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1930 Garvin County Census
Return to Alphabetical Index Listing

Lindsay Township "N" Surname Index

Neil, Dortha J.			Page 48B
Neil, Edd C.			Page 48B
Neil, Edward			Page 48B
Neil, Jim			Page 48B
Neil, John			Page 48B
Neil, Marie			Page 48B
Neil, Minnie			Page 48B
Neill, A. C.			Page 62A
Neill, Betty Claire		Page 51B
Neill, Billie			Page 62A
Neill, Emmett			Page 51B
Neill, G. W.			Page 62A
Neill, Joe			Page 62A
Neill, John Newton		Page 47B
Neill, May			Page 62A
Neill, T. C. Jr.		Page 62A
Neill, Thilma			Page 51B
Neill, Virginia			Page 62A
Neill, Walker			Page 62A
Nelson, A. J.			Page 55A
Nelson, Becky Ruth		Page 89A
Nelson, Beuna			Page 89A
Nelson, Cecil			Page 89A
Nelson, Christeen		Page 55A
Nelson, Earl			Page 89A
Nelson, Emma			Page 89A
Nelson, Evert			Page 89A
Nelson, George			Page 89A
Nelson, Ina			Page 89A
Nelson, Mary S.			Page 89A
Nelson, Rebeca			Page 55A
Nelson, Vera			Page 55A
Nelson, Virgie			Page 89A
Nesmith,  Annie			Page 61A
Nesmith,  Celia C.		Page 61A
Nesmith,  Hadys			Page 61A
Nesmith,  Jane			Page 61A
Nesmith,  Leo			Page 61A
Nesmith,  Raymond		Page 61A
Nesmith, Oliver			Page 61A
Nesmith, Wanda			Page 61B
Neudall, Myrtle			Page 96A
Neudall, William H.		Page 96A
Newberry, Aaron			Page 81A
Newberry, Harry			Page 81A
Newberry, Hazel			Page 81A
Newberry, Ira C.		Page 81A
Newberry, Jawanna		Page 81A
Newberry, Ophelia		Page 81A
Newberry, Violet		Page 81A
Nice, Eheva			Page 76B
Nice, Elbert			Page 76B
Nice, Mary			Page 76B
Nix, Joshua			Page 86A
Nix, Nancy E.			Page 86A
Nix, Roy L.			Page 86A
Norman, Frances O.		Page 61B
Norman, James B.		Page 61B
Norman, Luther B.		Page 61B
Norman, Sussie			Page 61B
Norman, Wiley R.		Page 61B
Norris, Ben			Page 45B