"G" Surnames
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Elmore City Funeral Home Records
Elmore City, Garvin County, Oklahoma

Dora G?????Y
Thomas J. Gandy
Leonard Thurman Ganner
Mamie Gans(?)
Walter Bryan Gardenhire
Bertie Beatrice Gardner
C. B. Gardner
James Ray Gardner
Lillian Mae Gardner
Baby Garner
Myrtle Garner
Sam C. Garner
Clarence Garrett
Oscar M. Garrett
Bernard Hewitt "Bunk" Garvin
Leslie M. Garvin
Nina Lizzie Garvin ?
Mildred Garvin
Patrick T. Garvin
Stephanie Lynn Garvin
Urbane Garvin
Terry Don Gentry
Jimmie  D. Gibney
Gilbert E. Giboney
Amanda R. Gibson
Byron(?) Gibson(?)
Delma Lee Gibson
Isaac Lawrence Gibson
James C. Gibson
Joe Gibson
Lura(Less?) Gibson
Della  Waunice Gilbert
Dennis Gilbert
William Andrew Gilbert
John Gillard
Ella Ginter(Gintes?)
Matt W. Goodman
T. J. Goodman
John T. Gr____(?)
Adeline Grady
Adeline Grady #2
Lloyd Thomas Grady
Lloyd W. Grady
Morgan L. Grady
Beulah Eunice Graham
George W. Graham
James Franklin Graham
Vernon T. Graham
Altha Pearl Graves
David Kenneth Graves
Eunice G. Graves
Florence D. Graves
Floyd H. Graves
George Graves
Katherine E. Graves
Vera Onice(?) Graves

Doud Kimille Greer
Dwight E. Griffin
Kennith A. Griggs
Effie Mae Grimes
Lesley Paul Grimes
P. Katherine Grimes(?)
Roy Grimes
Samuel B. Guthrie

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