"W" Surnames
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Elmore City Funeral Home Records
Elmore City, Garvin County, Oklahoma

Grady(?) Wagoner
Carl Walters
Dave W. Walters
Rosa Lee Walters
Carl E. Wampler
Benjamin F. Ward
Elizabeth Ward
Georgia Ann Ward
James Anderson Ward
Leonard L. Ward
Minnie Ward
Samuel L. Ward
Virgil Ward
Sheri Warsham(?)
William Calvin Watts
Audrey E. Webb
William E. Webb
Lynn Weeden
Ira Clayton Welch
Ronald J. Welcher
Iva Pearl White
Roy Walton White
William Alva Wibb
Bessie Lee Wiley
William Robert Wiley
Anna C. Williams
Audrey L. Williams
Brandon Odell Williams
Claudia K. Williams
Curtis Duane Williams
Eliza James Williams
Jake Williams
J. T. Williams
St. Paul Williams
John Harvey Wilson
Marvin(Marion?) F. Wilson
Mary Martha Wilson
Pearl Estella Wilson
Richard William Wilson
Elmer Wise
Gilbert Wiseman
Regina Ann Wood
Ewing Richard Woolsey
Burford James Woolsey
Eula Mae Woolsey
Lillie Ann Woolsey
Johnnie W. Wooten
Ila Murl Wooten
Lloyd Vernon Worlin(?)
Aberham A. Wright
Arthur Doyle Wright
Nancy Scott Wright
Oma Wright

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