"F" Surnames
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Elmore City Funeral Home Records
Elmore City, Garvin County, Oklahoma

Bonnie Farris
Murl R. Farris
Nina Lizzie Farris (?)
Roy D. Farris
Monroe Lee Faust (?)
G. I. "Bill" Ferguson
Nell L. Ferguson
Tammi (?) Ferguson
Daniel Webster Fincher

Jefferson R. Fisher
Monroe Fisher
Dora (?) Fitzgerald
William L. Fitzgerald
???? Fogle
Lonnie Fogle
Mamie Maxine Fogle
Roger Dale Fogle
Mimi Mae Foreman
Robby Foster
Thompson H. Foster
Cora? Angie? Foust?
Baby Franklin(?)
James Edward Franklin(?)
Ora Mae Franklin
Lillie M. Frost
Clarence Melvin Fuller

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