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1930 Garvin County Census
Return to Alphabetical Index Listing

Elmore Township "A" Surname Index

Abshure, Alton B.	Page 34B
Abshure, Carmine L.	Page 34B
Abshure, Haskel E.	Page 34B
Abshure, Lettie L.	Page 34B
Abshure, Thomas L.	Page 34B
Adams, Ada M.   	Page 35A
Adams, Alma M.  	Page 32A
Adams, Ardena A.	Page 31B
Adams, Babe	        Page 37B
Adams, Beatrice	      	Page 31B
Adams, Ben F.	      	Page 38A
Adams, Bertha	      	Page 37B
Adams, Bertha E.	Page 38A
Adams, Calvin M.	Page 35A
Adams, Cleo	       	Page 37B
Adams, Colleen	      	Page 32A
Adams, Cora	        Page 38A
Adams, Dartha A.	Page 30A
Adams, Deurow? V.	Page 35A
Adams, Donald G.	Page 32A
Adams, Emory	      	Page 37B
Adams, Emory Jr.	Page 37B
Adams, Eugene G.	Page 35A
Adams, Felix E.	      	Page 25A
Adams, Fleta	      	Page 36A
Adams, Fred W.	      	Page 25A
Adams, Garland	      	Page 32A
Adams, George F.	Page 38A
Adams, George W.	Page 31B
Adams, Glenn	      	Page 31B
Adams, Harvey	      	Page 37B
Adams, Iola A.	      	Page 35A
Adams, James E.	      	Page 30A
Adams, Jessie J.	Page 35A
Adams, Jessie M.	Page 38A
Adams, John B.	      	Page 36A
Adams, John C.	      	Page 31B
Adams, Kanaugh? Louise	Page 31B
Adams, Lawson G.	Page 38A
Adams, Leola E.	      	Page 30A
Adams, Lizzie	      	Page 38A
Adams, Maggie F.	Page 38A
Adams, Mamie F.	      	Page 38A
Adams, Marion	      	Page 31B
Adams, Martha	      	Page 37B
Adams, Moman? F.	Page 35A
Adams, Mommie	      	Page 36A
Adams, Monroe J.	Page 35A
Adams, Murphy	      	Page 31B
Adams, Orvalin L.	Page 31B
Adams, Orvin L.	      	Page 35A
Adams, Raymond	      	Page 36A
Adams, Rex N.	      	Page 32A
Adams, Robert	      	Page 31B
Adams, Sarah A.	      	Page 25A
Adams, Thomas J.	Page 31B
Adams, Thomas W.	Page 31B
Adams, Walter E.	Page 30A
Adams, William P.	Page 31B
Adams, William V.	Page 38A
Adams, Zid	        Page 38A
Albright, James R.	Page 28A
Albright, Jodie S.	Page 28A
Albright, Joe E.	Page 28A
Albright, Olin B.	Page 28A
Albright, Robert G.	Page 28A
Albright, Zemmie P.	Page 28A
Alexander, Alvin	Page 266B
Alexander, Byron	Page 266B
Alexander, Catharine	Page 266B
Alexander, Cleo	      	Page 15B
Alexander, Evelyn	Page 266B
Alexander, Flora	Page 17B
Alexander, Francis	Page 17B
Alexander, Gerald	Page 17B
Alexander, Hellen	Page 17B
Alexander, Herbert	Page 17B
Alexander, Leaester	Page 266B
Alexander, Leetha	Page 266B
Alexander, Lue	      	Page 15A
Alexander, Ralph H.	Page 15B
Alexander, Ralph Jr.	Page 15B
Alexander, Ruby Lou	Page 15B
Allen, Anna Mae	      	Page 2B
Allen, Charles 	      	Page 26A
Allen, George W.	Page 26A
Allen, Harrel	      	Page 2B
Allen, Harry	      	Page 30A
Allen, Hester	      	Page 26A
Allen, John	        Page 2B
Allen, John E.	      	Page 30A
Allen, Mary E.	      	Page 30A
Allen, William A.	Page 26A
Anderson, Annie? P.	Page 35A
Anderson, Chrystal C.	Page 24A
Anderson, Dora	      	Page 24A
Anderson, George A.	Page 24A
Anderson, Glaydis	Page 24A
Anderson, Hattie V.	Page 39A
Anderson, Henry	      	Page 12A
Anderson, James M.	Page 17A
Anderson, James M.	Page 35A
Anderson, Jasee	      	Page 24A
Anderson, Jimbo	      	Page 12A
Anderson, Joe	      	Page 12A
Anderson, Louis F.	Page 16B
Anderson, Louis G.	Page 17A
Anderson, Lula	      	Page 24A
Anderson, Mary E.	Page 24A
Anderson, Mary Francis	Page 17A
Anderson, Maud M.	Page 27A
Anderson, Nora L.	Page 35A
Anderson, Ollie Bell	Page 17A
Anderson, Ollie O.	Page 39A
Anderson, Robert A.	Page 27A
Anderson, Robert L.	Page 35A
Anderson, Robert L. Jr.	Page 35A
Anderson, Wanda	 	Page 12A
Anderson, Winford	Page 24A
Anglin, Amos D.	      	Page 41A
Antima, Refugio	      	Page 20A
Antina, Gabriel	      	Page 20B
Antone, Margo	      	Page 20A
Antuna, Francisca	Page 20B
Antunung, Roberto	Page 20B
Arledge, Grace L.	Page 35B
Arledge, James E.	Page 35B
Artis, Jim	        Page 8B
Ashley, Ivan B.	      	Page 24B
Ashley, Ivan W.	      	Page 24B
Ashley, Lurline	      	Page 24B
Ashley, Maurice	      	Page 24B
Atkey, ??	        Page 6B
Atkey, Earl?	      	Page 6B
Austin, ??	        Page 3B
Austin, ??	        Page 3B
Austin, ??	        Page 3B
Austin, ??	        Page 3B
Austin, Ben	        Page 3B
Austin, Ellie	      	Page 3B
Austin, Emmit	      	Page 3B
Austin, Inez	      	Page 3B
Austin, Ira Lee	      	Page 3B
Austin, James	      	Page 3B
Austin, James	      	Page 3B
Austin, Johnie ?se	Page 3B
Austin, Lillie B.	Page 3B
Austin, Marie	      	Page 3B
Austin, W. D.	      	Page 3B
Autry, Harrill	      	Page 31A
Autry, Marvin T.	Page 31A
Autry, Minnie L.	Page 31A
Autry, Sylvia	      	Page 31A
Avan, Edna	        Page 19A
Avan, Joe	        Page 19A
Ayers, Authur D.	Page 30A
Ayers, Carl H.	      	Page 30A
Ayers, Chas. E.	      	Page 30A
Ayers, Herbert J.	Page 30A
Ayers, Jim E.	      	Page 30A
Ayers, Kenneth	      	Page 30A
Ayers, Marvin C.	Page 30A
Ayers, Omie H.	      	Page 30A
Ayers, Pauline	      	Page 30A