"M" Surnames
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Elmore City Funeral Home Records
Elmore City, Garvin County, Oklahoma

Stephen MacHenry (Della)
Peter A. Manchester(?)
Eunice Cecil  Mann
J. S. Mann
Mary Kate Mann(?)
Hazel Virginia Martin
Mary(May?) Alice Martin
Neda Martin
Rosa(Ross?) Lee Martin
Henry Otis Massegee
Nancy Caden(?) Massegee
Bill Maxwell
Annie L. May
Ellan Anna Mayberry
Rodney Lee McAlester
Betty McCarty
Jim McCarty
O.L. McCarty
Ollie J. McCarty
Boochie Emmit McCaskill
Donald Richard McCaskill
Harriott H. McCaskill
Joe V. McCaskill
Marie Elizabeth McCaskill
Ona Vesta McCaskill
Albert J. McClain(McOlan?)
John Ed McClain
Elva Elizabeth McConnell
Marcus M. McConnell
Martha Ann McConnell
Birdie (Fuller) McCurley
Lee McCurley
Letty Jane McElmery
Della Lorine McGee
Jessie McGee
Robert Lee McGee
Eliza Louisa McGregor
James McGregor
Henry Tolbert(Talbert?) McKay
Johnny McKay
Juanita Opal McKay
Pearl Ivy McKay
George W. McKee
James Moman McMillan
James Edward McNeill
John Alexander McNeill
Myrtle L. McNeill
Susan Elizabeth McNeill
Grady G. Meadows
Mercer Child
Eva Gay Primrose Mercer
Roger Dale Mercer
Elizabeth T. Merriman
Jimmy Lee Merritt
Orville Lee Merritt
Cain(?) Butler Miller
David Mac Miller
Earl Marion Miller
Patrick Miller
Beulah Leah Mills
Eula Wyoma Minnick
Manuel Monroe Minnick
Richard Leon Minnick
Everett Minton
James P. Minton
Ollie Minton
Grace Moody
Albert Wildon Moore
Aleta Mae Moore
Bessie Moore
Mrs. Bettie Moore
Edward J. Moore
Ethel Lettie Moore
Gladys Cain Moore
Harvey Edward Moore
James Edmon Moore
Maude Moore
Ollie Anderson Moore
Ottie B. Moore
Rosie Dale Moore
Roy P. Moore
William Grover Moore
Lina Morgan
Perry Albert Moring
Bessie Morrow
J. W. Morrow
Walter J. Morrow
Blake Moss
T. D. Moss
T. D. "Bud" Moss
Joseph J. Mulanax
Jim William Mullins
Charles S. Musgrove
Winnie Musgrove

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