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Dr. James R. Callaway

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Dr. James R. Callaway

Dr. James R. Callaway was born in Denton County, Texas, August 12,1854.  He moved with his family to Idaho as a small boy, but returned to Texas in 1870.

Frances Elizabeth Clemens, a relative of Samuel Clemens (Mark Twain), became Mrs. James R. Callaway in 1867.

James entered the ministry at the age of 19 and was an active minister for several years.  During this period he acquired his medical education and graduated from the Fort Worth School of Medicine in 1897.  He moved to Elmore City in 1889 and later, in 1898, began his medical practice there.

In January of 1903 the Callaways moved to Pauls Valley where Dr. Calloway became a partner of  Dr. T.C. Branum.  This partnership was dissolved in October of 1905 and later in November of that same year Dr. Callaway formed a partnership with Dr. N.H. Lindsey.  They had offices over the Bank of Commerce in Pauls Valley.

Drs.Callaway, Lindsey & Johnson established the first hospital in Pauls Valley in rented quarters over the Baker Drug Store on June 1, 1916. 

In 1919 Dr. Callaway dissolved this partnership when his son, Dr. John R. Callaway, and wife moved to Pauls Valley.  The two Drs. Callaway formed an association and later moved their offices to the First Nation Bank building.

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