, Aug 20, 1904, 52, Aug 21, 1904, blank, blank, blank

Brooks, W., 55, M, blank, Accident, 1, 16, 77, blank, blank, blank, Dec 25, 1904, 77, Dec 25, 1904, blank, blank, blank

Brounough, Lavern, 22, F, White, Childbirth, 2, 53, 1748, Lavern Brounough, owned, blank, Polk Co. Ark, C.F. Coonrod, Sept 3, 1939, 40, Sept 3, 1939, blank, 4.50, 25251

Brown, Infant Dau Woodward, 14d, F, blank, Congestive lungs, 1, 94, 377, G.F. Fox, blank, 1905, Country, John Darst, Nov 8, 1910, 378, Nov 9, 1910, blank, 2.50, 2.50

Brown, Kate, 60, F, W, Cancer of Liver, 1, 68, 1247, blank, blank, blank, Wynnewood, C.F. Coonrod, May 21, 1928, 654, May 22, 1928, blank, 4.50, 25251

Brown, Mrs. Dillie S., 39y 2m, blank, blank, Hipatic Abcess, 1, 23, 831, J.P. Brown-Bristow Okla, blank, blank, Ward 3 WW, M.E. Robberson, Feb 4, 1923, 339, Feb 5, 1923, blank, 1-23, blank

Brown, Mrs. Z.E., blank, F, W, blank, 2, 79A, 1469, Z.E. Brown, all lot 2, blank, blank, blank, Dec 13, 1964, blank, Dec 13, 1964, blank, blank, 25.00

Bryant, Emma Lee, 61, F, W, blank, blank, blank, 1217, J.D. Turner, blank, blank, Pauls Valley, Stufflebean FH, May 17, 1959, blank, May 17, 1959, blank, blank, 25.00

Bryon(?), E.L., blank, M, W, blank, 1, 20, 1090, E.L. Byron(?), blank, 1951, blank, blank, May 1951, blank, blank, blank, blank, 10.00

Buchanan, Tessie Otis, 16y 7m 6d, blank, blank Pneumonia, blank, 27, 686, C.C. Buchanan, blank, blank, Ward 2 WW, H.P. Wilson, Nov 18, 1918, 46, Nov 19, 1918, blank, blank, blank

Buckhanon, Calvin C., 80, M, W, Cerebral Hem, 2, 27, 1043, C.C. Buckhanon, 1/2, blank, blank, blank, April 25, 1955, 17, April 25, 1955, blank, blank, 12.50

Buie(Buil?), blank, blank, M, blank, Don’t know, 2, 93, 226, blank, blank, blank, 1903, 226, 1903, blank, blank, blank

Bun, Loyd Alber, 1y 1m 27d, blank, blank, Inanition, blank, blank, 724, W.B. Purr(?) father, blank, blank, 4 mi E WW, R.L. Baker, Sept 28, 1919, 114, Sept 29, 1919, blank, blank, blank

Burch, Child of W.F., 6m, M, blank, blank, 1, 153, 218, blank, blank, blank, July 2, 1907, 218, July 3, 1907, blank, blank, blank

Burch, Jas T., 54m, M, blank, Endocarditis Cirrhosis, 1, 39, 504, Mrs. J.T. Burch, 10.00, Feb 3, 1914, Wynnewood, W.E. Settle, Feb 13, 1914, 504, Feb 14, 1914, blank, 4.50, 4.50, by C.J. Smith

Burch, McKenley, blank, M, W, blank, 1, 47, 1448, McKenley Burch, blank, blank, OC, blank, June 1964, blank, June 1964, blank, blank, 25.00

Burch, Walton M., 18m, blank, blank, Dypenty(?), 1, 47, 1270, C.F. Coonrod, blank, blank, Wynnewood, Mr. Burch-Father, July 2, 1926, 3.50, July 3, 1926, blank, 561, 25251

Burks, Roy E., blank, blank, blank, blank, 1, 73A, 1403, Mrs. Roy E. Burks, blank, blank, blank, blank, June 24, 1963, blank, June 26, 1963, blank, blank, 25.00

Burnett, Child Jno, 6, M, blank, blank, 1, 153, 248, blank, WW, blank, Jan 9, 1908, 248, Jan 10, 1908, blank, No fee, blank

Burnett, Child of H., 14m, f, blank, Tollicular Homititis(?), 1, 153, 237, blank, blank, blank, Oct 19, 1907, 237, Oct 20, 1907, blank, blank, blank

Burnett, Child of, 9m, F, blank, Blood poison, 2, 132, 239, R.T. Jones, blank, blank, Oct 27, 1907, 239, Oct 28, 1907, blank, 3.50, blank

Burnett, Emma P., 63, F, W, Apoplexy, 1, 23, 1865, Emma P. Burnett, owned, blank, Wynnewood, C.F. Coonrod, Feb 16, 1942, 7, Feb 16, 1942, blank, 5.50, 25251

Burnett, Lydia Josephine, 6m 10d, blank, blank, Acute Indigestion, blank, blank, 794, blank, blank, blank, Ward 4 WW, W.E. Settle, Dec 12, 1921, 272, Dec 13, 1921, blank, blank, blank

Burnett, Mrs. Mattie, 39y 1m 20d, blank, blank, Cancer of Uterus, blank, 75, 620, Roberts lot, blank, blank, Wynnewood, E.E. Norvell, April 27, 1917, 620, April 27, 1917, blank, blank, see ?eys for Mr. ??

Burns, Baby, 0, blank, W, blank, 1, 114, 1239, Frank B. Burns, 5 one sp, Oct 25, 1959, blank, blank, Oct 25, 1959, blank, Oct 25, 1959, blank, blank, 10.00

Burns, Jennie, 46, F, blank, Tuberculosis, 1, 66, 478, space one more W.?. Burns, 5.00, May 19, 1913, Wynnewood, contribution by W.E. Settle, May 3, 1913, 478, May 4, 1913, blank, 3.00, blank

Burns, Stillborn Floyd, 0, M, W, Stillborn, 2, 42, 1975, Charley Smith, blank, Sept 10, 1944, Pauls Valley, Stufflebean, Sept 16, 1944, 152, Sept 16, 1944, blank, free, blank

Burton, No name, blank, M, W, blank, blank, 64, 1336, M.E. Witherspoon, blank, blank, PV, Stufflebean, Jan 1962, blank, Jan 1962, blank, blank, 25.00

Butler, Dessie Mae, 48, F, W, Auto Accident, 1, 62A, 1020, blank, blank, blank, Hobs NM, blank, Sept 13, 1954, blank, Sept 13, 1954, blank, blank, 15.00

Butt, Earl Aron, 87, blank, blank, blank, 2, 88, 1195, E.A. Butt, blank, blank, Davis, Bonner FH, Dec 27, 1958, blank, Dec 27, 1958, blank, blank, 25.00

Butt, Virginia D., 2-4-22, F, White, Diphtheria, E4, 89, 16, blank, blank, blank, Nov 20, 1903, 16, Nov 20, 1903, blank, blank, blank

Butts, Laura, 90, F, White, Cerebral Hemorage, 2, 89, 1694, Laura Butts, owned lot, blank, Sulphur, blank, May 11, 1938, blank, May 11, 1938, torn, 4.50, blank

Butts, Sally Clements, 68, W, W, 1622 W iou, 2, 89, 3021, E.A. Butts, blank, Oct 22, 1948, Chicago Ill, Baker FH Wynnewood, Oct 22, 1948, 30226, Oct 22, 1948, blank, 10.00, blank

Butts, Wm Wesley, 87, M, blank, Hemorrage, 2, 89, 1650, Wm Wesley Butts, owned, blank, Sulphur, blank, June 19, 1937, blank, June 19, 1937, blank, 4.50, blank

Bybee, Infant daughter L.R., 3 days, F, blank, Failure of closing sinus valsalva, blank, 40, 600, blank, blank, blank, Chigley Okla, W.E. Settle, Oct 10, 1916, 600, Oct 10, 1916, blank, free, blank

Byers, Josie, 62, F, blank, Flu, 1, 20, 1730, Josie Byers, 25.00, not pd, Wynnewood, blank, March 15, 1939, 4, March 15, 1939, blank, 4.50,

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