Oaklawn Cemetery Ledger
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1903 - 1966
'T' Surnames


Name - Age - Sex - Nationality - Cause of Death - Lot - Block - Grave - Name of Purchaser - Purchase Price (sometimes location of lot) - Date Deed Issued (sometimes cost of space) - Where Died - Attending Physician (later Funeral Home) - Date of Death - Permit No. - Date of Internment -  Body Moved - By Whom Moved (later grave digging fee) - Where Moved to (later grave digging fee or registration no)

Taber, Wilbur I., 23 ,M, W, Arteriosclosis, 1, 63, 1584, Wilbur I. Taber, blank, blank, Okla City, blank, Nov 23, 1935, 4407, Nov 24, 1935, blank, Free grave, 55250

Tabor, No Name, blank, M, W, blank, 1, 67, 1488, J.M. Jones, blank, blank, blank, blank, April 9, 1965, blank, April 9, 1965, blank, blank, 25.00

Talley, Eugene L., blank, M, W, World War 2, 2, 38A, 3011, Mr. Mrs. Larry(Garry?) Talley, 35.00, July 21, 1948, WW, blank, July 21, 1948, blank, July 21, 1948, blank, 7.50, blank

Talley, William Earl, 1m 2d, blank, blank, Bronchitis, 1, 147, 830, blank, blank, blank, Ward 4 WW, blank, Jan 7, 1923, 337, Jan 7, 1923, blank, 1-147, blank

Tally, Harry Melton, 63, M, W, Fire, 2, 38A, 1416, Mr. Mrs. Harry Tally, 35.00, blank, blank, blank, Nov 3, 1963, blank, Nov 3, 1963, blank, blank, 25.00

Tally, Mrs. Belle, 47, F, blank, Asthma Consumption Remittent Fever, 1, 147, 5201/2, blank, blank, blank, near WW, A.J. Hoover, June 28, 1914, 5201/2, June 29, 1914, blank, blank, blank

Tally, William, 61y 5m 24d, M, blank, injury caused by fall, 1, 147, 502, Mrs. Wm Tally, blank, blank, SE of WW Country, W.E. Settle, Dec 9, 1913, Dec 10, 1913, blank, blank, blank

Talmage, Synthia, 67, F, W, Organ? here? Dine??, 1, 156, 1867, Synthia Ralmage, owned, blank, Wynnewood, C.F. Coonrod, March 16, 1942, 9, March 16, 1942, blank, Free, 25251

Tamneld(Tammell?Turnell?), Lafayette, blank, blank, W, blank, 2, 57A, 1010, Warn(?) Mashburn, blank, blank, blank, blank, April 22, 1954, blank, April 22, 1954, blank, blank, torn

Tate, Elizabeth J., 90, F, W, Senility, 2, 18, 1901, Elizabeth J. Tate, blank, blank, Wynnewood, C.F. Coonrod, Feb ?, 1943, 2(?), Feb 15, 1943, blank, 5.50, 25251

Tax(Lax?), Stillborn son S.L.(D.L.?), blank, blank, blank, Stillborn, 2, 71, 842, blank, blank, blank, Ward 4 WW, blank, March 14, 1923, 180, March 15, 1923, blank, blank, blank, no fee

Taylor, Baby, 0, M, White, Stillborn, 1, 54, 1761, Taylor's Baby, burieon Ed Johnson, blank, Wynnewood, torn, Dec 26, 1939, 37, Dec 26, 1939, blank, Free, 25251

Taylor, Elidie W. Powell, 53y 20d, F, blank, Asitis? Chronic Hephrites?, 2, 114, 382, A.W. Taylor, 12.00, Dec 2, 1910, Brady, M.E. Robberson, Dec 2, 1910, 382, Dec 4, 1910, blank, 4.50, 4.50

Taylor, Elizabeth, 71, F, blank, Cancer, 1, 119, blank, 424, blank, blank, blank, Memphis, undertaker Jno J. Collins, Memphis, Tenn, Nov 19, 1911, 424, Nov 20, 1911, blank, 4.50, 4.50

Taylor, Freddie Jene, blank, F, blank, Stillborn, Potterfield, blank, 1604, Freddie Jene Taylor, blank, blank, Wynnewood, blank, June 20, 1936, 1058, June 20, 1936, blank, blank, 25251

Taylor, John Wesley, M, W, Heart Disease, 2, 164, 3019, John Taylor, 36.00, Aug 21, 1948, Lindsey Okla, B. FH, Aug 21, 1948, 81268, Aug 21, 1948, blank, 7.50, blank

Taylor, Laura E., 84, blank, blank, blank, 2, 164, 1145, John Taylor, 36.00, 1/2 lot E, OC, blank, Dec 22, 1957, blank, Dec 22, 1957, blank, blank, 15.00

Taylor, Lillie M., 32y 8m 26d, F, blank, Tubercular Periotinitis, 1, 42, 93, blank, blank, blank, April 5, 1905, 93, April 5, 1905, blank, blank, blank

Taylor, Nina (Baby), blank, F, W, Stillborn, 1, 158, 1884, Nina Taylor (Baby), owned, blank, Wynnewood, Wynnewood F Home, Aug 6, 1942, 28, Aug 6, 1942, blank, Free, 25251

Taylor, Willam, 22, blank, blank, Knife wounds, 2, 164, 1057, John Taylor, 36.00, Aug 4, 1950, Meclistey(Mcalistey?) Okla, Chares(?) FH, Aug 4, 1950, blank, blank, blank, blank, torn

Tenny, Richard, 10, M, W, Acute Appendicitis, 1, 151, 1321, Potter Field, blank, blank, S of Wynnewood, None, Sept 30, 1927, 626, Sept 31, 1927, blank, none, 25251

Terrell, Annie L., 86, W, W, Heart Disease, 1, 34, 2068, Terrell, blank, Nov 2, 1946, Wynnewood, C.F. Coonrod, Nov 2, 1946, 28, Nov 2, 1946, blank, 7.50, blank

Terrell, George R., 85, M, blank, Gall bladder, 2, 34, 1684, George R. Terrell, owned, blank, Wynnewood, blank, Jan 19, 1938, 8, Jan 19, 1938, blank, 4.50, blank

Terrell, Thomas C., 46, M, blank, Paralysis, torn, 34, 1735, Thomas C. Terrell, owned, blank, Norman, blank, April 5, 1939, 209, April 5, 1939, blank, 4.50, blank

Terry, Fred N., 46, M, blank, Pneumonia, 2, 142, 1692, Fred N. Terry, own lot, blank, Okla City, blank, March 22, 1938, 50961, March 22, 1938, blank, 4.50, blank

Terry, W.N., 2y, M, blank, not known, 1, 79, 120, W.N. Terry, blank, blank, Sept 8, 1905, 120, Sept 9, 1905, blank, blank, blank

Terry, William,19, M, Pneumonia, W2, 79, 30, blank, Farm S.E., blank, March 26, 1904, 30, March 27, 1904, blank, blank, blank

Thomas, Alice M., blank, F, W, blank, 2, 45A, 1288, Mrs. Alice Thomas 1/4 lot, 18.00, blank, blank, Sept 15, 1960, blank, Sept 15, 1960, blank, blank, 20.00

Thomas, Beulah, 6, F, White, Measles, W2(1?), 75, 38, blank, blank, blank, May 19, 1904, 38, May 19, 1904, blank, blank, blank

Thomas, Frieda V., 58, F, W, Head ingry, torn, torn, 1045, Cathran Mays, 1/4 18.00, 1955, blank, blank, Jully 3, 1955, 28, July 3, 1955, blank, blank, 15.00

Thomas, Hattie W., 82, W, W, Thrombosis, 2, 107, 2054, John Dougherty, blank, April 17, 1946, Okla City, C.F. Coonrod, April 17, 1946, 74060, April 17, 1946, blank, 7.50, blank

Thomas, Henry F., 25, blank, blank, Influenza, blank, 36, 678, owns lot, blank, blank, Iona, W.E. Settle, Oct 18, 1918, blank, Oct 18, 1918, blank, blank, 4.50

Thomas, Ida, 89, F, W, Cerebral artelelosses?, blank, 75, 1430, R.A. Thomas, 1/2, blank, Edmond OK, blank, Jan 18, 1964, 277, Jan 18, 1964, blank, blank, 25.00

Thomas, Infant of Jas, blank, blank, blank, Born dead, 1, 152, 169, blank, blank, blank, Nov 1, 1906, 169, Nov 1, 1906, blank, blank, blank (dates changed from 15 & 16)

Thomas, Infant of John, 18d, blank, blank, Flux, 1, 152, 126, blank, blank, blank, Oct 8, 1905, 126, Oct 9, 1905, blank, blank, blank

Thomas, Jeffie, B., 2, M, blank, Spinal Meningitis, Potterfield, blank, 1685, Jeffie B. Thomas, Potterfield, blank, Sulphur, blank, Jan 20, 1938, blank, Jan 20, 1938, blank, Free, blank

Thomas, Mollie, 47, F, Negro, Hopewell, blank, blank, 67?, buried at Hopewell Cemetery, blank, blank, blank (this line is all marked through with no info on page 2)

Thomas, Mrs. J.H., 40, F, blank, Tuberculosis, 2, 36, 369, J.H. Thomas, 12.50, April 1, 1911, Iona, R.L. Baker, Aug 30, 1910, 369, Aug 31, 1910, blank, 4.50, 4.50

Thomas, W.A., 48, M, W, Helbules(?) Hot,, 1, 153, 284, W.A. Thomas, blank, blank,, Murray Co, W.E. Settle, Nov 23, 1908, 284, Nov 23, 1908, blank, No fee, blank

Thomas, Willam Isom, blank, M, W, Cerebral Him, 2, 23A, 2091, Mrs. W. I. Thomas, 18.00, Nov 12, 1947, WW, Baker FH, Nov 12, 1947, 37, Nov 12, 1947, blank, free, blank

Thomason, J.M., blank, M, blank, Age, 1, 77, 152, blank, blank, blank, June 15, 1906, 152, June 16, 1906, blank, blank, blank

Thomason, Lousie, blank, F, blank, Dysentery, blank, 117, 208, blank, blank, blank, May 16, 1907, 208, May 17, 1907, blank, blank, blank

Thomason, William Love, 1, M, W, Manganese(?), 1, 153, 1249, Potter field, blank, blank, N. Wynnewood, C.F. Coonrod, June 10, 1928, 656, June 11, 1928, blank, blank, 25251

Thompson, Alford Frazier, 20d, blank, blank, Suffocation, blank, blank, 711, son of Albert Thompson & Grace Majors(?), blank, blank, ? mi E WW, E.E. Norvell, Feb 16, 1919, blank, Feb 17, 1919, blank, blank

Thompson, Charlie R., 60 M, W, Hemorhage of Cancer of Face, 2, 73, 1924, Charlie R. Thompson, owned, blank, Davis Okla, Coonrod Funeral Home, Nov ?, ???, 99, Nov 13, 1943, blank, 5.50, 50251

Thompson, Gerald, 16m, F, W, Diptheria, 2, 71, 1435, Garold Thompson, blank, blank, Wynnewood, C.F. Coonrod, Aug 13, 1932, 903, Aug 13, 1932, blank, Free grave, 25251

Thompson, Infant son B.M., blank, blank, blank, Premature birth lived 2 hrs, torn, blank, 776, Caldwells-no record of Caldwell owning lot, blank, blank, 1/2 west 2 south Wynnewood, W.E. Settle, March 8, 1921, 227, March 9, 1921, blank, blank, blank

Thompson, Ira, 78, M, W, blank, blank, 110, 15002, Mrs. M.A. Thompson, blank, blank, blank, blank, April 22, 1965, blank, April 22, 1965, blank, blank, 25.00

Thompson, Jack, 15y 9m 15d, blank, blank, Appoplexy, torn blank, 787, 1 3/4 mis S, blank, blank, 1 3/4 mi S WW, M.E. Robberson, Aug 16, 1921, 250, Aug 17, 1921, blank, blank, blank

Thompson, John G., 24 days, M, blank, Pneumonia, 2, 71, 1631, John G. Thompson, owned, blank, Wynnewood, Feb 2, 1937, 1083, Feb 2, 1937, blank, Free, blank

Thompson, Lora Dell, 1y 8m 12d, blank, blank, Inflammation brain, torn, torn, 749, dautr Alfred T., blank, blank, WW, E.E. Norvell, June 24, 1920, 165, June 25, 1920, blank, blank, blank

Thompson, Margrit, 99, W, W, Cronic nephritis, 2, 100A, 2029, Mrs. M.A. Thompson, blank, blank, WW, blank, Sept 30, 1945, 25, Sept 30, 1945, blank, 7.50, blank

Thompson, Melvin D., 77, W, W, Tuberouis, 2, 156A, 1056, Melvin D. Thompson, blank, May 3, 1946, Sulphur Ok, Frier F Home, May 3, 1946, blank, May 3, 1946, blank, 7.50, blank

Thompson, Roy Lee, 3m 3d, blank, blank, Found dead in bed, blank, blank, 791, blank, blank, blank, 1 3/4 mi S WW, M.E. Robberson, Nov 12, 1921, 265, Nov 14, 1921, blank, blank, blank

Thompson, Sye, blank, M, W, blank, 2, 8A, 1454, Mr. Mrs. Sye Thompson, blank, SW 1/4 lot 2, blank, blank, Aug 30, 1964, blank, Aug 30, 1964, blank, blank, 25.00

Thompson, Woodrow, 8, M, W, Ruptured appendix, 2, 73, 1306, blank, blank, blank, Okla City Okla, Street & Draper, March 24, 1927, 22583, March 25, 1927, blank, 3.50, 55250

Thorn, R.E., 70, M, W, blank, 2, 72, 1410, blank, blank, blank, St Home PV, blank, Oct 12, 1963, blank, Oct 12, 1963, blank, blank, 25.00

Thrasher, John L., 73, M, W, Coranery Ocu, 2, 156, 1072, J.L. Thrasher, 12.00, blank, Sulphur OK, C.F. Coonrod, Dec 4, 1950, 49, Dec 4, 1950, blank, blank, 10.00

Thrasher, Mary Lou, 66, W, W, Cerebral Hemmo???, 2, 156A, 2047, J.G.(?), Thrasher, 12.00 12x16, Nov 3, 1946, Okla City, C.F. Coonrod, Jan 29, 1946, 73424, Jan 29, 1946, blank, 7.50, blank

Thurman, Jean(?), blank, blank, blank, blank, 1, 33A, 1114, Harper Thurman, 1/4, April 8, 1957, Pauls, blank, April 8, 1957, blank, April 8, 1957, blank, blank, 20.00

Tigert, Thomas Chester, 3, blank, blank, Laryngetis, blank, 140, 641, T.J. Tigert, 10.00, Nov 1917, near Sand Pit, G.W. Roberts, Nov 15, 1917, 641, Nov 16, 1917, blank, blank, free

Tiner(Liner?), Mrs. M.N., 57, F, blank, Valvular heart dis - Pulmonary ordema, sw cor, 55, 440, Wm H. Tiner Sept 1915, blank, blank, near WW, W.E. Settle, March 31, 1912, 440, April 2, 1912, blank, 4.50, 4.50, Brooks 5/4 1912

Tiner, Dara Ellen, 69, W, W, Caronary Chron, 2, 24A, 1012, Jack R. Prim, 35.00, April 20, 1949, Okla City, blank, April 20, 1949, 932, April 20, 1949, blank, 7.50, blank

Tiner, Lee, 18, M, blank, Pneumonia Meningitis, blank, 55, 548, Wm H. Tiner sw cor 16x16, 5.00 Mar 1915 5.00 Sept 1915, near Wynnewood, Dr. R.L. Baker, April 5, 1915, 548, April 5, 1915, blank, blank, blank

Tiner, Nannie, 60, F,W, Conary ocusion, 2, 55, 1508, Nannie Tiner, Pd, blank, Okla City, Guardian Funeral Home, Feb 12, 1934, 39092, Feb 12, 1934, blank, 4.50, 55250

Titsworth, Burrell (W.O. Rustor), 24d, blank, blank, Inanition, blank, blank, 708, blank, blank, blank, 3 mi NW WW, W.E. Settle, Jan 19, 1919, 77, Jan 20, 1919, blank, blank, blank

Titsworth, Earl, 6d, blank, blank, Inanition, blank, blank, 703, blank, blank, blank, 3 1/2 mi NW WW, W.E. Settle, Dec 30, 1918, 68, Dec 30, 1918, blank, blank, blank

Titsworth, Mrs. Frankie, 29y 11m 18d, blank, blank, Influenza-Child birth, blank, blank, 701, blank, blank, blank, Brady Twp 3 mi NW of WW, W.E. Settle, Dec 28, 1918, 66, Dec 29, 1918, blank, blank, blank

Toliver, W.M., 76, blank, blank, Ordema lungs malaria, 2, 143, 632, Sam W. Hayes, blank, blank, Wynnewood, R.L. Baker, Aug 7, 1917, 632, Aug 7, 1917, blank, Lot 10, grave 4.50

Tomas, Wanda E., blank, blank, blank, blank, 2, 75, 1322, R.A. Tomas, 1/2, blank, Sulphur OK, Dun, Aug 30, 1961, blank, Aug 30, 1961, blank, blank, 25.00

Tompkins, H.B., 76, blank, blank, blank, 1, 33A, 1115, Mrs. H.B. Tompkins, 1/4, April 6, 1957, blank, blank, April 6, 1957, blank, April 6, 1957, blank, blank, 15.00

Tompkins, James Edgar, 66, M, W, Chronic Lung c??, 2, 31, 3017, Thomas Baker, blank, Aug 12, 1948, P, Stufflebean FH, Aug 12, 1948, 17, Aug 12, 1948, blank, 7.50, blank

Tompkins, Mary Lou, 71, F, W, blank, 2, 31, 1265, Thomas Baker, blank, blank, blank, Stufflebeme, March 12, 1960, blank, March 12, 1960, blank, blank, 20.00

Tompkins, Millie, 82, F, W, blank, 1, 33A, 15071, H.B. Tompkins, MW 1/4 lot 1, 12 1/2 16, blank, blank, July 22, 1966, b lank, blank, blank, bla nk, 25.00

torn(Jm? Jin?), torn, F, W, torn, torn, torn, torn(1530?), torn(iley?), blank, blank, torn, C.F. Coonrod, torn, torn, torn(July 10, 1934?), blank, torn, torn

Torn, torn, blank, blank, blank, blank, 2, 61, blank, Bennett An(torn, torn, torn, blank, blank, March 31, 1950, blank, March 31, 1950, blank, blank, 12.00

Torn, torn, torn, torn, torn, torn, torn, torn(1571?), torn, torn, torn, torn, torn, torn, torn(???9), March 15, 1935, blank, Free grave, torn

Townsend, Lucille, 18, F, W, Acute appendicitis (peretinis), 1, 21, 1240, blank, blank, blank, Ardmore Okla, Bettes Ardmore, March 3, 1928, blank, March 5, 1928, blank, 4.50, blank

Townsend, Martha Susin, 82, F, W, blank, blank, 21, 1343, V.E. Towsend, blank, blank, blank, blank, March 17, 1962, blank, March 17, 1962, blank, blank, 20.00

Trapson, Howard C., 8days, M, blank, Premature, Potterfield, blank, 1608, Howard C. Trapson, blank, blank, Wynnewood, blank, July 30, 1936, 1060, July 30, 1936, blank, blank, blank

Tripp, Cynthia Ann, 85, F, W, Cerebral Hem, 1, 21, 1016, W.J. Tripp, blank, blank, blank, blank, Aug 15, 1954, 32, Aug 15, 1954, blank, blank, 15.00

Tripp, Dora Belle, 10m, F, blank, Bronchial Pneumonia, 1, 51, 409, W.J. Tripp, blank, blank, WW, R.L. Baker, April 11, 1911, 409, April 12, 1911, blank, 2.50, blank

Tripp, Eddie, 16, M, W, blank, 2, 5A, 1277, Mrs. H.L. Tripp, Nov 27, 1959, 35.00, blank, blank, 1960, blank, 1960, blank, blank, 25.00

Tripp, Frank Leslie, 7m, M, blank, Inanition(?), 1, 51, 497, Tripp, blank, blank, Wynnewood, W.E. Settle, Oct 26, 1913, 497, Oct 26, 1913, blank, 2.50, 2.50

Tripp, Hubert L., 67, M, W, 2, 5A, 1245, Mrs. H.L. Tripp, 35.00, Nov 27, 1959, blank, blank, Nov 25, 1959, blank, Nov 25, 1959, blank, blank, 25.00

Tripp, Jenie June, 77, W, W, Cronary Oclu, 1, 106, 1039, J. G. Tripp, blank, Dec 23, 1949, PV, Stufflebean, Dec 23, 1949, 29, Dec 23, 1949, blank, blank, 7.50

Tripp, Julian, 80, M, White, Mycarditis, 1, 106, 1769, Julian Tripp, owned, blank, Pernell, C.F. Coonrod, Jan 11, 1940, 3, Jan 11, 1940, blank, 4.50, 25251

Tripp, Minnie, 17, F, blank, Gunshot wound, 1, 76, 270, blank, ???, blank, Aug 6, 1908, 270, Aug 7, 1908, blank, blank, 4.50

Tripp, Norma Lee, blank, F, blank, Stillborn, torn, torn33, 1599, Norman Lee Tripp, owned, blank, Wynnewood, blank, May 8, 1936, 1053, May 8, 1936, blank, 2.50, 25251

Tripp, Ray(Roy) Edmond, 48, M, W, blank, 2, 5A, 1263, Mrs. J.L. Tripp, 35.00, Nov 27, 1959, blank, blank, March 12, 1960, blank, March 12, 1960, blank, blank, 25.00

Tripp, Sherewood, blank, M, W, blank, 2, 83A, 1458, Mrs. Ethel Tripp, 2 grave sp, 10x12 1/2 ft, blank, blank, Sept 6, 1964, blank, Sept 6, 1964, blank, blank, 25.00

Tripp, Sherwood, blank, M, W, blank, 2, 83A, 1464, Mrs. Ethel Tripp, blank, 10x12 1/2 ft, blank, blank, Oct 6, 1964, blank, Oct 6, 1964, blank, blank, 25.00

Tripp, W.J., 66, M, W, Nephirtes, 1, 51, 1413, W.J. Tripp, blank, blank, Wynnewood, C.F. Coonrod, Feb 21, 1932, 877, Feb 21, 1932, blank, 4.50, 25251

Tucker, Don Russell, 4 days, blank, blank, Bilateal Pulem?, 1, 114, 1034, Hos Tucker, 5.00, Nov 19, 1949, blank, blank, Nov 19, 1944, 43, Nov 19, 1944, blank, blank, 5.00

Tucker, Harsl Russell, 84, M, W, blank, 2, 11A, 1377, Harsl Tucker, one grave, 4 84, blank, blank, Jan 6, 1963, blank, Jan 6, 1963, blank, blank, 25.00

Tucker, James, 55, M, White, Congestive chill, 2, 97, 51, Mrs. M.E. Tuggs(?), blank, blank, Aug 15, 1904, 51, Aug 16, 1904, blank, blank, blank

Tucker, John, 69, M, W, blank, 2, 83, 1475, John Tucker, one grave sp, NW 1/4 lot 2, blank, blank, Feb 2, 1965, blank, Jan 2, 1965, blank, blank, 25.00

Tucker, Mary E., 87, F, W, Bad Heart, 2, 98, 1578, Mary E. Tucker, owned, blank, Wynnewood, C.F. Coonrod, Oct 21, 1935, 1029, Oct 22, 1935, blank, Free grave, 25251

Tullis(?), No Name, blank, W(?), W, blank, 1, 81A, 1451, J.W. Tullis, blank, blank, OC, blank, Aug 4, 1964, blank, Aug 4, 1964, blank, blank, 25.00

Tullis, Ben, 77, M, W, blank, 1, 81A, 1405, Ben Jr. Tullis, one grave sp, blank, Hunter FH OC, blank, Sept 9, 1963, blank, Sept 9, 1963, blank, blank, 25.00

Tullis, Eller, 47, F, W, Flu & Pneumonia, A, 68, 1469, Eller Tullis, blank, blank, Wynnewood, C.F. Coonrod, Dec 31, 1932, 917, Dec 31, 1933(32?), blank, Free grave, 25251

Tullis, Mary E., 43, F, W, Car accident, 1, 81A, 1422, Andrew Tullis, 10x12 1/2, blank, OC, blank, Dec 15, 1963, 4416(4417), Dec 8, 1963, blank, blank, 25.00

Tully, Stuart M., 0, M, blank, blank, 1, 4A, 1210, C.C. Tully, 70.00, Oct 16, 1958, blank, blank, Oct 9, 1958, blank, Oct 8, 1958, blank, blank, 10.00

Tunstall, Earl, 16, M, W, Malarial Ashnes?, 3, 100, 292, Dr. R.L. Bakers lot, blank, blank, Garvin Co., R.L. Baker, Jan 29, 1909, 292, Jan 30, 1909, blank, blank, 4.50

Turley, Alfred (Baby), 0, M, White, Stillborn, 2, 146, 1713, Alfred Turley (Baby), owned, blank, Wynnewood, blank, Nov 20, 1938, 39, Nov 20, 1938, blank, Free, blank

Turley, Jean, 87, F, W, Fracture Hip, 2, 51A, 1070, J.C. Henderson 1/2 lot, 18.00, Dec 25, 1953, blank, blank, Dec 25, 1953, 54, Dec 25, 1953, blank, blank, 12.50

Turner, Billie Lee, 1y, M, W, Congestion of stomach, 2, 40, 1343, Billie Lee Turner, blank, blank, Maud, Ogee Bros., June 25, 1930, 979(?), June 25, 1930, blank, Free Grave, 63256

Turner, Earl Dean, 1d, blank, blank, Bad heart, ?, 41, 1271, C.F. Coonrod, 5.00, blank, Wynnewood, Mr. Earl Turner-Father, July 15, 1926, 3.50, July 16, 1926, blank, 564, 25251

Turner, Elwanda June, 1m 18d, F, W, Bronical Pneumonia, 1, 122, 1244, blank, blank, blank, Claremore Okla, Roff-Musgrove, April 9, 1928, 39, April 9, 1928, blank, 2.50, 66251

Turner, Ira(Iva?) Mitchell, 8d, M, blank, blank, 5, 67, 223, blank, blank, blank, Aug 12?, 1907, 223, Aug 13, 1907, blank, blank, blank

Turner, J.D., 67, M, W, Heart Disease, 6(?), 67, 1299, blank, blank, blank, Pauls Valley, Stufflebean & Meyer, Jan 31, 1927, 267, Feb 1, 1927, blank, 4.50 paid, 25250

Turner, Joseph W., 0, M, W, Stillborn, 2, 67A, 1971, J.O. Turner, blank, blank, blank, C.F. Coonrod, Aug 11, 1944, 13, Aug 11, 1944, blank, free, 25251

Turner, Sarah M., 83, blank, blank, blank, 2, 67A, 1163, J.O. Turner, blank, blank, Ardmore OK, Harvey FH, May 3, 1958, blank, May 3, 1958, blank, blank, 20.00

Tutor, Ila May, 80, F, W, blank, 2, 172, 1310, Barney R. Tutor, 1/4 lot, 18.00, Elmore City, blank, Jan 26, 1961, blank, Jan 26, 1961, blank, blank, 20.00

Tutor, Infant of Sam, blank, blank, blank, blank, 1, 116, 80, blank, blank, blank, Feb 6, 1905, 80, Feb 6, 1905, blank, blank, blank

Tutor, Jim A., 29, M, W, Poison(?) self, 2, 172, 2044, Burney R. Tutor, 18.00, Jan 3, 1946, Okla City, Capitla Hill FH, Jan 3, 1946, 73152, Jan 3, 1946, blank, 7.50, blank

Tutor, Martha Elizabeth, 77, blank, blank, blank, 1, 60, 1185, Sam Tutor, 1/4, 18.00, blank, blank, blank, Nov 10, 1958, blank, Nov 10, 1958, blank, blank, 20.00

Tutor, Mildred, 20d, blank, blank, some intestinal deformity-No post M, torn, blank, 781, blank, blank, blank, 5 mi S, M.E. Robberson, April 12, 1921, 234, April 13, 1921, blank, blank, blank

Tutor, Rebecca, 67, F, blank, Inanition? Grippe R. worry?, 2, 114, 436, R.M. Tutor, blank, blank, WW, H.P. Wilson, March 26, 1912, 436, March 27, 1912, blank, 4.50, 4.50

Tutor, S.J., 62, M, blank, LaGrip. Pneumonia, 7, 114, 345, blank, blank, blank, Farmer, Dr. H.P. Wilson, March 9, 1910, 345, March 10, 1910, blank, 4.50, 4.50

Tutor, Sam J., 89, M, W, blank, 1, 60A, 15036, Sam J. Tutor, blank, blank, blank, blank, Jan 26, 1966, blank, Jan 26, 1966, blank, blank, 30.00

Tyra(Lyra?), Mrs. N. E., 43y 1m 22d, F, blank, Tuberculosis, 2, 51, 460, J.H. Tyra(Lyra?), 10.00, blank, near Brady, M.E. Robberson, Dec 1, 1912, 461, Dec 2, 1912, blank, 4.50, 4.50

Tyra, E.F., 23y 7m 15d, blank, blank, Tuberculosis, 3, 151, 587, J.H. Tyra, blank, blank, 8 miles West WW, M.E. Robberson, July 3, 1916, 587, July 4, 1916, 4.50, blank, blank

Tyra, James Harrold, 2m 28d, M, blank, Pneumonia, 2, 51, 509, J.H. Tyra, blank, blank, near Brady, M.E. Robberson, March 28, 1914, 509, March 29, 1914, blank, 2.50, 2.50

Tyree, J.H., 74, M, W, Heard & T.B., torn, torn, torn(1520?), J.H. Tyree, owned, blank, Wynnewood, C.F. Coonrod, March 25, 1934, 965, March 25, 1934, blank, 4.50, 2525?

Tyree, James W., 67, M, W, 1, 68, 1179, J.W. Tyree, blank, blank, blank, blank, July 23, 1958, blank, July 24, 1958, blank, blank, 25.00

Oaklawn Cemetery Ledger

This material is donated by people who want to communicate with and help others. Every effort is made to give credit and protect all copyrights. Presentation here does not extend any permissions to the public. This material can not be included in any compilation, publication, collection, or other reproduction for profit without permission.

1903 - 1966
'U' Surnames


Name - Age - Sex - Nationality - Cause of Death - Lot - Block - Grave - Name of Purchaser - Purchase Price (sometimes location of lot) - Date Deed Issued (sometimes cost of space) - Where Died - Attending Physician (later Funeral Home) - Date of Death - Permit No. - Date of Internment -  Body Moved - By Whom Moved (later grave digging fee) - Where Moved to (later grave digging fee or registration no)

Uhles, Lenard, 50, M, White, Gen Posesis, 2, 18, 1666, Lenard Uhles, owned, blank, Muskogee, blank, Sept 8, 1937, 101, Sept 8, 1937, blank, Free, blank

Uhles, Rudolph, 49, M, W, Pulmonary Tuberculosis, ?1(torn), 19, 1813, Rudolph Uhles, owned, blank, Sulphur, A.G. Dunn Fun'l, Dec 9, 1940, Dec 9, 1940, blank, 4.50, blank

Underwood, Parilie, 62, W, W, Influnza, 1, 45A, 2081, J.G. Underwood, 35.00, March 11, 1947, blank, blank, March 11, 1947, 7, March 11, 1947, blank, 7.50, blank

Oaklawn Cemetery Ledger

This material is donated by people who want to communicate with and help others. Every effort is made to give credit and protect all copyrights. Presentation here does not extend any permissions to the public. This material can not be included in any compilation, publication, collection, or other reproduction for profit without permission.

1903 - 1966
'V' Surnames


Name - Age - Sex - Nationality - Cause of Death - Lot - Block - Grave - Name of Purchaser - Purchase Price (sometimes location of lot) - Date Deed Issued (sometimes cost of space) - Where Died - Attending Physician (later Funeral Home) - Date of Death - Permit No. - Date of Internment -  Body Moved - By Whom Moved (later grave digging fee) - Where Moved to (later grave digging fee or registration no)

Vail, Infant Cal, 10m, F, blank, Pneumonia, torn, 31, 378, Cal Vail, 10.00, Nov 26, 1910, Country, John Darst, Nov 15, 1910, 378, Nov 16, 1910, blank, 2.50. 2.50

Van Horn, Mary, 10 h, F, White, Premature, 1, 114, 1738, Mary Van Horn, 2.50, grave space pd, Wynnewood, C.F. Coonrod, June 14, 1939, 11, June 14, 1939, blank, Free, 25251

Van Trump(?), Sallie Bertie (cremated), 80, blank, blank, 2, 112, 1042, J.H. Wimbray, Remanes, blank, San Francisco Calf, Hallorn FH, Nov 25, 1952, blank, Dec 29, 1952, blank, blank, 5.00

Vance, Infant Daughter Ed, 24d 1m, blank, blank, Inanition, 1, 131, 589, W.H. Tyner(Tynes?), blank, blank, near WW 5mi SE, W.E. Settle, July 24, 1916, 589, July 25, 1916, blank, blank, free

Vandenburg, No name, blank, F, blank, blank, 2, 158, 1917, Vandenburg, 18.00 pd, blank, Wayne Okla, Coonrod Funeral Home, blank, blank, blank, blank, Free, blank

Vanderslice, Elsie Corene, 12, F, W, Metral-regurgation(?), 2, 46, 1467, Elsie Corene Vanderslice, blank, blank, Sulphur, G.A. Dunn, May 13, 1933, 463, May 13, 1933, blank, 2.50, 50250

Vanderslice, R.J., 66, M, A(?), Gunshot, 2, 46, 1269, C.F. Coonrod, blank, blank, SE of Wynnewood, Mrs. R.J. Vanderslice-Wife, June 4, 1926, 4.50, June 5, 1926, blank, 558, 25251

Vandiver, Infant of Robt, 3mo, M, blank, blank, 1, 58, 81, blank, blank, blank, Feb 6, 1905, 81, Feb 6, 1905, blank, blank, blank

Vanhoy(Vanhay?), Martha Jane, 3m 28d, Cholera Infantum, torn, blank, 789, blank, blank, blank, 5mi S 3 E(?) WW, E.E. Norvell, Sept 6, 1921, 254, Sept 7, 1921, blank, blank, blank

Varnell, Nancey, 94, F, W, Fell dead, 1, 53, 1281, blank, blank, blank, Wynnewood, C.F. Coonrod, May 4, 1929, 793, May 5, 1929, blank, 4.50, 25251

Varnier, S.E., 71, M, W, Flu Pneumonia, 2, 162 Mrs. S.E. Varnier, 18.00, Jan 17, 1944, SE of Wynnewood, Wynnewood Fun Home, Jan 7, 1944, 1, Jan 8, 1944, blank, 5.50, 25251

Vaughan, A. Andrew, blank, M, W, blaak, 1, 132, 1268, Chas. Nisler, blank, blank, Calif (marked through), Hunter FH(marked through) March 17, 1960, blank, March 17, 1960, blank, blank, 20.00

Vaughan, Archie, 6, blank, blank, Inanition cancer of stomach, blank, 43, 631, Vaughan, 11.00, July 30, 1917, near Wynnewood, W.E. Settle, July 29, 1917, 631, July 29, 1917, blank, blank, free

Vaughan, Elizabeth, 2t 11m 8d, blank, blank, Acute Infection, blank, 45, 600, blank, blank, blank, ?, E.E. Norvell, Dec 19, 1918, 45, Dec 10, 1918, blank, blank, blank

Vaughan, Howell M(Housell M?), 70, M, W, blank, 1, 160, 1269, HM Vaughan, Dec 19, 1940, 36.00, blank, blank, 1960, blank, 1960, blank, blank, 25.00

Vaughan, Infant Son Howell, 0 0 0, M, Asphyxiation, 1, 121, 448, Howell Vaughan 1 grave, 5.00, blank, WW, W .E. Settle, Aug 26, 1912, 448, Aug 26, 1912, blank, 2.50, 2.50

Vaughan, Jewell Biss, 69, F, W, blank, 1, 78, 107, Mrs. W.B. Vaughan, blank, blank, Fort Worth Tex, blank, March 22, 1954, blank, March 22, 1954, blank, blank, torn

Vaughan, Mary Francis, 66, blank, blank, blank, 2, 140, 1200, Francis Vaughan, blank, blank, Jan 24, 1959, blank, Jan 24, 1959, blank, blank, 25.00

Vaughan, Ruby, 26, F, W, Pneumonia, 1, 44, 1300, blank, blank, blank, Okla City, C.F. Coonrod, Sept 17, 1929, 817, Sept 18, 1929, blank, 4.50, 25251

Vaughan, Wesley L., 60, blank, blank, blank, 2, 96, 1036, Mary Cates, 1/4 lot, blank, Parsons Kansas, Blossom FH, Jan 1, 1961, blank, Jan 1, 1961, blank, blank, 25.00

Vaughan, William B., 50, M, W, Heart Failure, torn, 140, 1284, C.F. Coonrod, blank, blank, City, Billy Vaughan-Son, Oct 16, 1926, 4.50, Oct 17, 1926, blank, 558, 25251

Vaughn, Amanda, 81, F, W, Cerebrae Softening, torn, 140, 1556, Amanda Vaughn, owned, blank, Wynnewood, C.F. Coonrod, April 20, 1935, 1007, April 20, 1935, blank, 4.50, 252??

Vaughn, H.A., 60, M, W, Caronary Thrombosis, 2, 47, 1475, H.A. Vaughn, blank, blank, Wynnewood, C.F. Coonrod, Feb 8, 1933, 922, Feb 8, 1933, blank, Free grave, 25251

Vaughn, Minnie A., 60, F, White, Progressive Latiral Scler???, 2, 47, 1749, Minnie A. Vaughn, owned, blank, Wynnewood, C.F. Coonrod, Sept 21, 1939, 24, Sept 21, 1939, blank, Free, 25251

Vaughn, W.A., 74, M, W, Acute Endecate, 2, 40, 1471, W.A. Vaughn, blank, blank, Wynnewood, C.F. Coonrod, Dec 21, 1932, 915, Dec 21, 1932, blank, 4.50, 25251

Veach, Erin, 43, M, W, Ato Accident, 1, 93, 1039, L.A. - C.O. Veach, blank, blank, Davis Okal, blank, Oct 2, 1952, 23, Oct 2, 1952, blank, blank, free

Veach, Harris, 3, M, White, Scalded, 1, 93, 43, blank, blank, blank, June 18, 1904, 43, June 19, 1904, blank, blank, blank

Veach, Infant of Chas, 4mo, F, blank, Fever, 1, 91, 62, blank, blank, blank, Oct 2, 1904, 62, Oct 3, 1904, blank, blank, blank

Veach, L.A., 48, M, W, Cancer, 1, 93(?), 1295, blank, blank, blank, Okla City Okla, Street & Draper, Jan 10 1927, 22222, Jan 11, 1927, blank, 4.50, 55250

Veach, Sindy, 71, F, W, Corony Occlusion, 1, 93, 1023, LA CD Veach, blank, Dec 13, 1904, Davis, Okla, Bahner FH, Sept 25, 1954, blank, Setp 25, 1954, blank, blank, free

Venable, Infant son A.W., blank, blank, blank, Stillborn, 1, 179, 797, free?, blank, blank, Ward 1 WW, E.E. Norvell, Feb 12, 1922, 277, Feb 12, 1922, blank, blank, blank

Vernell, W.T., 75y 6m 2d, blank, blank, TB-Pulmonary, torn, torn, 775, blank, blank, blank, Ward 3 Wynnewood, M.E. Robberson, March 5, 1921, 226, March 6, 1921, blank, blank, blank

Vineyard, R.L. 68, M, w, Arterio Sclerosis, 1, 68, 1449, R.L. Vineyard, blank, blank, Norman, Meyer & Meyer, Nov 19, 1932, 3455, Nov 20, 1932, blank, 4.50, 14250

Oaklawn Cemetery Ledger

This material is donated by people who want to communicate with and help others. Every effort is made to give credit and protect all copyrights. Presentation here does not extend any permissions to the public. This material can not be included in any compilation, publication, collection, or other reproduction for profit without permission.

1903 - 1966
'W' Surnames


Name - Age - Sex - Nationality - Cause of Death - Lot - Block - Grave - Name of Purchaser - Purchase Price (sometimes location of lot) - Date Deed Issued (sometimes cost of space) - Where Died - Attending Physician (later Funeral Home) - Date of Death - Permit No. - Date of Internment -  Body Moved - By Whom Moved (later grave digging fee) - Where Moved to (later grave digging fee or registration no)

Wade, Clarice Helen, 67, F, W, Ca of Stomach, 2, 51A, 105, Roy Mary, 18.00, blank, blank, Randley Holden FH, March 3, 1954, blank, March 3, 1954, blank, blank, free

Wade, J.C., 82, M, W, Heart Disease, 1, 162, 1943, J.C. Wade, 26.00, ? ?, 1944, blank, C.F. Coonrod, March 28, 1944, 10, blank, blank, 5.50, 25251

Wade, Liza Ann, 80, F, White, Pneumonia Influenza, 1, 162, 1824, Liza Ann Wade, owned, blank, Wynnewood, WW Fun'l Home, Feb 5, 1941, 5, Feb 5, 1941, blank, 4.50, 25251

Wade, Sarah W., blank, blank, blank, blank, 1, 162, 1352, J.C. Wade, 1/2 lot 1, blank, blank, blank, June 29, 1962, blank, June 29, 1962, blank, blank, 25.00

Waggner, John D., blank, M, W, Cardial Decom???, 2, 168, 2043, Mrs. J.D. Waggner, 18.00, Jan 2, 1944, blank, WW F, Jan 2, 1946, 1, Jan 2, 1946, blank, 7.50, blank

Wagner, William D., 23, blank, blank, blank, 2, 132, 1199, Mr. Mrs. J.S. Wagner, 1/4 18.00, blank, Jan 19, 1959, blank, Jan 19, 1959, blank, blank, 25.00

Walcott, J.A., 51, M, White, Cancer, 2, 37, 1693, J.A. Walcott, 25.00 for lot, Pd, 24 as(?), blank, May 4, 1948, blank, May 5, 1938, blank, Free, blank

Walker, James McGill, 75, M, blank, Paralysis, 2, 50, 1788, James M. Walker, owned, blank, Rosedale, F.H. Yoakum, May 29, 1940, 44250, May 29, 1940, blank, Free, blank

Walker, Luther, 32, blank, blank, Pneumonia, blank, 50, 672, blank, blank, blank, Stringtown Okla, Dr. J.S. Fulton Health O., Oct 20, 1918, 672, blank, blank, free

Walker, Mrs. Alice, 7, F, W, Cardic Asthma, 2, 157, 1940, P.W. Walker, 36.00, March 7, 1944, Wynnewood, Wynnewood Fun Home, March 6, 1944, 3, March 7, 1944, blank, 5.50, 25251

Walker, P.W., blank, M, W, blank, 2, 157, 15003, P.W. Walker, blank, blank, blank, blank, April 23, 1965, blank, April 23, 1965, blank, blank, 25.00

Walker, Thomas, 68, M, W, Rumatics, torn, 25, 1558, Thomas Walker, owned, blank, Wynnewood, C.F. Coonrod, April 28, 1935, 1008, April 28, 1935, blank, 4.50, 252??

Walker, Tom, 65, M, W, blank, 2, 25, 1382, Dr. Walker, NE 1/4 lot 2, blank, Bonner FH Davis OK, blank, March 16, 1963, blank, March 16, 1963, blank, blank, 25.00

Walner, John Henry, 40, M, blank, Knife wound, 1, 111, 103, J.H. Walner, blank, blank, July 7, 1905, 103, July 8, 1905, blank, blank, blank

Walner, Lule Bell, 94, F, W, blank, blank, 110, 1272, John Walner, blank, blank, blank, blank, May 5, 1960, blank, May 5, 1960, blank, b lank, 20.00

Walters, Reba E., 47, blank, blank, blank, 2, 16A, 1121, Mr. Mrs. Paul Baker, blank, July 3, 1927, blank, blank, July 3, 1957, blank, July 3, 1957, blank, blank, 20.00

Ward, Calvin J., 63, M, W, Pulmonary To?, 1, 47, 1048, McKinley Burch, blank, March 25, 1950, Clinton, OK, Baker FH, March 29, 1950, blank, March 29, 1950, blank, blank, 7.50

Ward, Baby, blank, F, W, Stillborn, 1, 116, 1297, Winford Ward, blank, blank, E Wynnewood, C.F. Coonrod, Jan 30, 1927, 598, Jan 31, 1927, blank, 3.50, 25251

Ward, C.A., 45, M, blank, Gun Shot, 1, 116, 225, blank, blank, blank, Aug 18, 1907, 225, Aug 19, 1907, blank, blank, blank

Ward, Carl, 5y 6m 6d, blank, blank, Abcess of liver, blank, blank, 725, blank, blank, blank, 6mi S 8 1/2 W WW, E.E. Norvell, Oct 12, 1919, 118, Oct 13, 1919, blank, blank, blank

Ward, Caroline, 64y 4m 13d, blank, blank, appoplexy, blank, blank, 746, mother Will H. pd 9.00, blank, blank, 7 west 1/2 north of WW, M.E. Robberson, June 14, 1920, 162, June 15, 1920, blank, blank, blank

Ward, Infant of C.A., blank, blank, blank, blank, 1, 116, 245, blank, blank, blank, Dec 26, 1907, 245, Dec 27, 1907, blank, blank, blank

Ward, Infant Thos, blank, M, blank, don't know lived only a few hours, 1, 114, 463, Thos Ward, 12.50, blank, near Wynnewood, G.W. Roberts, Dec 16, 1912, 464, Dec 16, 1912, blank, 2.50, 2.50

Ward, Julia Russell, 22y 4m, blank, blank, Mrilary(?) Tuberculosis, blank, 71, 684, blank, blank, blank, Brady, M.E.Robberson, Oct 21, 1918, blank, Oct 22, 1918, blank, 10.00, 4.50

Ward, Lafetta, 8m, F, W, Pneumonia, 1, 116, 1263, blank, blank, blank, 7 S. Wynnewood, C.F. Coonrod, Oct 23, 1928, 676, Oct 24, 1928, blank, 2.50, 25251

Ward, Lucy Ada, 79, blank, blank, blank, 1, 159, 1190, Vergie Scott, 1/4 18.00, blank, blank, blank, Nov 19, 1958, blank, Nov 19, 1958, blank, blank, free

Ward, Maxy Wyone(?), 16, blank, blank, blank, 1, 14, 1191, Mrs. Thelma Shepard, 1/4 18.00, blank, blank, blank, Dec 4, 1958, blank, Dec 4, 1958, blank, blank, 20.00

Ward, Mrs. Geo A., 78, F, W, Pneumonia, torn, 116, 1288, R.B. Hutchins, blank, blank, near Davis, Gus Grave-Son, Dec 4, 1926, 4.50, Dec 5, 1926, blank, 94, 50251

Ward, Virgil, blank, M, W, blank, 1, 163, 2000, One spac, 6.00, Jan 2, 1945, blank, blank, Jan 2, 1945, blank, Jan 2, 1945, blank, 7.50, blank

Ward, William H., 75, M, White, Chronic Nephritis, 1, 159, 1830, William H. Ward, owned, blank, Wynnewood, WW Fun'l Home, May 27, 1941, 20, May 27, 1941, blank, Free, 25251

Warrel, Mrs. J.H., blank, F, W, blank, blank, 12, 1434, Mrs. J.H. Warell, 8x16ft, blank, blank, blank, March 21, 1964, blank, March 21, 1964, blank, blank, 25.00

Watson, No name, blank, F, W, blank, 2, 70A, 1384, Joan Watson, E 1/2 lot 2, blank, blank, blank, March 21, 1963, blank, March 21, 1963, blank, blank, 25.00

Watson, Stella, 8, F, White, Fever, E 2, 22, 6, blank, blank, blank, Sept 10, 1903, 6, Sept 11, 1903, blank, blank, blank

Weaver, T.J., 53, M, W, Chrosis, 2(?), 20, 1273, C.F. Coonrod, blank, blank, E. Wynnewood, Mrs. Weaver-Mother, July 25, 1926, blank, July 26, 1926, blank, July 26, 1926, 546, 25251

Weaver, J.R., 61, F, W, A?t? of the heart, 1, 91, 1422, J.R. Weaver, blank, blank, Pauls Valley, Stufflebean, April 19, 1932, 37, April 19, 1932, blank, blank, 25250

Weaver, Jack, 65, blank, blank, blank, 1, 19A, 1109, Mrs. Jack Weaver, 1/4 35, March 5, 1957, blank, blank, March 4, 1957, blank, March 4, 1957, blank, blank, 15.00

Weaver, Manda, 31y 1d, blank, blank, Dbl Pneumonia, blank, blank, 732, J.T. Weaver informer, blank, blank, 1/4 mi S WW, E.E. Norvell, Jan 11, 1920, 129, Jan 12, 1920, blank, blank, blank

Webb, Joe F., 52, M, W, blank, 2, 73A, 1423, Mrs. J.F. Webb, 75.00, 1/2 lot, Steh FH, blank, Dec 16, 1963, blank, Dec 16, 1963, blank, blank, 25.00

Webster, Lucy, 64, F, Indian Uremia, Potterfield, blank, 1743, Lucy Webster, Potterfield, blank, Wynnewood, C.F. Coonrod, July 8, 1939, 17, July 9, 1939, blank, Free, 25251

Weeden, M.C., 69, blank, blank, blank, 2, 159, 1372, Vester Weeden, NE 1/4 Lot 2, blank, blank, blank, Nov 26, 1962, blank, Nov 26, 1962, blank, blank, 20.00

Weeden, Otis, 24, M, W, Laceration of liver, blank, 158, 1909, Otis Weeden, 18.00, blank, Poss(?) Orchard Wash(?), C.F. Coonrod, May 9, 1943, 80, May 17, 1943, blank, 5.50, blank

Weedin, Vest, 69, F, W, blank, 2, 59, 1370, M.C. Weedin, SE 1/4 lot 1, blank, Smith Bates, Mt. Pleasant Tex, Nov 26, 1962, blank, Nov 26, 1962, blank, blank, 25.00

Weeks, A.F., 56, M, White, Intestion obstruction, 1, 11, 1818, A.F. Weeks, owned, blank, Wynnewood, WW Fun'l Home, Dec 27, 1940, 56, Dec 27, 1940, blank, Free, blank

Weeks, Mrs., 82, F, W, blank, blank, 11, 15033, A.F. Weeks, blank, blank, blank, blank, Jan 21, 1966, blank, Jan 21, 1966, blank, blank, 30.00

Welch, Body of W.M., 6y 1m 20d, blank, blank, interred March 20, 1899 removed from walk between blks 57 & 58 and reinterred, 3, 58, 581, space to J.T. Welch, 5.00 Sept 13, 1915, blank, blank, blank, 581, Sept 13, 1915, in space on Lt 3 Blk 58, blank, blank

Welch, Infant Son Levi, 4d, blank, blank, Convulsions, blank, 44 SE cor, 649, Levi Welch 16x16, 10.00, March 9, 1918, near WW, W.O. Pool DO, Jan 26, 1918, 649, Jan 27, 1918, blank, lot 10.00 gf ??

Welch, J.R., 63, M, W, Cancer of stoma, 2, 45, 1542, J.R. Welch, owned, blank, Wynnewood, C.F. Coonrod, Oct 27, 1934, 988, Oct 27, 1934, blank, Free grave, 25251

Welch, James W. (Ben penciled in), 64, M, W, Hobs New Mex(marked through), 1, 157, 15084, V.P. Welch, E 1/2 lot 1, 16 x 32ft, New Mexico, Baker, blank, blank, Sept 24, 1966, blank, blank, Pd 25.00

Welch, James Wilkson, 76, M, White, Heart Failure, 1, 157, 1845, James Wilkson Welch, owned, blank, Wynnewood, C.F. Coonrod, July 39, 1941, 29, July 30, 1941, blank, 5.50, 25251

Welch, Letha Dovie, 34, F, blank, Hemorage lung, 2, 44, 1686, Letha Dovie Welch, owned, blank, Wynnewood, blank, Jan 27, 1938, 12, Jan 27, 1938, blank, Free, blank

Welch, Pos, blank, M, W, Hart Trouble, 1, 157, 15091, V.P. Welch, E 1/2 lot 1, 12 1/2 x 32, WW, Baker, blank, blank, Oct 18, 1966, blank, blank, Pd 25.00

Welch, Sarah Ann, 79y 1m 12d, blank, blank, Pneumonia-etc, blank, blank, 713, mother J.R. Welch, blank, blank, 1mi S, W.O. Pool DO, Feb 22, 1919, 84, Feb 24, 1919, blank, blank, blank

Welch, Susie, 64, F, W, Pneumonia, 1, 157, 1896, Susie Welch, owned, blank, Wynnewood, C.F. Coonrod, Nov 18, 1942, 39, Nov 18, 1942, blank, 5.50, 25251

Welch, W.M., 6y 1m 20d, blank, blank, died 1899, blank, 58, 561 1/2, J.T. Welch (space), 5.00, Sept 1915, blank, blank, March 20, 1849, 561 1/2, This body interred before the cemetery owned by city, grave located in walk between blks 57 & 58 moved to 58 9/10 1915

Welfar(Welburn?), Betty, 73, w(?), W, Cancer of Stomach, 2, 50, 1964, blank, blank, blank, blank, Stufflebean, June 12, 1944, 133, June 12, 1944, blank, blank, blank

Wells, Roy, 18, M, blank, Typhoid fever, blank, 151, 599, free, blank, blank, near WW, R.L. Baker, Sept 26, 1916, 599, Sept 27, 1916, blank, friends free, blank

West, John A., 65, blank, blank, Paralysis, 2, 24, 574, blank, blank, blank, near Wynnewood, Jno Darst, Feb 14, 1916, 574, Feb 14, 1916, blank, blank, blank

West, Mrs. John, blank, F, blank, Heart Failure, 2, ?, 137, blank, blank, blank, Jan 13, 1906, 137, Jan 14, 1906, blank, blank, blank

West, Walter, 21, M, blank, Typhoid, ?, 24, 168, J.W. West, blank, blank, blank, Oct 25, 1906, 168, Oct 26, 1906, blank, blank, blank (dates changed from 14 & 15)

Westbrook, Catherine M., 77, blank, blank, blank, 1, 67A, 1303, Mr. Mrs. C.C. Westbrook, All 1, 70.00, blank, blank, Dec 13, 1960, blank, Dec 13, 1960, blank, blank, 25.00

Whatter(?), Waneta Lillie, blank, W, Cancer red(?), 2, 90, 3000, S. Kincaid, blank, April 21, 1948, Okla City, Baker FH, April 21, 1948, 80262, April 21, 1948, blank, 7.50, blank

Wheeler, Evaline, 4m, F, blank, Acute Indigestion, 1, 131, 542, blank, blank, blank, Wynnewood, John Darst, Jan 28, 1915, 542, Jan 28, 1915, blank, 2.50, blank, #532? #533? ??? SW Drake

Wheeler, Evans, 48, M, W, Pulmonary T.B., 1, 131, 1279, blank, blank, blank, Norman, C.F. Coonrod, April 9, 1929, 791, April 10, 1929, blank, 4.50, 25251

Wheeler, Fannie Corine, 6, F, blank, Ordema of lungs ulcerated tonsolitis, 1, 131, 553, blank, blank, blank, Wynnewood, John Darst MD, June 17, 1915, 553, June 18, 1915, blank, 3.50, (diptheria?)

Wheeler, Faye, 20, F, W, Acute heart failure, torn, 131, 1488, Faye Wheeler, blank, blank, Okla City, C.F. Coonrod, Jan 15, 1934, 38856, Jan 15, 1934, blank, torn, torn

Wheeler, Infant of R.J., blank, blank, blank, Born dead, 1, 131, 104, R.J. Wheeler, blank, blank, July 13, 1905, 104, July 13, 1905, blank, blank, blank

Wheeler, James T., 80, M, W, Coronary Occlusi, 1, 24, 2085, J.T. Wheeler, blank, March 28, 1947, blank, blank, May 28, 1947, 66, May 28, 1947, blank, 10.00, blank

Wheeler, Jessie H., blank, F, W, Applexy, 1, 24, 1313, blank, blank, blank, Wynnewood, C.F. Coonrod, Jan 2, 1930, 825, Jan 3, 1929, blank, 6.00, 25251

Wheeler, Maud, 71, F, W, blank, 2, 169, 1260, D. J. Martin, 72.00, Dec 7, 1944, blank, blank, Feb 14, 1960, blank, Feb 14, 1960, blank, blank, 25.00

Wheeler, Maud, blank, blank, blank, blank, torn, 169, 1, D.J. Mar???, blank, blank, blank, blank, Feb 14, 1960, blank, Feb 14, 1960, blank, blank, 25.00

Wheeler, Melvin L., 80, M, W, blank, 2, 7A, 1437, Mr. Mrs. James Davis, W 1/2, blank, blank, blank, Feb 20, 1964, blank, Feb 20, 1964, blank, blank, 25.00

Wheeler, Mrs. R.J., blank, F, W, 1, 131, 1250, R.J. Wheeler, blank, blank, blank, blank, Dec 30, 19??, blank, Dec 30, 1959, blank, blank, 25.00

Wheeler, No name, blank, blank, blank, blank, 2, 169, 1351, J.D. Martin, blank, blank, blank, blank, blank, blank, blank, blank, blank, 25.00

Wheeler, R.J., 55y 2m 23d, blank, blank, Cancer of throat, 1, 131, 1263, C.F. Coonrod, blank, blank, Wynnewood, Mrs. Wheeler-Wife, April 22, 1926, 4.50, April 23, 1926, blank, 547, 25251

Wheeler, Rev Jesse, 77, M, blank, Cancer, 1, 131, 510, R.J. Wheeler, blank, blank, Wynnewood, Dr. Jno Darst, April 5, 1914, 510, April 6, 1914, blank, 4.50, 4.50

Wheeler, Ruby Lanore, 8d, blank, blank, Acute Indigestion, blank, 104A, 622, blank, blank, blank, Wynnewood, W.E. Settle, May 11, 1917, 622, May 12, 1917, blank, blank, 2.50

Wheeler, Susanna, 63y 6m 7d, F, blank, LaGrippe, 1, 131, 340, blank, blank, blank, Ho Kpr(?), Dr. John Darst, Feb 13, 1910, 340, Feb 14, 1910, blank, 4.50, 4.50

Wheeler, Walter R., 77, M, W, Cerebral Thrombosis, 1, 131, 1087, ?? Wheeler, blank, May 7, 1951, blank, blank, May 7, 1951, 16, May 7, 1951, blank, blank, 10.00

Whitaker, Benjamin G. 79, M, W, Applexy, 2, 52, 2094, B.G. Whitaker, blank, Feb 24, 1948, WW, Baker FH, Feb 24, 1948, 220, Feb 24, 1948, blank, 7.50, blank

Whitaker, Dona Ray, 7, M, blank, Dropsy Malaria, 5, 52, 375, B.G. Whitaker, 7.50, Oct 20, 1910, W.W., R.L. Baker, Oct 12, 1910, 375, Oct 13, 1910, blank, 2.50, 2.50

Whitaker, G.I., 76, M, W, ?ypastitics Bronchititicis(?), 2, 162, 1929, N.J. Whitaker, 18.00, blank, Wynnewood Fun Home, Dec 26, 1943, 32, Dec 29, 1943, blank, 5.50, 25251

Whitaker, Infant George, 0, F, blank, Stillborn, blank, 71, 387, blank, blank, blank, WW, H.C. Bailey, Dec 24, 1910, 387, Dec 25, 1910, blank, 2.50, 2.50

Whitaker, Kathryn Earline, 4 mos, F, W, Atelectosc? Congential, 1, 12, 1902, Kathryn Earline Whitaker, 18.00, 5.00 pd, Okla City, Winans Funeral Home, Feb 22, 1943, 64422, Feb 23, 1943, blank, Free, 55250

Whitaker, Lullie Alice, blank, F, W, blank, 2, 107, 1237, Geo W. Whitaker, blank, blank, blank, blank, Oct 1959, blank, Oct 1959, blank, blank, 25.00

Whitaker, Miss Georgia, 39, F, W, Brain Tumor, 2, 107, 1905, Miss Georgia Whitaker, owned, blank, Oklahoma City, C.F. Coonrod, April 21, 1943, 64860, April 25, 1943, blank, Free, 64860

Whitaker, Mrs. Hazle, blank, F, W, blank, 2, 107, 15014, Geo Whitaker, 2, blank, blank, blank, Aug 23, 1965, blank, Aug 23, 1965, blank, blank, blank

Whitaker, Mrs. Maletha, 42, blank, blank, Exhaustion intestinal cancer, 2, 71, 628, blank, blank, blank, Wynnewood, W.E. Settle, July 2, 1917, 628, July 2, 1917, blank, blank, 4.50

Whitaker, Roy, 68, blank, blank, blank, 2, 30A, 1189, Benie Jones, 1/2 35.00, blank, blank, blank, Nov 18, 1958, blank, Nov 18, 1958, blank, blank, 20.00

White, Dorothy, 22, F, W, T.B. of lungs, torn, 68, 1565, Dorothy White, owned, blank, Clinton, Clem Gilliland, May 15, 1925, blank, May 16, 1935, blank, 4.50, blank

White, Harry (Marked through) Walter (written in), 1m 7d, blank, blank, Bronch Pneumonia, torn, torn, 741, blank, blank, blank, Pauls Valley, J.R. Calloway, March 26, 1920, 150, March 27, 1920, blank, blank, blank

White, Harry H., 82, M, Ind, blank, 1, 12, 1170, Venita White, 18.00, June 16, 1958, Wynnewood, FH, June 16, 1958, blank, June 16, 1958, blank, blank, 20.00

White, Infant daughter J.A. (informer Mrs. L.O. White ward #4), blank, blank, blank, Still born, blank, 99, 768, lot 99 belongs to Rowe-32 CF Smith-32, blank, blank, Ward 4 Wynnewood, M.E. Robberson, Dec 11, 1920, 211, Dec 12, 1920, blank, blank, blank

White, Infant of S.S., blank, F, blank, Stillborn, 1, 85, 283, space for 1 grave to S.S. White, 5.00, Nov 9, 1908, blank, blank, Nov 9, 1908, 283, Nov 9, 1908, blank, blank, 2,50

White, Lonnie K., 4, M, W, Deparai(?), 2(?), blank, 1485, Lonnie K. White, blank, blank, Wynnewood, C.F. Coonrod, Aug 13, 1933, 945, Aug 13, 1933, blank, blank, torn

White, Norman E. (Baby), 0, F, White, Stillborn, 1, 163, 1826, Norman E. White (Baby), owned, blank, Wynnewood, WW Fun'l Home, March 1, 1941, 10, March 1, 1941, blank, Free, 25251

White, Ozettae, blank, F, White, Hemorage Plancito(?) Privi???, 1, 163, 1825, Ozettae White, owned, blank, Wynnewood, WW Fun'l Home, March 1, 1941, 9, March 1, 1941, blank, Free, 25251

White, William, 49, M, blank, Blood poison, 1, 55, 63, blank, blank, blank, Oct 13, 1904, 63, Oct 13, 1904, blank, blank, blank

Whiteaker, No name, blank, M, W, blank, 2, 77, 15043, Mrs. Bernice Whiteaker, 1/4, 40, blank, blank, March 17, 1966, blank, March 17, 1966, blank, blank, 30.00

Whitefield, Baby, 0, M, W, Monstrosity, 1?, 29, 2094, W.C(?). and J.E(?). Clayton, blank, blank, WW, Baker FH, Sept 1, 1947, 27, Sept 1, 1947, blank, 3.50, blank

Whitker, Eliza B., 87, F, W, Cerebral ??, 2, 162, 1071, N.J. Whitker, 18.00, Dec 28, 1943, Norman, WFH, May 15, 1956, blank, May 15, 1956, blank, blank,12.50

Whitley, Ada, 87, F, W, blank, 1, 159A, 15076, Ada Whitley, E 1/2 lot 1, 21-12 1/2, Duncan, blank, blank, blank, Aug 15, 1966, blank, blank, 25.00

Whitley, Clarence L., 83, M, W, blank, 1, 159, 1314, Mrs. Ada Whitley, 1/2 lot, 36.00, Norman OK, Myer and Myer, Feb 26, 1961, blank, Feb 26, 1961, blank, blank, 25.00

Whitlier(?), G.W.(?), 73, M, W, Cerebral Hemog, 2, 107, 1969, Geo W. Whitlier, blank, blank, blank, C.F. Coonrod, July 12, 1944, 29, July 12, 1944, blank, 5.50, 25251

Whitman, Charles E., 37, M, W, Ruptured Appendix, 2, 105, 1483, Charles E. Whitman, blank, blank, Okla City, C.F. Coonrod, April 21, 1933, 36989, April 21, 1933, blank, Free grave, torn

Wier, Theresa, 91, F, W, Senility, 2, 113, 1363, Theresa Wier, blank, blank, Wynnewood, C.F. Coonrod, Oct 18, 1930, 865, Oct 19, 1930, blank, 4.50, 25251

Wiggins, Mrs. J.S., 71, W, W, Carbell(Carfell?) Hemray(?), 1, 28, 2007, Mrs. J.S. Wiggins, blank, blank, WW, blank, Feb 28, 1945, 9, Feb 28, 1945, blank, 7.50, 25251

Wilburn, No name, 59, M, W, blank, 1, 91A, 15074, Hack Wilburn, SE 1/4 lot 1, 12/1 16, WW, Baker, blank, blank, Aug 3, 1966, blank, b lank, 25.00

Wilcox, Susie, 48, F, White, Change of life, 3, 84, 22, blank, blank, blank, Jan 6, 1904, 22, Jan 6, 1904, blank, blank, blank

Wilder, E.C., blank, M, W, blank, 2, 45A, 15001, E.C. Wilder, NW 1/4 lot 2, 18.00, blank, blank, April 21, 1965, blank, April 21, 1965, blank, blank, 25.00

Wilder, Infant dau E.C. (1st triplet), 4d, F, blank, Inanition jaundice, 1, 90, 513, blank, blank, blank, Wynnewood, A.J. Hoover, May 22, 1914, 513, May 23, 1914, blank, blank, blank

Wilder, Infant dau E.C. (2nd triplet), 2d, F blank, unknown, 1, 90, 514, blank, blank, blank, Wynnewood, Geo W. Roberts, May 21, 1914, 514, May 21, 1914, blank, blank, blank

Wilder, Infant daughter of E.C. (3rd triplet), 14d, blank, Inanition, 1, 90, 518, blank, blank, blank, WW, Geo W. Roberts, May 30, 1914, 518, June 1, 1914, blank, blank, blank

Wilder, Infant of E.L., blank, blank, blank, Stillborn, blank, blank, 642, blank, blank, blank, near WW, W.E. Settle MD, Dec 1, 1917, 642, Dec 2, 1917, blank, blank, blank

Wilder, Jennie Lizzie, 69, F, W, Coronary Thrombosis, 2, 45A, 1052, E.C. Wilder, blank, blank, W, blank, Aug 26, 1955, 38, Aug 26, 1955, blank, blank, 12.50

Wilder, Ruth, 2y, blank, blank, Broncho Pneumonia, 3, 67, 573, blank, blank, blank, near Wynnewood, R.L. Baker, Feb 6, 1916, 573, Feb 6, 1916, 2.50, 3/1 1916, D.S. Miller

Wilder, Spencer, 53y 7m, blank, blank, Influenza-etc, blank, blank, 738, blank, blank, blank, 4th Ward WW, W.O. Pool DO, March 20, 1920, 144, March 21, 1920, blank, blank, blank

Wilder, Vernon Leon, blank, M, W, Tuberculosis, 2, 45A, 4002, Ace Wilder 1/4, 18.00, Feb 4, 1949, War II over sea, blank, Feb 4, 1949, 7, Feb 4, 1949, blank, 7.50, blank

Wilkins, Jimmie B., 5 mo, M, White, Pneumonia, 1, 5, 1751, Jimmie B. Wilkins, owned, blank, Wynnewood, Frier Home, Sept 30, 1939, blank, Sept 30, 1939, blank, Free, blank,,

Wilkinson, Infant of J.A., 2m, blank, blank, Hives, blank, 21, 94, blank, blank, blank, April 7, 1905, 94, April 7, 1905, blank, blank, blank

William, J.H., blank, M, W, blank, 1, 79A, 1442, Mrs. J.H. Williams, 1/4, blank, blank, blank, May 1964, blank, May 1964, blank, blank, 25.00

Williams, David, 72, M, White, Hemorr 92, W2, 31, 10, blank, blank, blank, Oct 9, 1903, 10, Oct 11, 1903, blank, blank, blank

Williams, George A., 54, M, blank, dead when seen by physician, 2, 31, 435, P.C. Hamilton, blank, blank, 12 m e WW, A.J. Hoover, March 6, 1912, 435, March 7, 1912, blank, 4.50, 4.50

Williams, Infant daughter H.M., 10d, blank, blank, blank, 1, 1522, 579, blank, blank, blank (all this entry is marked through), near city, no physician, March 1915, 579, March 23, 1915, , 1 yr late in entering record in this book, This body interred without physician certificate (all this entry is marked through)

Williams, Infant daughter H.M., 10d, F, blank, no doctor, 1, 152, 556, poor, blank, blank, near Wynnewood, None, March 23, 1915, 556, March 23, 1915, blank, should be no 5 recorded out of place no death certifi

Williams, Infant Son C.P., blank, M, blank, Stillborn, 1, 80, 422, blank, blank, blank, WW, W.E. Settle, Oct 4, 1911, 422, Oct 5, 1911, blank, 2.50, blank

Williams, Kate, 49, F, W, Tumor of brain, torn, 46, 1561, Kate Williams, owned, blank, Norman, Meyers & Meyers, March 18, 1935, blank, March 19, 1935, blank, Free grave, blank

Williams, Lula, 31, F, blank, Heart Failure, 1, Pottersfield, 1445, Lula Williams, blank, blank, Wynnewood, No undertaker, Oct 11, 1932, 908, Oct 11, 1932, blank, Free grave, 25251

Williams, No name, blank, blank, blank, blank, 2, 10, 1353, Williams, blank, blank, Calf, blank, 1962, blank, 1962, blank, blank, 25.00

Williams, O.T., 29, M, blank, D(O?)T., 2, 115, 279, blank, ??orth?, blank, Sept 16, 1908, 278, Sept 17, 1908, blank, blank, 4.50

Williams, Oscar, 38, M, blank, Hemmorage, 1, 144, 1624, Oscar Williams, owned, blank, Muskogee, blank, Nov 17, 1936, 145G, Nov 17, 1936, blank, 4.50, blank

Williams, R.H., 78, M, blank, Artesirer????, 1, 130, 1651, R.H. Williams, owned, blank, Wynnewood, blank, June 23, 1937, blank, June 23, 1937, blank, 4.50, blank

Williams, Rainey T., 19y 9m 25d, blank, blank, Concussion of brain-football game, 2, 47(9?), 824, blank, blank, blank, Pawhuska Okla, Ruth Johnson Registrat Dist 57250 Pawhuska-J.L. Johnson undertaker, Oct 12, 1922, 324, Oct 14, 1922, shipped from Pawhuska, Lot & g fee pd by W.M. Crawford, blank

Williams, S.D., 81, M, W, blank, 1, 22, 1224, Disney D. Williams, 18.00, July 12, 1959, blank, blank, July 12, 1959, blank, July 12, 1959, blank, blank, 20.00

Williams, Thomas D., 50, M, W, Acute Gastric Ulcer, 2, 47, 1331, blank, blank, blank, Wynnewood, C.F. Coonrod, Dec 19, 1927, 636, Dec 20, 1927, blank, none, 25251

Williamson, Child of, blank, blank, blank, blank, 1, 153, 195, blank, blank, blank, March 16, 1907, 195, March 17, 1907, blank, blank, blank

Williamson, N., 58, blank, blank, Crustrated bowel in scrotum strangulated hernia, blank, 120, 570, Mrs. N. Williamson, 10.00, Jan 1916, Wynnewood, E.E. Norvell, Jan 7, 1916, 570, Jan 7, 1916, 4.50, 4.50, 1/11 16

Willis, Infant of C.B., 16d?, M, blank, Stillborn, blank, 6, 243, blank, blank, blank, Dec 16, 1907, 243, Dec 17, 1907, blank, 2.50, blank

Willis, Infant of C.B., 4m, F, blank, Whooping cough, blank, 6, 117, blank, blank, blank, Aug 30, 1905, 117, Aug 30, 1905, blank, blank, blank

Willis, Infant, 26 days, Boy, W, Marainl(?), 2, 48, 1994, W.L. Tillery, 36.00, Dec 5, 1944, blank, blank, Dec 5, 1944, 49, Dec 5, 1944, blank, 4.00, blank

Wilson, A.R., blank, blank, blank, blank, 3, 104, 1281, A.R. Wilson, blank, blank, blank, blank, June 29, 1960, blank, June 29, 1960, blank, blank, 25.00

Wilson, Bejamin T., 79, M, W, blank, 1, 1A, 1039, Mrs. Girld Clouse, 6.00 one grave, 1955, OC Okla, Bettes FH, April 7, 1955, 944, April 7, 1955, blank, blank, 12.50

Wilson, Carl Cravin, 37y 7m 27d, Pneumonia, 2, 137, 1264, C.F. Coonrod, blank, blank, Wynnewood, Mrs. C. Wilson-Wife, April 26, 1926, 4.50, April 27, 1926, blank, 548, 25251

Wilson, Chils of J.S., 8y, M, blank, Congestion Chill, 1, 11, 229, blank, blank, blank, Sept 4, 1907, 229, Aug 5, 1907, blank, 2.50, blank

Wilson, Dr. H.P., 85, M, W, blank, 1, 113, 1907, Dr. H.P. Wilson, owned, blank, Wynnewood, Okla, C.F. Coonrod, May 1, 1943, 12, May 2, 1943, blank, 5.50, blank

Wilson, Infant Dau A.R., blank, blank, blank, Premature birth, blank, 104A, 582, 16x16 A.R. Wilson, 25.00 April 11, 1916, Wynnewood, H.P. Wilson MD, April 10, 1916, 582, April 11, 1916, 2.50, blank, blank

Wilson, Infant Dau Robert, blank, F, blank, Stillborn, 1, 108, 457, blank, blank, blank, Carr Community, A.J. Hoover, Nov 8, 1912, 458, Nov 8, 1912, blank, public, blank,

Wilson, Infant of J.W., 2m, blank, blank, blank, 1, 11, 181, blank, blank, blank, Jan 12, 1907, 181, Jan 13, 1907, blank, blank, blank

Wilson, Infant Tom, blank, F, blank, Stillborn, 1, 70, 392, blank, blank, blank, Country, G.W. Roberts, Jan 15, 1911, 392, Jan 15, 1911, blank, 2.50, 2.50

Wilson, J.K(H?)., 54, blank, blank, Pneumonia-LaG, blank, 7, 302, blank, blank, blank, Garvin Co, Dr. R.W. Roberts, May 17, 1909, 302, May 18, 1909, blank, blank, 4.50

Wilson, John L., blank, M, White Sugar Diabetes, 1, 42, 1759, John L. Wilson, owned, blank, Elmore City, Stufflebean, Dec 15, 1939, 39, Dec 15, 1939, blank, 4.50, 25250

Wilson, Lucille E., 63, W, W, Caranora ???, 2, 114, 2006, R.M. Tutor, blank, blank, WW, C.F. Coonrod, Feb 8, 1945, 70281, Feb 8, 1945, blank, 7.50, 55250

Wilson, Lucille, 16, F, W, Auto accident, 1, 70, 1325, Lucille Wilson, blank, blank, Sulphur, Fory's Und. Co., April 26, 1930, 275, April 27, 1930, blank, 4.50, 50250

Wilson, Maud, 70, F, W, blank, 1, blank, 103, blank, blank, blank, Stephensvill(?) Tex, Trinth FH, Dec 30, 1953, 1206, Dec 30, 1953, blank, blank, 12.50

Wilson, Mrs. H.P., 96, F, W, blank, blank, 113, 1285, Sallie Bradfield, note 25(?), 1903, blank, blank, Aug 12, 1960, blank, Aug 12, 1960, blank, blank, 25.00

Wilson, Mrs. J.J., blank, F, W, blank, 1, 43, 15050, J.L. Wilson, 1/2 lot, paid 36.00, blank, blank, May 5, 1966, blank, May 5, 1966, blank, blank, 30.00

Wilson, Mrs. Mollie, 34, F, blank, Malaria, blank, 111, 496, blank, blank, blank, Country, R.L. Baker, Oct 12, 1913, 496, Oct 13, 1913, blank, 4.50, 4.50

Wilson, Nannie, 48, F, blank, LaGrippe Pneumonia, blank, 7, 342, blank, blank, blank, Farmer, Dr. G.W. Roberts, Feb 22, 1910, 342, Feb 24, 1910, blank, No fee N, blank

Wilson, Robert A., blank, M, W, Apoplexy, 1, 111, 2005, Roy Wilson, ????, Jan ?, 1945, blank, Ear?y F Home, Jan 1945, 6, Jan 1945, blank, 7.50, blank

Wilson, S.R., 74, M, White, Acute Myocardise(?), 1, 23, 1708, S.R. Wilson, S.R. Wilson, owned, blank, blank, blank, Oct 23, 1938, 29, Oct 23, 1938, blank, Free, 1425

Wilson, Ted, blank, M, W, blank, 1, 114(104?), 15017, A.R. Wilson, blank, blank, blank, blank, Sept 15, 1965, blank, Sept 15, 1965, blank, blank, 25.00

Wilson, Vester, 11y 11m, blank, blank, Epilipsy, blank, 143, 653, blank, blank, blank, Norman, C.S. Bobe(?), Feb 2, 1918, 653, blank, blank, gf 3.50

Wimbray(Winbray?), Elizabeth, 71, F, blank, Acute U???ama, 2, 112, 403, erased, erased, erased, Oklahoma City, W(N?)M. Smith, March 11, 1911, 403, March 14, 1911, blank, 4.50, 4.50

Wimbray, Bessie J., 72, F, W, blank, 1-2, 112, 1439, J.H. Wimbray, whole block, blank, OC, blank, Feb 25, 1964, blank, Feb 25, 1964, blank, blank, 25.00

Wimbray, C.W., 66, blank, blank, Appoplexy arterio selinosis, blank, 112, 571, blank, blank, blank, Wynnewood, H.P. Wilson, Jan 13, 1916, 571, Jan 14, 1916, 4.50, 4.50, 2/1 16

Wimbray, Dave, 79, M, W, Bronchial Pneumonia, ???, 192(?), 2041, J.H. Wimbray, blank, Dec 20, 1945, Okla City, Green(Yaroon?) FH, Dec 20, 1945, 7904, Dec 20, 1945, blank, 7.50, blank

Wimbray, Jesse, 60, W, M, Heart Diese, blank, 172, 1038, J.H. Wimbray, blank, Dec 9, 1949, OC, blank, Dec 9, 1949, 2907, Dec 9, 1949, blank, blank, 10.00

Wimbray, Louis, blank, blank, blank, blank, blank, 112, 1029, J.H. Wimbray, blank, blank, Okla City, blank, blank, blank, blank, blank, blank, 15.00

Wimbray, Mary, 65, F, W, blank, blank, 112, 1173, Wimbray Lot, blank, blank, OC, blank, May 23, 1958, blank, May 23, 1958, blank, blank, 20.00

Winbray, John Emerson, 76, M, W, Cononary Throm, 2, 112, 1812, John Emerson Winbray, owned, blank, Okla City, Garrison Funeral, Nov 13, 1940, blank, Nov 13, 1940, blank, 4.50, 55250

Winbray, Mrs. Thos L., 69, F, W, Cerebral Arteriosclerosis, 2, 112, 1799, Mrs. Thos Louis Winbray, blank, blank, Okla City, Garrison Fun'l Home, Aug 30, 1940, 57570, Aug 30, 1940, blank, 4.50, 55350

Winter, M.F., 56, M, blank, 3 days after operation for hypert???? Prostate, no lots, 102, 476, blank, blank, blank, Chicago Ill, D.L. Segerston(?) embalmer, Hospital Chicago, April 28, 1913, 476, April 30, 1913, blank, 4.50, 4.50

Winter, Mrs. Bess, blank, blank, blank, blank, blank, 62, 1422, W.B. Crump, blank, blank, Blanchard OK, blank, Dec 21, 1963, blank, Dec 21, 1963, blank, blank, 25.00

Winter, Mrs. M.F., 43, F, blank, Disinterred at McA(?), no lots, 102, 493, blank, blank, blank, This decedent died at McAlester Okla. April 3, 1905, disinterred, shipped to Wynnewood by express and buried Blk 102 Sept 26, 1913, blank, 4.50, 4.50

Winters, John C., 84, blank, blank, blank, 2, 28A, 1296, J.C. Winters, 1/4 lot, 18.00, blank, blank, Nov 4, 1960, blank, Nov 4, 1960, blank, blank, 25.00

Winters, Linda B., 55, F, W, blank, torn, torn, torn, torn Winters, 1/4 18.00, 1955, Passidena Tex, blank, July 19, 1955, 102, July 19, 1955, blank, blank, 15.00

Winters, Mother J.C., blank, blank, blank, blank, 2, 28A, 1076, J.C. Winters, 18.00, 1956, Tex, blank, June 1956, blank, June 5, 1956, blank, blank, 15.00

Winton(Winters?), Justin A., 75, M, W, blanak, blank, 102, 1387, J.C. Winton(Winters?), blank, blank, Beandier(?) OK, Eisenhous FH, May 3, 1963, blank, May 3, 1963, blank, blank, 25.00

Wisdom, C.E., 37, M, W, Auto accident, 2, 76, 1491, C.E. Wisdom, owned, blank, Wynnewood, C.F. Coonrod, Dec 25, 1933, 952, Dec 25, 1933, blank, 4.50, 25251

Wisdom, C.W., 18, M, blank, blank, 2, 156, 189, blank, blank, blank, Feb 7, 1907, 189, Feb 8, 1907, blank, blank, blank

Wisdom, Child of, 8m, blank, blank, blank, 1, 157, 194, blank, blank, blank, March 10, 1907, 194, March 11, 1907, blank, blank, blank

Wisdom, Susie, 49, F, W, Ruptured Peptic Ulcer, 2, 76, 1932, owned, blank, blank, Wynnewood, Wynnewood Fun Home, Dec 31, 1943, 35, Jan 3, 1944, blank, 5.50, 25251

Wise, William G., 71, M, W, Cystitis, 2, 18, 3002, Ema Wise, blank, blank, WW, Baker, FH, May 12, 1948, 4, May 12, 1948, blank, 7.50, blank

Witherspoon, Mary Ellen, 52, blank, blank, Turberculosis Kidney, 1, 64, 586, blank, blank, blank, Mineral Wells Texas, Emblamed by R.H. Beetham shipped to Wynnewood leaving MW 6/29 1916, 586, June 20, 1916, 4.50, blank, blank

Wolfe, Infant son of Clate, 20d, blank, blank, unknown, 4, 90, 566, space for grave see lot book, 5.00, blank, Wynnewood, A.J. Hoover - did not see patient, Dec 5, 1915 566, Dec 6, 1915, blank, blank, 5.00

Wood, Leslie A., 60 odd, M, blank, Asthma, 2, 90, 521, A.L. Wood - J.R. Higgens - R.E. Halsey, 15.00, July 1914 - Feb 1915, near WW, R.L. Baker, July 23, 1914, 521, July 24, 1914, blank, 4.50, blank

Wood, W.S., 55, M, W, High Blood Pressure, 2, 140, 1378, W.S. Wood, blank, blank, Wynnewood, C.F. Coonrod, Jan 24, 1931, 880, Jan 24, 1931, blank, blank, 25251

Woods, A.E., 65, M, W, blank, torn, torn, torn, Mrs. Florence Woods, 1/2 35.00, 1955, blank, blank, July 21, 1955, 30, July 21, 1955, blank, blank, 12.50

Woods, Doris Ann, 17 days, F, W, Infection of Navel, torn, 70, 1798, Doris Ann Woods, owned, blank, Wynnewood, WW Funeral Home, Aug 22, 1940, 33, Aug 22, 1940, blank, Free, 25251

Woods, Infant of W.L., blank, blank, blank, blank, 1, 86, 180, blank, blank, blank, Jan 2, 1907, 180, Jan 2, 1907, blank, blank, blank

Woody, Lotus, 31, F, blank, Childbirth, blank, 68, 1606, Lotus Woody, owned, blank, Okla City, blank, June 30, 1936, 46048, June 30, 1936, blank, Free, 55250

Woodyard, A.C., 67y 6m, blank, blank, Pneumonia, 1, 78, 578, W.B. Vaughan, blank, blank, Altus Okla, S.P. Rawls (MD or coroner), March 15, 1916, 578, March 17, 1916, 4.50, Body of A.C. Woodyard shipped from Altus Okla, blank

Woodyard, Edgar Terrell(Ferrell?), 38y 3m 9d, blank, blank, Asphyxia by gas, 1, 78, 706, Mrs. W.B. Vaughan, blank, Aug 1913, Savannah Georgia, H.W. Righton Coroner Savannah Ga, March 8, 1919, 89, March 13, 1919, blank, blank, blank

Woodyard, Grover C., 33y 6m 13d, blank, blank, TB, NE cor 1, 78, 790, Mrs. Jewel (W.B.) Vaughan, blank, blank, Ward 2 WW, R.L. Baker, Oct 8, 1921, 259, Oct 8, 1921, blank, blank, blank

Woodyard, Mrs. Elizabeth Stribling, 60, F, blank, Gastric ulcer, 1, 78, 488, Mrs. W.B. Vaughan, 15.00, Aug 1913, Ada Okla, L.T. Walters shipping undertaker Ada embalmers permit #68, Aug 1, 1913, 488, Aug 3, 1913, blank, 4.50, 4.50, Deposit by Kalb(?)

Woolsey, Mattie Anne, blank, blank, blank, Cardiac failure, 1, 54, 1786, Mattie Anne Woolsey, owned, blank, Longfiew(?) Tex, C.F. Coonrod, April 6, 1940, blank, April 6, 1940, blank, Free, blank

Woosley, Lou, 22, M, White, Pneumonia, W2, 77, 15, blank, blank, blank, Nov 12, 1904, 15, Nov 13, 1903, blank, blank, blank

Works, Infant son of Robt, blank, blank, blank, lived 1 hr, blank, blank, 759, try blk 40? Reported owes 11.00 s/b 14.00, blank, 3 1/2 S 2 E of WW, R .L. Baker, Sept 21, 1920, 189, Sept 21, 1920, blank, blank, blank

Works, Nettie, 27, F, W, TB Pulmonary, torn, 44, 1275, C.F. Coonrod, blank, blank, Chigley Okla, Mr. Works-Husband, July 26, 1926, blank, July 27, 1926, blank, 548, 25251

Worley(Wooley?), Infant Dau B.E., blank, F, blank, Stillborn, 2, 58, 465, B.E. Worley(Wooley?), 12.50, blank, Wynnewood, Geo W. Roberts, Jan 20, 1913, 466, Jan 20, 1913, blank, 2.50, 2.50

Worley(Wooley?), Rev. A.J., 70, M, blank, General debility, 2, 95, 473, blank, blank, blank, Norman Okla, Boss Lindsay shipping undertaker Embalmers certificate #466, blank, March 28, 1913, blank, 4.50, 4.50

Worley, Dr. C.T., 86, M, White, Broken hip & shock, 2, 58, 1673, Dr. C.T. Worley, owned, blank, Wynnewood, blank, Nov 22, 1937, 1122, Nov 22, 1937, blank, 4.50, blank

Worley, Feora E., 96, F, W, blank, blank, 58, 1092, B.T. Worley, blank, blank, blank, blank, Dec 7, 1956, blank, Dec 7, 1956, blank, blank, 15.00

Worley, Miss Ivy, 78, W, blank, blank, 3, 58, 1213, B.T. Worley, blank, May 1959, blank, blank, May 1959, blank, May 1959, blank, blank, 25.00

Worrell, I(J?)F., 67, M, blank, Typhoid, 1, 54, 246, blank, blank, blank, Dec 26, 1907, 246, Dec 27, 1907, blank, No fee, blank

Worrell, Jno K(H?), 61, M, W, Coronary Eel????, 1, 12, 1911, Jno K. Worrel, 9.00 pd, blank, NE Wynnewood, Coonrod Fun Home, May 23, 1943, 13, May 28, 1943, blank, Free, 12

Wortham, Ellen B., 71, F, W, Cancer of stomach, 2, 27, 1237, blank, blank, blank, City, C.G. Coonrod, Feb 9, 1928, 644, Feb 10, 1928, blank, 4.50, 25251

Worthan, John, 36, M, blank, Cirrhosis of Liver, 2, 27, 430, blank, blank, blank, WW, P.H. Stultz Coroner - W.S. Lowe Health D?, Feb 4, 1912, 430, Feb 7, 1912, blank, 4.50, 4.50

Worthen, Fad, 61, M, W, Extreme Heat, 2, 27, 1918, Fad Worthen, owned, blank, McAlester, Chaneys, Aug 8, 1943, blank, Aug 10, 1943, blank, 5.50, blank

Worthern, Sidney, 61, M, blank, Addison Dis Ulcer stomach, 2, 27, 351, J.B. Worthern & C.C. Buchanan, 5.00, May 1910, Farmer, W.E. Settle, April 4, 1910, 351, April 5, 1910, blank, No Fee, blank

Worthern, Wilburn, 1m 13d, blank, blank, Marismus, blk, 64, 825, blank, blank, blank, Ward 3 WW, blank, Oct 30, 1922, 325, Oct 31, 1922, blank, 64, blank

Wright, Juanita, 8m, F, blank, Inflam bowels, 1, 40, 415, H.A. Wright, blank, blank, WW, Jno Darst, June 24, 1911, 415, June 25, 1911, blank, 2.50, blank, Boswells last?

Wylie, Bess L., 38, blank, blank, Blood Poison, blank, 133, 652, blank, blank, blank, Bristow, C.G. Martins, Feb 3, 1918, 652, blank, gf 4.50, blank

Wylie, Chas Leon, 4y 1m 6d, blank, blank, Diphtheria, blank, 133, 709, W.J. Wylie, blank, blank, S. Commercial Ave WW, G.W. Roberts, Jan 21, 1919, 78, Jan 22, 1919, blank, blank, blank

Wylie, William James, 66, M, blank, Intectual Constar, 1, 33, 1605, William James Wylie, owned, blank, Okla City, blank, June 15, 1936, 45900, June 15, 1936, blank, 5.00, 55250

Wylie, Willim J., 48, blank, blank, blank, 1, 69A, 1297, Mrs. Ruth M. Wylie, 1/4 lot, 18.00, blank, blank, Nov 1906, blank, Nov 1960, blank, blank, 25.00

Oaklawn Cemetery Ledger

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 1903 - 1966
'X, Y & Z' Surnames


Name - Age - Sex - Nationality - Cause of Death - Lot - Block - Grave - Name of Purchaser - Purchase Price (sometimes location of lot) - Date Deed Issued (sometimes cost of space) - Where Died - Attending Physician (later Funeral Home) - Date of Death - Permit No. - Date of Internment -  Body Moved - By Whom Moved (later grave digging fee) - Where Moved to (later grave digging fee or registration no)

No X Entries

Yates, Ellis, blank, blank, blank, blank, 1, 18, 1078, Tom Fryor, blank, blank, blank, Stufflebean FH, Jan 26, 1951, blank, Jan 26, 1951, blank, blank, free grave

Yates, Lulia Bell, 87, W, W, Carchisl Hemarage, 1, 18, 1015, Tom Fryer, blank, May 18, 1949, Wynnewood, Stufflebean Pauls Valley, May 18, 1949, 14, May 18, 1949, blank, free grave, blank

Yates, Roy, 45, M, W, blank, 1, 163, 15037, Lille Yates, 1/4, blank, Amerilo Tex, blank, Feb 3, 1966, blank, Feb 3, 1966, blank, blank, 30.00

Yeary, Garnett, ?2y 11m, M, blank, Malarial Fever, torn, torn, 399, O.E. Yeary, 7.50, ?? 25, 1911, E of WW, Jno Darst, Feb 20(21?), 1911, 399, Feb 21(22?), 1911, blank, blank, 000

Yell(Zell?), William L.E., 83, M, W, blank, 2, 131, 1419, William E. Yell(Zell?) L., blank, blank, blank, blank, Nov 26, 1963, blank, Nov 26, 1963, blank, blank, 25.00

Yelverton, Child of Wm, blank, M, blank, blank, 2, 26, 216, blank, blank, blank, June 8, 1907, 216, June 9, 1907, blank, blank, blank

Yelverton, Infant Dau Wm, ? ? ?, F, blank, blank, 2, 26, 449, blank, blank, blank, Gainsville Tex, shipped from Gainsville by Max Huffman embalmer #441 shipping permit #411, Aug 30, 1912, 449, Aug 30, 1912, blank, 2.50, 2.50, Jno Barrett

Yother, Irene, 21, F, W, Choris(?) Corp(?) Melastas(?), 2(12?), 41, 1441, Irene Yother, blank, blank, Okla City, Leo Menten(C.F. Coonrod), Sept 19, 1932, 35430, Sept 19, 1932, blank, Free grave, 55250

Young, Ben, 59, M, W, Heart condition, 1, 45, 1516, Ben Young, owned, blank, Wynnewood, C.F. Coonrod, April 22, 1934, 968, April 22, 1934, blank, blank, 25251

Young, Elizabeth, 78, F, W, Appolexy, 1, 41, 1302, blank, blank, blank, Wynnewood, C.F. Coonrod, March 2, 1927, 602, March 3, 1927, blank, 4.50, 25251

Young, Eugene, 19y 2m 8d, blank, blank, Killed with H.V. Young by train, 2, 141, 819, blank, blank, blank, St. Joe Texas, shipped from Gainesville Texas S.W. Gibson undertaker, Sept 19, 1922, 316, Sept 21, 1922, blank, blank, blank

Young, Eva, 54, F, W, Applexy, 1, 45, 1498, Eva Young, owned, blank, Wynnewood, C.F. Coonrod, Nov 15, 1933, 951, Nov 15, 1933, blank, Free, 25251

Young, Evelyn D., 19, blank, blank, blank, 2, 9A, 1302, Mr. Mrs. C.C. Young, all lot 2, 70.00, blank, blank, Dec 12, 1960, blank, dec 12, 1960, blank, blank, 20.00

Young, Geo W., 82, M, W, blank, 2, 33A, 1105, Mrs. Geo Young, 1/4 18.00, 1957, Roff Okla, WWFH, WWFH, Jan 30, 1957, blank, Jan 30, 1957, blank, blank, 15.00

Young, Geo W., 83, M, W, blank, 2, 33A, 1101, Mrs. Geo Young, 18.00, 1957, Roff OK, WW, Jan 30, 1957, blank, Jan 30, 1957, blank, blank, 15.00

Young, George W., 82, M, blank, blank, 2, 33A, 1135, Mrs. Geo Young, 18.00, 1/4 Jan 30, 1957, Roff OK, blank, Jan 30, 1957, blank, Jan 30, 1957, blank, blank, 15.00

Young, H.V., 25y 9m 21d, blank, blank, Killed by MK&T Ry train while crossing the Ry track in a car at night, with his brother Eugene Young who was also killed, about 4 miles east of St. Joe Texas, cor 2, 141, 818, H.V., blank, blank, St. Joe Texas, shipped from Gainesville Texas S.W. Gibson undertaker, Sept 19, 1922, 317, Sept 21, 1922, 10/2, owes for lot 2, g fee pd

Young, Ida, blank, F, W, blank, 2, 22, 1025, Ida Young, blank, blank, Dade City Fla, blank, Jan 13, 1952, blank, Jan 13, 1952, blank, blank, 10.00

Young, James, 67, M, W, blank, 2, 82A, 15026, Mrs. James Young, 10x12 1/2ft lot 2, blank, Stufflebean FH, blank, Dec 21, 1965, blank, Dec 21, 1965, blank, blank, 30.00

Young, John S., 60, M, W, Coronary Occlusion, 2, 171, 2067, Mrs. J.H. Austin, 18.00, Oct 30, 1946, Pauls Valley, Stufflebean, Oct 30, 1946, 12, Oct 30, 1946, blank, 7.50, blank

Young, Loy Russell, 1 day, M, White, Opening of f?ron? Ovalry(?), Potterfield, blank, 1819, Loy Russell Young, owned, blank, Wynnewood, WW Fun'l Home, Dec 29, 1940, 57, Dec 29, 1940, blank, Free, blank

Young, Marvin A., blank, blank, blank, blank, blank, blank, 1205, blank, blank, blank, blank, blank, blank, blank, blank, blank, blank, 25.00

Young, Mary L., 84, F, W, General Arteriosclerosis, 2, 78, 1908, Mary L. Young, owned, blank, Norman, Okla, C.F. Coonrod, May 3, 1943, 119, May 4, 1943, blank, 5.50, 1425

Young, T.E., 53y 4m 15d, blank, blank, Gun shot wound, blank, 22, 623, Mrs. Ida Young, 10.00, July 1917, Katie, M.E. Robberson, May 25, 1917, 623, May 26, 1917, blank, blank, 4.50

Younger, Woodrow, 11, M, White, Blood Poison, 1, 49, 1659, Woodrow Younger, Pd 2.00, owe 3.50, blank, blank, Aug 10, 1937, 1109, Aug 10, 1937, blank, Free, blank

No Z entries

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