Allen Lewallen Jones
Return to McGee  Cemetery
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submitted by Amy Hudspeth

I wanted to send you info on A. L. Jones, aka Lewallen Jones, Allen L. Jones.
He is buried in McGee Cemetery in Stratford. He was married to Lela A.
(Fields) Jones who died about 1921 in Stratford, and I presume that she is
buried there also, but didn't see her name on the site link below:

A. L. Jones was born about 1873-1878 in Georgia. He was from Blairsville,
Georgia according to census and court records. He died March 28, 1931, presumably in Stratford.

Does anyone have any info on Lela A. Jones? She was
killed in a car accident around 1921. Thank you so much for your time.

Fields, Lela A. Spouse : Jones, Allen L.

Marriage date : Dec 22, 1894

County : Union

Gender : Female

Source : County Court Records

Microfilm Number : 0366323 - 0366324

Amy Hudspeth



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