"P" Surnames
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Elmore City Funeral Home Records
Elmore City, Garvin County, Oklahoma

Edward Palmer
Edgar C. Park
Ermine F. Park
James Emit Park
Joyce Burl Park
Stella May Park
Michael Leo Parker
Coy Odell Parks
Debra Evonne Parks
James Parkey
Janice Ruth Parky
Reesee(?) Parton
Emma J. Pate
Adrian Andy Patterson
Andrew Johnson Patterson
Benjamin J. Patterson
Dewayne Earl Patterson
Milas C. Patterson
Minnie Pearl Patterson
William Lawson Patterson
William Lonzo Patterson
John Thomas Pelfrey
Baby Pennington
Earl Abner Perkins
J. L. Perkins
Clarence Duncan Perry
Jewel V. Perry
Anna Lee Pestole
Lila Gilbert Phillip
Amanda McKee Phillips
Edna Pearl Phillips
Hellen Mae Phillips
Jack J. Phillips
Willard Phillips(?)
Hugh W. Pickering
Allen Walter Pickett
Arthur W. Pickett
Narcissus Pickett
Stella May Pickett
Thalia Arthur Pickett
Thomas Claude Pickett
Andy Plaster(?)
Edith Plaster
Herman G. Plaster
Frankie L. Plummer
Eugene Pollard
Clarence G. Popejoy
Carrie D. Porter
L.T. Porter
William D. Potter
Cecil Potts
Clarence M. Potts
Delilah Mae Potts
Jewell L. Potts
Vida Potts
George  H. Powell
Adelissie Prince
Elizabeth Prince
Sherman R. Prince
George E. Pritchard
Elmer T. Pruit(Priest?)
Cecil James Pursley
Baby Pyle
Bessie Pyle
Charles Pyle
Eugene Pyle
Sammy G. Pyle
Sarah Pyle
Thomas H. Pyle
Thomas M. Pyle

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