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Dr. Robert Lee Baker

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Dr. Robert Lee Baker

Dr. Robert Lee Baker, M.D. rests at Oaklawn Cemetery  in Wynnewood, Garvin County, Oklahoma, where he practices medicine from 1901 until his death there November 26, 1932.  In the Oaklawn Cemetery ledger cause of death is listed as High Blood Pressure & Brain T??. 

Like doctors of his time he traveled to his patients, day or night, whenever he was needed and received much of his fee in chickens, eggs and livestock.  He would arrive driving a span of big gray horses hitched to a double buggy which he had had shipped by boxcar from Missouri. 

Dr. Baker was born November 17, 1868, in Raleigh, North Carolina.  From there his family moved to New London, Arkansas, where he studied medicine and obtained his degree in 1892 from the University of Arkansas.

Mattie C. Tyree became him wife on July 9, 1893.  They made their home in West Plains, Missouri where he established his first practice with Mattie's father, Dr. S.B. Tyree.  They moved to Bakersfield, Missouri, on to Texas in 1898 and later to Wynnewood in 1901.

Dr. Baker served proudly in World War I, at Ft. Sill and later in Portland, Oregon.

Mattie was born at Bakersfield, Missouri May 26, 1871 and passed away October 4, 1940. She rests beside Robert at Oaklawn, as do most of their children.  Their children were Willis Tyree, Fred Bryan, Robert Lee Jr., Paul Eugene, Mary Virginia, James Harold, Lillian Josephine, Ralph Edward and Martha Ruth.

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