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1930 Garvin County Census
Return to Alphabetical Index Listing
Wynnewood Township "E" Surname Index
Name Page E??n(?), Clifford J(?) 299B E??n(?), Jess(?) ? 299B E??n(?), Clarabell(Charlotte?) 299B E??n(?), ???? 299B E??n(?), Kora(R?r??) 299B E??n(?), ?????? ? 299B E??n(?), Floyd W(?) 299B E??n(?), Kora(?) L 299B Easler(?), Bessie 300A Easler(?), Naudigan(?) 300A Easler(?), William E 300A Easler(?), William L 300A Easler(?), Earl B 300A Edmondson, Andrew 305A Edmondson, Herman 305A Edmondson, LaVera 305A Edmondson, Lula 305A Ehart(?), Julia P 306B Elliott(?), Kit 294B Elliott, Anna L 296A Elliott, John L 294B Elliott, Allen S 289B Elliott, Estee(?) C 296A Elliott, Neta J 296A Elliott, Rachel(?) 294B Elliott, Annie(?) 294B Elliott, Audrey 294B Elliott, Harvey D(?) 294B Elliott, Ruth 294B Elliott, Mary 306B Ellsworth, Sarah J 294B Ellsworth, Fred C 294B Emerson(?), ??ena(?) ? 290A Emerson(?), Evan(?)???? 290A Enciey(?), Maud 294A Enciey(?), Edwin S 294A Enis(?), Elsa 290A Enis(?), Evertt(?) E 290A Eskridge, Annie C(?) 296A Eskridge, Pickney(?) R 296A Eubanks, Susie 300B Eubanks, Welden W 300B Eubanks, Thomas ? 300B Everett, Gaylon E 302A Everett, Arnold 302A Everett, Charlene 302A Everett, Eugene 302A Everett, Florence 302A Everett, John W 302A Everett, Ruth 302A
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