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1930 Garvin County Census
Return to Alphabetical Index Listing

Wynnewood Township "S" Surname Index

Name                                Page

Sadler, Maud O                      292A

Sampson, Curtis                     304B

Sampson,  JC                        304B

Sampson,  Mary                      304B

Samuels,  Elsie                     304A

Sartin,  Jo(?)                      292B

Sasser(?),  Sarah                   290A

Scott,  William C (?)               299A

Scott,   Judy B                     299A

Secrest,  Frieda V                  297B

Secrest,  Elifford(?)               297B

Secrest,  Thomas A                  297B

Secrest,  Orin G(?)                 297B

Secrest,  Samuel H                  293B

Secrest,  Betty J                   293B

Secrest,  Cergil(?) A               293B

Secrest,  Era J                     293B

Secrest,  Mary A                    297B

Secrest,  Ruth G(Y?)                293B

Selbie(?),  William E               296B

Selbie(?),  ??????? K               296B

Self,  Lemuel S                     299A

Settle,  Betty J                    296B

Settle,  Duncan                     296B

Settle,  Eugene K                   296B

Shackelford,  Henry(Hillry?)        300B

Shackelford,  Ella B                300B

Shaffer(?),  Charles ?              291A

Shaffer(?),  Charles W              291A

Shaffer(?),  Ida M                  291A

Shaffer(?),  Maude                  291A

Sharp,  Edna M                      295B

Sharp,  Vance                       295B

Sharp,  Martha S                    295B

Sharr(ss?)elford,  Mary L           293A

Sharr(ss?)elford,  Fay H            293A

Shearon(?),  Daria M                294A

Shearon(?),  Joe J                  294A

Shearon(?),  Laio(?) Z              294A

Shearon(?),  Geneva C               294A

Shearon(?),  Jesse E                294A

Shearon(?),  Billie(?) J            294A

Sheldon,  Dorothy L                 295A

Sheldon,  Ruth O                    295A

Sheldon,  Rodenier(?) D(?)          295A

Sheldon,  Josephine B               295A

Shipley,  John H                    302A

Shipley,  Eva J                     302A

Shipley,  Geraldine                 302A

Shipley,  Trudie M                  302A

Shirley,  Edward A                  300B

Shirley,  Lewis L                   300B

Showen(?),  Carroll M               292B

Showen(?),  Vera                    292B

Sikes,  Joe B                       301A

Slover,  Louise                     292B

Smith,  Benjamin                    305A

Smith,  Frances                     305A

Smith,  Cora                        298A

Smith,  Glenn K                     294A

Smith,  Elizabeth                   296B

Smith,  William B                   298A

Smith,  Dr(?) Gann D(?)             294A

Smith,  Eva E                       291B

Smith,  Jake(?)                     291B

Smith,  W L                         298A

Smith,  Lewis G                     298A

Smith,  Nita                        294A

Smith,  ??ciu???                    303B

Smith,  Benjamin J                  305A

Smith,  Billey                      304A

Smith,  AL                          302A

Smith,  Dixie                       305A

Smith,  Jake Jr                     291B

Smith,  Joe                         302B

Smith,  Mary L                      305A

Smith,  Ruby                        305A

Smith,  Andrew B                    302B

Smith,  Ben                         302B

Smith,  Billie Lee                  302A

Smith,  Gertrude                    302A

Smith,  Josie(Joie?)                302B

Smith,  Lacy                        302B

Smith,  Nevada                      302B

Smith,  Opie(?)                     302B

Smith,  Timothy                     302B

Snook,  Georgia                     293A

Snook,  Jimmie J                    293A

Southerland,  Edgar J               293B

Southerland,  Lou                   290B

Southerland,  Nex(?) A              293B

Southerland,  Nyalle(?)             293B

Sowell,  Ben L                      301B

Sowell,  Corrine M                  301B

Sowell,  Etta M                     301B

Speed(Speld?),  Tillie J            295A

Speed(Speld?),  William J           295A

Speed(Speld?),  Samuel J            295A

Squier(?),  Wernice(?)  R(K?)       291A

Squier(?),  Harry R                 291A

Squier(?),  James K(H?)             291A

Stafford,  Elsa E                   300A

Stafford,  Eunice(?)                300A

Stafford,  Orval                    300A

Staton,  Coy A                      300A

Staton,  Maud                       300A

Staton,  John T                     300A

Stephens,  Lot(?)                   297A

Steplene(?),  Lanie(?) S(?)         291B

Steplene(?),  Fay G                 291B

Steplene(?),  Jessie M              291B

Steplene(?),  Loyd E                291B

Steplene(?),   Maudie E             291B

Steplene(?),  South(?)              291B

Steplene(?),  Barr(?)               291B

Stevens,  Marie                     305B

Stevens,  Nellie                    305B

Stockton,  Flora May                301B

Stribling,   John L                 297B

Stribling,   Beatrice L             297B

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