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1930 Garvin County Census
Return to Alphabetical Index Listing

Elmore Township "K" Surname Index

Keller, Robert D.	Page 16A
Kelly, Bill K.	        Page 16A
Keltner, Ellen	        Page 1A	
Keltner, Marvin	        Page 1A	
Keltner, Mary R.	Page 1B	
Keltner, Odie	        Page 8B
Keltner, Will	        Page 1A
Kennedy, Audry	        Page 28A
Kennedy, B. F.		Page 22B
Kennedy, Burl	        Page 28A
Kennedy, Charley F.	Page 28A
Kennedy, Clyde	        Page 28A
Kennedy, Curtis	        Page 28A
Kennedy, Ematha	        Page 266B
Kennedy, Geneva L.	Page 22B
Kennedy, George M.	Page 266B
Kennedy, Glynn	        Page 28A
Kennedy, Josie	        Page 22A
Kennedy, Lindsey	Page 269A
Kennedy, Lola	        Page 266B
Kennedy, Maulsey	Page 269A
Kennedy, Ollie M.	Page 28A
Kennedy, Onial		Page 22B
Kennedy, Silas M.	Page 266B
Kennedy, Thurman	Page 266B
Kennedy, William	Page 22A
Ketchum, Bell T.	Page 39A
Ketchum, Bettie J.	Page 39A
Ketchum, Carl W.	Page 39A
Ketchum, Clyde H.	Page 39A
Ketchum, James 	        Page 39A
Ketchum, Jimmie 	Page 39A
Ketchum, Robert J.	Page 39A
Ketchum, Robert L.	Page 39A
Ketchum, Sarah B.	Page 39A
Ketchum, Tomsy? L.	Page 39A
Ketchum, Woodrow F.	Page 39A
Kimbrell, Jack	        Page 9A
Kinard, Cumbie	        Page 38A
King, Annie	        Page 4B
King, Daisy	        Page 4B
King, Henry	        Page 4B
King, Jess	        Page 4A
King, L. J.     	Page 4B
King, Maggie	        Page 4B
King, Sally     	Page 4B
King, Sarah	        Page 4B
Kinney, Darrel C.	Page 31B
Kinney, James L.	Page 31B
Kinney, Thema F.	Page 31B
Kinney, Vera M.	        Page 31B
Kirk, Elige	        Page 30A
Kirk, Keneth	        Page 30A
Kirk, Ladella	        Page 30A
Kirk, Leola	        Page 30A
Kirk, Leroy	        Page 30A
Kirk, Nadine	        Page 30A
Kitchens, Anna	        Page 32A
Kitchens, Hazel A.	Page 32A
Kitchens, Odessa M.	Page 32A
Kitchens, William A.	Page 32A
Knight, Blanche G.	Page 34A
Knight, Clarence L.	Page 34A
Knight, Cora L.	        Page 34A
Knight, Garland	        Page 34A
Knight, Harrell	        Page 34A
Knight, James A.	Page 34A
Knight, James E.	Page 34A
Knight, Lottie L.	Page 34A
Knight, Paul	        Page 34A
Knight, Pearl	        Page 34A
Knight, Wanda M.	Page 34A
Knight, Willie L.	Page 34A
Kroth, Chester	        Page 269A
Kroth, Claud	        Page 269A
Kroth, Cleo	        Page 269A
Kroth, Clifford	        Page 269B
Kroth, Dora	        Page 269A
Kroth, Geneva	        Page 269A
Kroth, Henry	        Page 269B