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1930 Garvin County Census
Return to Alphabetical Index Listing

Wynnewood Township "P" Surname Index

Name                                Page

Parnell(?),  Carry H(N?)            290B

Parnell(?),  George O               290B

Patillo,  Nathaniel                 303B

Patillo,  Dessie                    303B

Patten,  Mary                       302B

Payne,  Alfred L                    290B

Payne,  Byodie(?)                   290B

Payne,  Elizabeth                   290B

Penderson,  Austin                  304A

Perkins,  Sophronia                 295A

Perkins,  Samuel J                  295A

Perry,  Louis  M                    302A

Perry,  Clarence                    302A

Perry,  Ella M                      302A

Perry,  Henry R                     301A

Perry,  Jean F                      302A

Perry,  Verna J                     301A

Perry,  Henry R                     301A

Perry,  John F                      302A

Perry,  Iona(?) A                   301A

Peterman,  Julie ?                  290B

Peterman,  William P                290B

Poe,  Flone(?) J                    301A

Poe,  Herbert L                     301A

Poe,  Sarah E                       301A

Poe,  Elbert                        301A

Pogue,  Gloria M                    301A

Pogue,  Nanioi(?) K                 301A

Pogue,  Jess B                      301A

Pool,  Robert C                     302A

Pool,  Roy Q(?)                     302A

Pool,  William C                    299A

Pool,  Mildred R                    299A

Pool,  Madison                      299A

Pool,  William E                    299A

Pool,  Newton W                     302A

Pool,  Liza R                       302A

Powell,  George P                   299A

Powell,  Myrtle                     299A

Pratt,  Ruby M                      295A

Pratt,  Omagean R                   295A

Pratt,  Hubert H                    295A

Pratt,  Maridee(Marilee?) K(?)      295A

Pratt,  Wilbur L                    295A

Pratt,  Earline M                   295A

Pratt,  Warren G(?)                 295A

Price,  William M                   303A

Price,  Mary E                      303A

Price,  William H                   303A

Prim,  Jack                         297A

Prim,  Anjolo(?) M                  297A

Prim,  George T                     296B

Prim,  Mona(?)                      297B

Prim,  Elizabeth E                  297A

Prim,  Mollie F                     296B

Prim,  Ceathett(?)                  297A

Pugh,  Robert H                     302B

Pugh,  Lena M                       302B

Pugh,  Minnie K                     302B

Pyle,  Lula M                       293B

Pyle,  Leroy(?) L(?)                293B

Pyle,  JM                           301A

Pyle,  Minnie A                     301B 

Pyle,  Alura P                      301B

Pyle,  GT                           301B

Pyle,  John  W                      301B

Pyle,  Norene M                     301B

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