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1930 Garvin County Census
Return to Alphabetical Index Listing

Wynnewood Township "C" Surname Index

Name                                Page

Cameron,  Kathryn L(?)              294A

Cameron,  Mary L                    294A

Cameron,  Allen S , Jr              294A

Cameron,  Allen S                   294A

Cameron,  Pauline M                 294A

Cameron,  Rue P                     294A

Cameron,  Louise D(?)               294A

Cameron,  Margaret J                294A

Capps,  Gertrude                    300B

Cariey,  Hattie(?) D                297A

Cariey,  Nettie ?                   297A

Cariey,  Marion E                   297A

Carne(?),  Clara(?)                 299B

Carson,  Richmond                   304B

Carson,  Calvin                     303A

Carson,  Dave(?)                    303B

Carson,  ???gie                     303B

Carson,  Emily                      304B

Carson,  Dorothy(?)                 304B

Carson,  Armetta(?)                 304B

Carson,  Dimple                     303A

Carson,  Ted                        303A

Carter,  James O                    293A 

Carter,  Lula G                     293A

Carter,  Willie(?)                  306A

Carter,  Ella                       306A

Cate,  Herman L                     300A

Cate(?),  May R                     297B

Cate(?),  Billie G(?)               297B

Cate(?),  Homer L(?)                297B

Cate,   Egbert F(?)                 292B

Cate,  Ella                         300A

Chambers,  Kate L                   305A

Chambers, Dorothy                   305A

Chambless(Chandler?),  Madaline     300B

Churchwell(?), Orval                294B

Churchwell(?),  William D           294B

Churchwell(?),  Bertha              294B

Cl???,   Rebecca C                  291A

Clark,  MA                          302B

Clark,  Hattie C                    302B

Clark,  Wilba(?)Ab(?)               302B

Cline,   Claud E                    288A

Cline,  James M                     288A

Cline,  Julie                       288A

Cline,  Lillie M                    288A

Cline,  Tom A(?)                    288A

Cline,  Tom J                       288A

Cline,  Tom(Bond?) A                288A

Cochran,  Idgie(?)                  304A

Cochran,  Mary B                    297A 

Cochran,  Emma(?)                   294B

Cochran,   Earnest A                290B

Cochran,  Margie L                  290B 

Cochran,  Van                       304A

Cochra,  Mary                       304A

Cole,  Carl W                       293A

Cole,  Martha A                     293B 

Cole,  Geraldine M                  292A

Cole,  J T (?)                      292A

Cole,  Jane                         292A

Cole,  Melissa L                    292A

Cole,  Pearline M                   292A

Cole,  S D                          292A

Cole,  Steffin(?) D                 292A

Cole,  Gladys J                     293A

Cole,  Gladys                       293A

Coleman,  John C                    302B

Coleman,  Irene                     302B

Collins,  Eugene                    300A

Collins,  Everett(Emmett?) L        300A

Collins,  Mattie                    300A

Collins,  Afai(?) L                 298B

Collins,  Waites(?)                 298B

Collins,  Charley H                 300A

Cook,  Ethel L                      296B

Cook,  Derbert(Delbert?) C          296B

Cook,  Anna M                       296B

Cook,  Cynthia J                    304A

Coonrod,  Esther N(?)               290B

Coonrod,  Frank C                   290B

Coonrod,  Mildred L                 290B

Cooper,   Mattie F                  295B

Cooper,   Charles F                 295B

Cooper,   John H , Jr               295B

Cooper,   John H                    295B

Couch,  John H                      304A

Couch,  Alene(?) M                  304A

Couch,  Durwood(?)                  304A

Courtney,  Vee                      300A

Courtney,  Carl(?)                  289B

Courtney,  Charles                  291A

Courtney,  Era E                    291A

Courtney,  Everett L                289B

Courtney,  Josephine E              291A

Courtney,  Leo                      291A

Courtney,  Lesa(?) H(?)             289B

Courtney,  Lucille E                291A

Courtney,  Monroe J                 291A

Courtney,  Nana                     289A

Courtney,  Ruth                     289B

Courtney,  William F                291A 

Courtney,  William J                289A

Courtney,  Bunah(?)                 300A

Cousins,  Fay                       300A

Cousins,  Nellie(?) A               300A

Cousins,  Jepth(?) P                300A

Cox,   Lena                         300B

Cox,  Margaret                      295A

Cox,  Alice M                       289A

Cox,  Ceaser(?) E                   289A

Cox,  William A                     289A

Cox,  Lee                           300B

Cox,  Chester E                     301B

Cox,  Loretta P                     301B

Cox,  Lula M                        301B

Craft(?),  Paul E                   300B

Craig,  Zadie                       301B

Crawford,  Daniel M                 290A

Crawford,  Ida B                    290A

Crawford,  Kathryn R                290A

Crawford,  Kate                     306B

Cricco,  Amos                       289B

Cricco,  Amus                       289B

Cricco,  Effie                      289B

Crisco,  Nancy A                    306A

Crowe,  Reitha                      295B

Crowe,  Robert L                    295B

Crowe,  Reitha L                    295B

Crump,  William B                   295B

Crump,  W B (?), Jr                 296A

Crump,  Allie                       296A

Crump,  Lucy N(?)                   295B

Crump,  Robert W                    296A

Crump,  William E                   301B

Crump,  Earl W (ab?)                301B

Crump,  Rowena                      301B

Cunningham,  Effie                  298B

Cunningham,  Earnest                298B

Cunningham,  Elbert                 298B

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