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Dr. Isaac Lloyd Gentry

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Dr. Isaac Lloyd Gentry


Dr. Gentry was born near Maynardville, Union County, Tennessee, on August 24, 1868, to Dr. Pryor and Sarah Gentry.

He graduated from the Tennessee Medical College at Knoxville, Tennessee in 1897.

His first practice was at Fork of the River, Anderson County, Tennessee.  Later, in 1901, he came to Bennington, Indian Territory.

Dr. Gentry volunteered in World War I and made First Lieutenant in the Medical Corps on July 17, 1918.  He was discharged on March 5, 1919 and then went to Foster, I.T., and practiced there and at Pernell, I.T. untill 1925.

He practiced at Maysville from 1925 until his death in 1951, except for a year he practiced at Coyle and Davis.

Dr. Gentry was the father of six children.

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