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1930 Garvin County Census
Return to Alphabetical Index Listing

Wynnewood Township "R" Surname Index

Name                                Page

R(K?)ing?reir(?),  Nancy            294B

Ramsey,  Warren(?)                  299B

Ramsey,  Ruth                       299B

Ramsey,  Robert                     299B

Ramsey,  Clarance                   299B

Ramsey,  Gilbert(?)                 299B

Ramsey,  Lerrean(?)                 299B

Randolph,  Minnie C                 296A

Randolph,  Wirt                     296A

Randolph,  Betty B                  292B

Randolph,  Elizabeth W              292B

Randolph,  Wirt ?                   292B

Ratherford(?),  Mattie              299A

Ratherford(?),  Charles             299A

Reed(Kidd?),  George ??             303B

Reed(Kidd?),  Isabella(?)           303B

Reed,  Mattie E                     303B

Reed,  Sarah M                      303A

Reynold(?),  John S                 298B 

Reynold(?),   Ma?sia                298B

Rice,  Mattie                       304B

Rice,  Willie                       304B

Rice,  Willie J                     304B

Rice,  Bessie(Bassie?) -ab(?)       304B

Rice,  Emma                         304B

Rich,  Lillie                       290B

Rich,  Russel(?)                    290B

Richard,  Emma E                    289B

Richard,  Iris                      289B

Rickert(?),  William H              295A

Ridley,  Norris                     303A

Ridley,  Cordie                     303A

Ridley,  Juanita                    303A

Riggin,  David                      303B

Riggin,  David(?)                   303B

Riggin,  Armetta(?)                 303B

Ring,  Thom B                       293A

Ring,  Delia                        293A

Ring,  Garfield                     293A

Ring,  Glenn O                      293A

Ring,  Lois M                       293A

Ring,  Robert C                     293A

Ring,  Thomas L(?)                  293A

Ring,  Alice D                      293A

Ring,  George L                     293A

Risharkin(?),  Robert ?             297A

Risharkin(?),  Richard(?)           297A

Risharkin(?),  K(H?)atz(?) E        297A

Risharkin(?),  Karter(?) G(?)       297A

Robberson,   Vivian M               295A

Robberson,   Marvin E               295A

Robberson,  Annie L                 295A

Robberson,   Martin E               295A

Robberson,  Myrtie V(?)             295A

Roberson,  Clare(?)                 289A

Roberson,  Lewis                    289A

Roberson,  Mary                     289A

Roberts,  Bob                       296B

Roberts,   B?nia N B                296B

Roberts,  ?arnc?y(?)                300B

Roberts,  Charlie                   304B

Roberts,  Simon                     303B

Roberts,  Mary J                    303B

Rodgers,  James B                   299A

Rodgers,  Delmar M(?)               291B

Rodgers,  Lula                      291B

Rodgers,  Ola D(?)                  291B

Rodgers,  Perry ?                   291B

Rodgers,  Daisy                     299A

Rodgers,  Millie                    299A

Rohl(?),   Toye C                   296B

Rohl(?),   B?y?lin(?) C             296B

Rohl(?),  Toye A                    296B

Rohl(?),  ?a??ll(Janall?)  C(?)     296B

Rollow,   George P , Jr             295B

Rollow,  Nadine M                   295B

Rollow,  George P,                  295B

Rollow,  Arch J                     295B

Rollow,  Garner A                   293B

Rollow,  Carl W                     291B

Rollow,  John A                     291B

Rollow,  May                        292A 

Rollow,  Nell O                     291B

Rollow,  Nellie I(?)                291B

Rollow,  Virgie M                   291B

Rollow,  Eloise                     295B

Rollow,  Ethel D(?)                 295B

Rollow,   Jennie(?) ?               293B

Rollow,   John(?) A(?)              295B

Rollow,  Garner A                   293B

Rollow,  George V                   293B

Rollow,  Lela                       293B

Rollow,  Eva H(?)                   301B

Rollow,  Irene                      301B

Rouse,  Robert M                    300B

Rouse,  Rushie L                    300B

Russel(?),   James E                299A

Russel(?),  Gidion(?) A             299A

Russel(?),  James A                 299A

Russel(?),  Rosalee                 299A

Ruthledge,  Mary E                  295A

Rutledge,  Bob                      292A

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