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1930 Garvin County Census
Return to Alphabetical Index Listing

Wynnewood Township "M" Surname Index

Name                                Page

M?ire(?),  Eura(?)                  303A

M?ire(?),  Evelyen                  303A

M?ire(?),  John                     303A

M?ire(?),  Race(?)                  303A

M?ire(?),  Sunis?)                  303A

M?ire(?),  Timothy                  303A

M?ire(?),  Glivesi(?)               303A

Mackleroy,   S????????              295B

Markham(?),  ?im(?) R               299A

Markham(?),   Jesse                 299A

Martin,  Troy J                     306A

Martin,  Irene                      306A

May,  Mary A                        300B

May,   Louise                       295A

May,  Ollir(?) J                    295A

May,  Nadine                        295A

May,  Lawana                        295A

May,  Maudy M.                      295A

May,  Virgia L                      295A

May,  John C                        300B 

Mayes,  Bertha                      291B

Mayes,  Harry E                     291B

Mayes,  Tommy H(R?)                 291B

Mays,   Arrenia                     292A

Mays,  Cleo W                       292A

Mays,  Curtis D                     292A

Mays,   Eugene                      292A

Mays,   Forrest                     292A

Mays,   George D                    292A

Mays,   Homer                       292A

Mays,   Howard                      292A

Mays,   Lela                        292A

Mays,   Leslie J                    292A

Mays,   Robert Jr                   292A

Mays,   Sidney M                    292A

Mays,  W(M?)innie L                 292A

Mays,  Waunita                      292A

Mc? Kay,  Cecil                     298B

Mc? Kay,  Melvin(?)                 298B

Mc? Kay,  Robert L                  298B

Mc? Kay,  Ethel                     298B

McAlister,  Mildred                 305A

McAlister,  Jud M                   305A

McAlister,  Martha                  305A

McAliste,  Roy L                    305A

McAlister,  George                  305A

McCollum,  Shirley                  306A

McCollum,  Vance                    306A

McCollum,  Alice                    306A

McCord(?),   Andrew H               294B

McCord(?),  Gertrude A(?)           294B

McDaniel,  Thomas H                 296A

McDaniel,  Caladonia A              296A

McGarity,  Jimmie(?) K(?)           293A

McGarity,  Alice                    293A

McGibbney(?),   Jacqueline          292B

McGibbney(?),   John W              292B

McGibbney(?),   Maud                292B

McGibbney(?),   Nea(?) ?            292B

McKinney,  Ada A                    297B

McKinney,  Billye B                 298B

McKinney,  Susie                    298B

McKinney,  Sidney W                 297B

McKinney,  William F                298B

McKinney,  Betty J                  297B

McKinney,  Dorothy D                297B

McLean,   Auther H                  299A 

McLean,   Thurmon(?)                299A

McLean,   Viola                     299A

McNeill,  Elva M                    288A

McNeill,   Harold M                 288A

McNeill,   Haskill(?) L             288A

McNeill,   John E                   288A

McNeill,   Louis O                  288A

McNeill,   Maggie L                 288A

McNeill,   Oscar T(?)               288A

McNeill,   Ronnie I(?)              288A

McSpadden,   Roxie(Rosie?) A        294A

Midkiff(?),   Bobby J(?)            289A

Midkiff(?),   Katie M               289A

Miller,   Emma                      292B

Miller,   Ida B                     290A

Miller,   Vernon                    290A

Miller,  William V                  290A

Miller,  David L                    303A

Miller,  Elizabeth A                303A

Miller,  Oliver E                   303A

Millsap,   Josephine C              293B

Millsap,  Frederick N , Jr          293B

Millsap,  Fredrick N                293B

Ming,  Vassie D                     301A

Ming,  Viola M                      301A

Ming,  William B                    301A

Minor,  Lewis A                     289A

Minor,  Mary M                      289A

Minor,  Virginia M                  289A

Mitchell,   Jace(?) H               296A

Mitchell,   John L                  296A

Mitchell,  Gladys                   296A

Mitchell,  Auther R                 296A

Mitchell,  Gladys F                 292B

Mitchell,  Guy S                    292B

Mitchell,  John W W                 292B

Mitchell,  Robert H                 292B

Mitchell,  Robert H                 292B

Mitchell,  Ruth F                   292B

Mitchell,  Ruth R                   292B

Mitchell,  Sarah F                  292B

Mitchell,  Sophie C                 292B

Mitchell,  Ire E                    301B

Mitchell,  Iralee(?)                301B

Mitchell,  Raymond                  301B

Mitchell,  Ruby                     301B

Mitchell,  Wilbur E                 301B

Moody,  Mary A                      296B 

Moody,  Jimmie G                    296B

Moore,  Mary                        306B

Moore,  Ruth                        297B

Moore,   Frank                      297B

Moore,  Edward                      306B

Mueller(?),   E????? J              292B

Mueller(?),  Earl H                 292B

Mueller(?),   Edward J              292B

Mueller(?),   Kathryn               292B

Mueller(?),  Verna S                292B

Mullins,   Dewey O                  301A

Mullins,  Dewey  A                  301A

Mullins,  Jessie                    301A

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