The Burns & Stewart Families
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Information furnished by Deborah Stewart Lewis

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pic of my great grandparents, Lockey Burl and Nancy Jane (Baggs) Burns taken about 1934-35.  Lockey Burl Burns ran the Purdy Store and preached at the church in Purdy in the early 30's.   

This is a photo of James Aster Stewart, wife Delia Elma (Roberts) Stewart and their children, Grady, Lon and LC about 1929. They came from Brownwood, Texas with their 7 children and Delia's immediate family about 1918 and settled on the Table Top mountain in Garvin to farm. They crossed the Red River in covered wagons. James and Delia are both buried in Maysville.


I have many other photos to contribute on both sides of my family. 
Deborah Stewart Lewis


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